recent heart attack and stents put in... - British Heart Fou...

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recent heart attack and stents put in, new here. just saying hi

archstanton profile image
49 Replies

i'm new here, had stents put in after a heart attack, i'm 49, just wanted to ease my worries by talking to other people going through the same

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archstanton profile image
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49 Replies

You're not alone mate, plenty of us on here have had the same, I'm 6 months in from having a heart attack and having stents fitted.You'll find some magic advice on here.

Don't be worried about sharing your emotions, I think we've all been through the "what if it happens again" stage in the early stages of recovery.

If they offer you rehabilitation jump at it, mine was "on line" supported by a weekly phone call and it really boosted my confidence and made me realise how hard I could push myself.

Best move you've made today is joining this group.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery


archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to

thanks so much John, really appreciate the message. yeah it's all new to me and quite worrying and scary but definitely helps to know that the worries are normal

ChoochSiesta profile image

Welcome to the 49 Club, I was 49 and 3 quarters. Chest pains out of the blue lasted 3 days before I thought about doing anything about it (including a 20 mile bike ride). As it was May Day I phoned an ambulance who did a CRT, "you're having a heart attack" and was blue lighted straight to the operating theatre for a stent to clear the blockage. All that was in 2014.

Bonham123 profile image
Bonham123 in reply to ChoochSiesta

Hi, can I ask how far you push yourself physically now? I had a stent fitted in June 21 at the age of 51 and I am more physically active than ever through yoga and walking. I've been toying with the idea of starting to jog but there's the niggling feeling that as a heart patient, I shouldn't be exerting too much and I could cause some damage 🙂

ChoochSiesta profile image
ChoochSiesta in reply to Bonham123

From 2014 to 2020 I have cycled as normal, 20 mile rides with heart rate monitor showing 150+ bpm for as long as I want. That changed last year when chest aching started and is how I found out that I now have 2 blocked arteries. I still cycle but keep my rate below 135.

Bonham123 profile image
Bonham123 in reply to ChoochSiesta

Thanks for your reply, so it's really a case of carry on as normal but be aware of any changes 🙂

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to ChoochSiesta

thanks for the reply, yeah i waited 3 days also before the pain got to much and so drove myself to the hospital

Hello & Welcome :-)

You have certainly come to the right place and will soon find you are not alone :-)

Members will answer any questions you may have and reassurance I find I get from them all is priceless :-)

It is normal to have worries but as time goes on they do get less

Take things easy and you will make a full recovery and feel better than you did before :-) x

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to

thanks so much for the reassurance, it does really help

in reply to archstanton

Anytime :-)

I know how much been reassured means :-) x

Sathy999 profile image

Hi, I'm glad you had stent. I had that done in my 40's by the way I'm South Asian . After the stent for few weeks time to time my left arm ached then things was ok untill 2016. If I remember correctly, the stent took care of me for 10 years.

In 2017 I had a triple heart bypass. It has nothing to do with the stent or stent location.

As far as you takecare of yourself with bit of exercise and (lot of 😳) tablets you will be fine. Nothing to worry life is there to enjoy. My stent and bypass done at st.georges hospital Tooting. Best 👍 wishes.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Sathy999

thanks matte, i appreciate the reply. hope you are doing well

Heartbear profile image

Hi Archstanton,Welcome to our Hearties’ club. A shocker of a situation for you, as it was for me in July 2020 (the year that just kept giving to us all), I was 51 getting up that Sunday morning to go running with the group I’m in and bam. Ended up in Barts to be stented rather than running Victoria Park with the group. Had I not called 999 immediately and had the LAS crew not got me to Barts as quick as they did, I wouldn’t be writing this. Reading your profile, looks like you had some symptoms but didn’t connect them to a heart problem (who would, I don’t think I would). With me, I had nothing to my knowledge and despite many investigations the cardiac team can’t explain why it happened that my LAD was 100% blocked. One of them said “with some patients we can’t explain it and it’s just one of those things”.

Took me a while to get over it, the night fear (will I wake up in the morning), gradually getting back to exercise which was slow 20 minute walks at first. Going up stairs (three flights to my flat) was a challenge and I had to stop half way.

As JohnH100 says, do the rehab course which was the same for me, online and a weekly call. I took the instructions of Barts to heart (excuse the pun) - they said do the rehab exercises and continue it under your own management, take the meds on time every time never miss a dose…you’ll be fine. 17 months on I’ve been discharged by Barts, and am back to running 5km three times a week, albeit slower and no marathon man stuff.

If we do the right things, we can, and do, recover from these life changing events. Camaraderie help and positivity from family, friends and members here, in particular Thatwasunexpected, have helped me immensely and encouraged me to put the hard work in to recovery.

