Not able to Exercise for a while how ... - British Heart Fou...

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Not able to Exercise for a while how to maintain heart health

Zena166 profile image
40 Replies

Hi everyone. Hope you're all enjoying the cooler weather and rain!!

So on Monday I was in London (yes us northerners do travel south!!). However stupidly I fell and broke my right wrist which the doctor called nasty and complex. The team at UCLH did a fantastic job manipulating it under local anaesthetic (ouch ouch ouch - I was a brave little soldier - didn't cry just swearing - which according to research really does help with pain control!!). Anyway saw consultant at Newcastle who says it may require surgery if the bone slips so weekly x-rays to monitor. The problem I have is that it's still incredibly painful as well as fragile in terms of slipping out of alignment. in all this I have not done any walking or gym work (I usually walk everyday for minimum of 30 minutes as well as circuits 3 times a week). I had just got back to full exercise the week before having recovered from a weird virus.

So my question is how do I maintain some form of exercise in these initial stages or do I just give in and rest until the pain lessens and the fracture stabilises? Will not doing exercise for a couple of weeks matter too much in the scheme of things? I did go and walk round a local supermarket yesterday to try and get some steps in but was very nauseous by the end. Anyway apologies for such a long post! All suggestions gratefully received. Zena xx

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Zena166 profile image
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40 Replies
Lezzers profile image

Just want to say I'm sorry to hear bout your mishap. My sister broke her ankle in 2 places in April, hers is also a complex break. Fortunately, they've decided against surgery but she also is having problems with lack of exercise & it's gonna take many more months to heal!! As yours is so recent, maybe just give it a bit more time to heal? Xx

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Lezzers

thanks Lezzers. yes I think I need to be more patient! not my best quality!!

Zena xx

Mirador19 profile image

So sorry to hear about your wrist Zena, Hope you can get an exercise routine sorted out, maybe the cardiac nurses can help. wishing you a speedy recovery.

Joan x

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Mirador19

Thanks Joan yes I think I shall phone them on Monday. Thank you. Zena xx

sandrann profile image

Hi there Zena sorry to hear about your recent injury, as it is very recent and you say feeling nauseous after walking around the supermarket, maybe resting and allowing your body to heal and for you to get over the shock.

Before my cabg operation I used to do chair yoga, maybe this is something for you to consider for the future, it's gentle and helps to give you a focus on well being.

I'm sending you hugs and hope you're soon doing everything you enjoy. XX

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to sandrann

I think you're right I'm trying to force things instead of resting -it's just frustrating! thank you and I will try chair exercises. zena xx

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Zena,

I am sorry to hear that you are still in pain. I absolutely understand the frustration of not being able to exercise.

It does sound like a bad break and as Lezzers suggests time and rest is perhaps what's needed. Just giving yourself sometime to get over the shock of what happened may help too.

Have you been given anything for the pain?

It hit 38oC in London on Thursday it was awful now raining thank goodness.

Take care and rest up.

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Milkfairy

Yes they prescribed Dihydrocodeine but it gave me palpitations! so am taking cocodamol which isn't really touching it - I can feel the bone rubbing!! so rest I think is the only option!

Thanks. very glad I was back home to a mild 30!! Cheers Zena xx

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Zena166


I am imagining you trying to put on your mascara.....glad to hear you're keeping up appearances 💅

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Milkfairy

You should have seen the first attempt! Serious editing with wet wipes required!! 🐼

Zena166 profile image

Yes maybe just accept a dawdle rather than worry about doing it fast paced. it's a blooming nuisance!! Equally bad is trying to put my mascara on with my left hand!!!Thanks James Zena xx

Shoshov profile image

oh poor you zena. i broke my shoulder years ago and it still affects me. i watch the ground constantly when walking. i agree with lezzers you need to give it time. your probably still in shock. have they put it in a cast. if not every little bit of movement will be very painful. i couldn’t have my shoulder cast and even deep breathing was agony. just try relax until severe pain subsides a bit.have a great weekend catching up with your box sets or catching up with friends you haven’t called in a while and of course a good book a coffee and cake. feet up my friend❤️shiona

Zena166 profile image

Thanks Shiona. I certainly do have a cast. It’s pink with silver sparkles (I am 9 in dog years!) even with cast on every movement hurts. Oh well it will pass just gotta be more patient!! Feet definitely up! Thanks Shiona. Zena xx

Shoshov profile image
Shoshov in reply to Zena166

i like the sound of that. very snazzy x

Lezzers profile image

Love Island finished???

