Has anyone experienced long term side... - British Heart Fou...

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Has anyone experienced long term side effects of Amlodipine?

DizzyD profile image
4 Replies

Hi all hope everyone is well on this glorious day.

I have been on amlodipine for over two years now and recently got to thinking about long term side effects of this medication. Yes I am have been diagnosed with hypertension and two weeks ago I stopped taking amlodipine and monitored my BP several times a day for a week. I then compared BP numbers while off the amlodipine (week) to BP numbers I had previously taken while on the amlodipine (week). My daily activities were very similar.

The results were BP were much higher on amlodipine and way lower off them. Another thing I noted while dosing the med was that BP was near enough normal before I took a pill. Two hours later my BP would go into the red alert (tested this result on more than one occasion) Is amlodipine meant to lower BP? Why did this happen?

Initially I started the look at these meds due to various symptoms I experienced which I now consider to be long term side effects of amlodipine.


Foggy brain daily, lost the ability to spell and talk to people etc

Severe headaches daily...nothing would relieve them

Burning rosy cheeks.

Itchy sensation under skin along jawline and into ears that could not be relieved by scratching or pinching.

Gritty sore eyes


Terrible unfounded anxiety...free floating

Frequent urination

Hungry after a meal.

Lack of enthusiasm or motivation.

I do believe that these symptoms that I experienced were due to long term side effects of amlodipine. Had anyone else had experiences similar to mine?

Amazingly after stopping amlodipine most of these symptoms have diminished. Life is getting pleasurable again. In all honesty over the past four months I really thought I had dementia and was destined for a care home. Can't believe that I'm improving day by day.

On the side of caution trying to get an appointment with my GP to run things by her. Might request a 24 hour BP monitor test...!

Thank you for taking time to read this post.

Have a rewarding day.

Am looking forward to hearing of anyone has experienced long term side effects while on this medication.

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DizzyD profile image
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4 Replies
MountainGoat52 profile image

Wow, those are some side effects! I wonder whether these have increased with time or did they kick in shortly after you started on Amlodipine? I took the Amlodipine for just one month and had to come off it due to severe brain fog (not good as I was self-employed), swollen legs and aches all over. Thankfully my GP didn't suggest I keep on it to see whether the symptoms settled down. He immediately changed the medication to Losartan which I have now been on for almost 12 years without any issues.

With regards to Amlodipine raising your BP, I'm not surprised. I was prescribed Doxazosin at one point and my BP immediately went up 10 points. I stuck with it for a month, but my BP didn't improve, so that was another one that was put on my 'black list'.

I firmly believe that medication is given to make you better and not create issues, so I sincerely hope that you get some answers soon.


DizzyD profile image
DizzyD in reply to MountainGoat52

Hi GWP, yes I had swollen ankles too and lots of other symptoms some of which I put down to pre-existing heart conditions getting worse. Honesly, four weeks ago I was ready to take myself out of this world my mental faculties and quality of life so went on the decline. One day accidentally came across a patients forum about side effects and withdrawal from amlodipine. I WAS BLOWN AWAY by people's stories.... younger fit people whose life became virtually non existent, went on a downward spiral after taking this drug even for a short period. I so identified with most stories. Immediately, I stopped dosing amlodipine had such improvemnt after a few days. Then I decided to take amlodipine do test I mentioned in my initial post.

Strange thing is I had been admitted to a+e on several occasions in the past with extremely high BP. I always asked, "why is my BP so high when I am on amlodipine"? No one even tried to give me an answer but I now know WHY. for some people this drug can cause BP to actually rise dangerously high on ocassions which happened to lots of people on forum I first found. That forum saved my life in more ways than one. In my mind this drug is extremely dangerous for some people.

Btw, I have got my answers now, I feel great and I monitor my BP several times a day and it's always ok. Life is good after being in very dark place due to side effects of this drug.

Sincere thanks GWP so appreciate your reply. PS I have made a note of BP meds you are now on for future reference.

Have a rewarding day lovely

MountainGoat52 profile image
MountainGoat52 in reply to DizzyD

I think the problem is that some within the medical profession do not take into account the fact that we are all different. Thankfully I started being difficult with medication many years ago and my GP took that on board, declaring me to be "a nightmare to medicate". I have found that I am allergic to seemingly innocent drugs such as PPIs and Diuretics which completely floor me after just one dose. I am sure many people are fine on Amlodipine, but others are not. I really related to your comments about the mental side of things. I'm sure it interrupted the signals within my brain. Thankfully (as far as I know) no harm done.

As for my current medication, I'm on a "preventative" cocktail post bypass... the usual aspirin, beta blocker (low dose) and the Losartan ARB. The Rosuvastatin I take is also a low dose - I tried 3 different ones before being persuaded to try this one. I also take Vitamin B for an hereditary high homocysteine level and Vitamin D for the usual reasons. 6 pills, all taken with breakfast... forget about it and get on with my day. Suits me. 😀

Keep well and enjoy life. 😀


Dougiemac profile image

Hi there: lovely day here too! I’ve been on Amlodipine for 3 months now and it’s taken all that time for me to feel even halfway ‘normal’.The biggest issue for me had been headaches - like you say, nothing shifts them when they set in. I spoke to my GP some weeks back about this and he felt it wasn’t the meds but fluctuations in my BP that we’re causing them. Actually my BP is really stable on meds and is normal or optimal most days ( having spiked at Some really horrendous figure before Xmas). I’ve stuck with it because it’s obviously helping my BP but in honesty I never feel all that great on them. I find when I need to pass urine in the night, it’s a slow dribble abs seems to take several attempts to void my bladder ( I’m female so no prostate here!). My head feels like it’s full of sand and I have a pressure feeling especially in the mornings for a couple of hours. I ache all over but am also on Simvastatin so hard to know which may be to blame.

Anyway, wishing you well with your BP journey- all the best

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