I’ve just spoken to my cardiologist to give me the results of my 7 day holter and he told me that although my heart rate goes up and down a bit, they didn’t find any arrhythmias on the tape. I’m confused by that because I experience palpitations/dizziness/shortness of breath near daily, and I also use two different apps which detect rhythm abnormalities and when I’ve had symptoms both have come back saying an abnormality was detected on dozens of occasions, sometimes multiple times a day. I had symptoms during the tape which both apps picked up on but apparently the holter didn’t detect anything…?!
Granted I know the apps aren’t medical devices so can’t be relied upon 100% but given I had symptoms as well and it was two separate apps, I find it difficult to believe there was no arrhythmias picked up on the tape.
The cardiologist didn’t seem concerned about the variation in heart rate but he’s decided to increase my bisoprolol by double, going from one tablet a day to 2 which again I’m confused by if my tape was fine.
I was waiting on an appointment for a contrast echo because on my previous non-contrast echo they couldn’t get clear images of the right side but he now wants me to go for a cardiac MRI instead and has cancelled the contrast echo.
Why would they decide on an MRI if my tape was fine? Imo the results of my holter don’t warrant an MRI unless there’s something they’re not telling me. His actions - increasing my medication, jumping straight to MRI - aren’t consistent with what he said on the phone so I’m a bit confused tbh.
I’ve been told I’ll have to lie very still for up to an hour for this MRI as well. I’m a MASSIVE fidget to the point I’m convinced I have ADHD because I literally cannot sit still for longer than a few seconds, plus I have anxiety which makes it worse and I’m already nervous about this MRI because the machines scare me for some bizarre reason so I have no idea how I’ll keep still for the length of time needed.
Can anyone shed any light on the change of plan from contrast echo to MRI and why they’ve increased my meds if the tape is okay? Any tips on how to keep still during it?
Any advice/anecdotes/experiences would be appreciated. Thanks
Edit: I received a letter with my results after the telephone consultation which contradicted what my cardiologist said. My letter stated I had “frequent episodes of sinus tachycardia which correlated with patient’s reported symptoms” so yeah, now I’m never more confused.