Zena166 profile image

I’m more SWAT SEAL Team and NCIS myself!!

Lezzers profile image

Oh c'mon you know I don't have time to watch TV 📺, far too busy going to Robbie & Ed concerts! 🎶

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Lezzers

I have concert envy. Ooooooo. Robbie (sigh). That helps with pain relief and recovery!! Xx

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to Zena166

He was brilliant, such an entertainer. Got my 10000 steps in and more just dancing away!! Obviously, not a good idea for you at the moment!! Gunsmoke123 wants me to get a video of the Ed concert for him!! Xx

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Lezzers

Is it a side effect of your meds? ☹️

Lezzers profile image
Lezzers in reply to MichaelJH

Ha, I certainly need meds for my hips now!! 🕺

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Lezzers

We all have the ability to surprise people! Yesterday somebody was slightly surprised that I occasionally visit the Ace Cafe but even more surprised that I am a '59 Club' member!

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to MichaelJH

Oooooo that’s on my to do list. The Ace Cafe. Brilliant.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star in reply to Zena166

I used to be a regular at the long gone Lemsford Cafe which was nicknamed The New Busy Bee after the biker cafe in Watford. The Ace has a small collection of bikes that are worth seeing.

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

Sorry to hear your news. Just take your time and listen to your body. I recommend hunting out old episodes of the Sweeney as I doubt you will find episodes of Gunsmoke!

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to MichaelJH

Thanks Michael. Yes I’m going to have to just take it easy and try not to worry too much about not getting my cardio exercise in until I can cope better with the pain. Love the pun/reference to Gunsmoke!! Zena xx

Shoshov profile image
Shoshov in reply to Zena166

don’t stroke his ego for heaven sake. he’ll be on here all night🤣

Shoshov profile image

i started one called manifest. it’s very good

christina1947 profile image

Sooo sorry what a set back can I just tell you when a can’t get to spinng or out walking I make my self sit on a dinning room chair back straight and arms across my chest then stand up sit down I am up to about 40 times in one go no stopping keep going till you are BREATHLESS. Take care xxx

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to christina1947

Thanks Christina that’s a good idea when I get control of the pain. Then I won’t feel so guilty about not going out and worrying about losing my fitness. If it’s not one thing!!!! Zena xx

cowparsley profile image

Zena just rest.Broke a bone in my foot in May,couldn`t execise,it`s frustrating but let your wrist heal.Hope it mends satisfactorily.

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to cowparsley

Hi thanks for your reply. Yes coming round to that way of thinking as any kind of movement is still so painful. I guess it’s just frustrating not exercising and hopefully a couple of weeks of rest won’t hurt the heart health. Hope your foot is fully mended now. It’s a nuisance isn’t it!! Thanks. Zena xx

cowparsley profile image
cowparsley in reply to Zena166

Foot`s ok thank you.Broke my wrist last summer(not complex) but I lost loads of weight.Couldn`t prepare or cook food so lived off scrambled egg eaten out of the saucepan!Every cloud has a silver lining.Yours is a welcome rest for your heart.xx

Zena166 profile image

Quick update I’m going for surgery tomorrow! Hopefully it will be stabilised so can get back to walking then! Thankyou everyone for your kind words and support it has helped enormously. Zena xxx

Lezzers profile image

Good luck for tomorrow Zena, hope all goes well. Let us know how you are when you can xx

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Lezzers

Will do thank you. Zxx

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hi Zena,

I hope all goes well tomorrow and the surgery means you will have less pain and you can get back to your walking soon.

Zena166 profile image
Zena166 in reply to Milkfairy

Thank you Zx

Zena166 profile image

Yes as pain has been horrible! Will keep everyone informed. Zxx

Zena166 profile image

Thank you. Zxx

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