I hope this helps, and all the best,


archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Heartbear

Hi Graham, thanks for the reply mate, i really appreciate it. yeah had chest pains for a while but always put it down to something else until it got to painful and i went to the hospital. it was a shock when they told me i had a heart attack. shock and scary obviously. yeah i have the worries and its easy for the mind to get the better of you at night as its all just ahppened and is new to me

Andyman profile image

Mine was 10 years ago come February. Fitter than ever. Healthier than ever. Happy to be alive. 4 stents. Those early days worries you learn to live with. But the attack you never forget. It's a reminder to take care of your body. I golf twice a week gym twice a week and cycle twice a week and one day I waste away on the sofa catching up with the TV.Walk your way to a healthier lifestyle. Let it change your life, your old life gave you your HA and stent. Your new one should stop it from happening again.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Andyman

thanks mate, yeah its early days and i'm sure what i'm feeling you have all been through

kingsnorth profile image

l dont have stents but do have blockages which came as a shock can l ask are you taking statins and aspirin now you have had your stents fitted. it's all very scary knowing when you are told you have blockages

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to kingsnorth

yeah i am on statins and aspirin, blood thinners every day.

kingsnorth profile image
kingsnorth in reply to archstanton

I wondered whether after stent you wouldn’t need meds. I’m on Bisoprolol, Atorvastatin and Aspirin l also have Isosorbide but haven’t started taking that yet

firstlight40 profile image

Welcome, glad you are home and recuperating. There are a lot of helpful people here and plenty of helpful tips. If you get a chance to do the heart rehab course then it's definitely worth doing.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to firstlight40

thanks i appreciate it. yeah i spoke to the follow up cardio specialist today on the phone but she said due to covid that classes aren't happening at the moment. do you know of any online courses?

PeterpPiper profile image

Hi and welcome to the “ I’ve got stents club” the irony is that now you have stents and are on the cocktail of meds you should soon be able to forget about the stents club and get on with your life. Hope you feel too top very soon.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to PeterpPiper

cheers mate, i appreciate it

Grenfell37 profile image

Hi, I also recently joined this group for reassurance and some support. Don’t be afraid to open up. Some great people, who are honest and helpful.

I’m 60 and had a HA in May which resulted in a stent. I was lucky enough to have the support of a face to face rehabilitation nurse and physio on line. So take what ever is available to you, they know their stuff!

Most people do go through the different phases, shock, then the relief of being “fixed” the fear of it happening again, a kind of grief for the life before and then the acceptance that life will be different. This takes time and a mind set to change, something I have personally struggled with and now I’m finally on a better journey. So the journey is different for each person, but you are not alone.

Many people go on to a better healthier life and the HA was the wake up call.

Most important is the medicines and the lifestyle changes, both can bring their own challenges but these are the things which will help the most in life/heart longevity.

My cardio consultant told me last week, no one knows what life holds for us post these events. Most important is to enjoy what you have and avoid being run over by a bus! Great advice!

Many people on this forum have different experiences and can offer advice and support.

So look forward to a positive recovery.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Grenfell37

thanks so much for the reply and reassurance. yeah its all very scary and worrying but i know that the stents were the best thing and now the healing begins

SelstonCanary profile image

Hi and welcome to the club! I had a massive heart attack with cardiac arrests in April 2018. Like you, I had stents and they are simply just wonderful things. Loads of exercise is the way forward, I feel fitter than I’ve ever done. It’s funny looking back as I now realise that the plumbing was progressively getting blocked over the years, I just put the reducing capability down to ageing

Look after yourself and grasp the second chance with both hands 😊.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to SelstonCanary

thanks mate, yeah i did the same, having pains in the chest and side for years really, twinges and aches but like you i just put it down to aging or pulling a muscle or something

Dear archstanton

Hello and a big welcome to you.

Remember whatever you are going though, be that physically/ mentally or both, someone here can mirror your emotions and help you understand them.

This in no way diminishes the fact that you are a fantastic individual going on an amazing journey.

How you turn out at the end of your journey is all down to you , your heart specialists , your GP and your loved ones.

But if I can help in anyway, I am but a typed word away.

Take care

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to

Hi blue, thanks so much for the message and support, yeah it definitely helps being in contact with people who know exactly what i'm going through, thanks

Jules2021 profile image

Hi. Im 8 months down the line from my heart attack and stent just before my 44th birthday. Big shock and lots of emotions afterwards. This group was btilliant for getting me through the early days so don't be afraid to ask anything no matter how trivial it might seem x

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Jules2021

Thanks Jules, i appreciate it and yeah the replies and people on here are so understanding and helpful

jeelpie profile image

hi archstantonwelcome to this rocky road to recovery! this is a great site with so many supportive people ready to listen and help, you will be feeling many emotions just now and they can be difficult to process, in time things do get easier, please continue to reach out as we all need to express our feelings, welcome to the heart family and I wish you positive thoughts with your recovery, you are never alone take care x

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to jeelpie

thank you, yeah i guess everyone on here has had these fears and the worry alone at night so i am so glad i joined this group, i feel more positive just reading that people know what i am feeling

Chipmonks profile image


archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Chipmonks

thanks mate

Qualipop profile image

Scary isn't it? Mine was o ut of the blue 3 years ago now. First it takes ages for he tablets to settle down so give them time. I had almost every one of mine changed because of horrid side effects. Second your feelings. You've just been hit with a bombshell telling you you are not immortal. That's a huge shock. Third, you've come to the best place for support. Ask away. Fourth, your family will be as shocked and worried as you are. Talk to hem. You need to look at a few things. Smoking- if you do- stop! Diet; swap ready meals, fatty food, pastry e tc to white meat, fish and veg. Not all at once; just take it steady. Third exercise and weight. If you change diet you will lose weight without trying but don't try to do too much too soon. Let your body heal. Just gentle walks to st art with and good luck. Almost forgot he most important. If you are offered rehab, jump at it. It will do more for your confidence than anything else.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Qualipop

yeah very scary and worrying. yeah the diet will have to change, i was always just busy so throw a pizza in the oven or get takeaways but that is going to change now, do you know any links to healthy heart foods and drinks?

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to archstanton

The main BritishHeart Foundation site has hundreds of recipes

rouluer profile image

almost 7 years since my emergency stent and lucky escape. Stay healthy, eat healthy, exercise, relax, rest, keep positive......welcome on board..............I'm 52, touch wood no issues since 2015!

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to rouluer

thanks mate, i appreciate it

Slimdaz profile image

Hi buddy and welcome to the club :-)

I had my STEMI with 100% blockage, and sudden cardiac arrest x2 on 27 June 2020 at the ripe old age of 47. I was out on my bike, was fairly fit beforehand, in the gym x6 days per week prior to lock down 2020, never smoked, drank about 1 unit per week if you average it out over the year.

Had a stent, now walk around like a tube of smarties, like everyone else here.

I was off work for 10 weeks, but followed my cardiac rehab teams advice and 18 months to the day, 27 December 2021, I completed my first ever 10k run in 1hr 17mins. I have PT sessions x2 weekly for 1 hour each lesson, and go out on my mountain bike, riding around at a fairly brisk pace for anything between 10-25 miles at a time.

I still have chest pain, been fortunate not to use my GTN spray, although i do think that at times I should use it, but everybody is different. I refer to my experience as my summertime blip, that's how I deal with it, but I do ask myself questions at times, as I am sure you have and will do, but you're still with us matey.

My score is Darren 2-0 grim You can also say that technically you do live more than once ;-P , and you've certainly got people looking out for you, in addition to the heroes at the NHS.

When you're ready to start your next adventure, enjoy it matey I know I do and that helps.

All the best


ChoochSiesta profile image
ChoochSiesta in reply to Slimdaz

Tube of Smarties??

Slimdaz profile image
Slimdaz in reply to ChoochSiesta

Figurative of speech. the number of tablets I take resembles a tube of smarties :-) or rattle like a tube of smarties.

ChoochSiesta profile image
ChoochSiesta in reply to Slimdaz

Ahh, I get it now! I know what you mean, I'm on 7 different meds every day.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Slimdaz

Hi daz, thanks for the reply mate. sorry to hear about your attacks but am glad you are healthy now. yeah they really are heroes aren't they. everyone at the NHS was amazing

Jules2021 profile image
Jules2021 in reply to Slimdaz

😂at the tube of smarties! I literally feel like i rattle some days

Pilatesman profile image

Great post and look how many have responded with their own experiences.

I had my HA on Oct 5 2021 but I didn’t know what it was until 15 hours later . Meanwhile with an ache in my chest I took my usual Pilates class, had lunch with friends and did a 3 mile brisk walk.

So many folks have said “ you are the last person to have had a HA”

However the best comment came from a cardio doctor who said “ you don’t smoke, you don’t drink, you are not overweight , you exercise regularly, there is no family history, so all I can say is that shXX happens”

I have followed up with cardio rehab which is just wonderful. It’s also a great link into access to people ( cardio nurses) with whom I can share concerns and questions.

So all in all there is a silver lining.

archstanton profile image
archstanton in reply to Pilatesman

hi, thanks for the reply. yeah i want to do the cardio rehab but the specialist on the phone today said that due to covid they aren't doing them at the mo but when they are i will definitely be joining in.

archstanton profile image

cheers mate, thanks for the reply

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