I know it sounds crazy but when I lay down my pacemaker stands up under my skin! It lifts up 90% from the bottom edge. Don't know what to do for best. Feel it needs looking at but who do I contact? Almost impossible to get to speak to GP and Cardiologist only doing telephone consultations. Have appt with physiologists next month so could wait til then but concerned about how much play there is - will it interfere with leads in heart? Any advice greatly appreciated and no it isn't pacemaker twiddlers as it has done this on it's own!!
My pacemaker stands to attention - British Heart Fou...
My pacemaker stands to attention

My pm is prominent and sticks out more depending on what I'm doing, I'm not worried about it as I know several people with pm's and all are the same. Your pacing tech will be able to say if yours is right or wrong.
Yes my pacemaker tilts outwards from the left from time to time. It’s uncomfortable/bit painful when it does it but it doesn’t seem to have caused any lead problems over the last two years. The cardiologist and technicians know it does it but don’t seem concerned. I don’t twiddle with mine either and it’s such a weird feeling isn’t it? You can always ring your pacer clinic for advice though between appointments, mine are very helpful.
Hi. Mine doesn't stand up under my skin so to speak but it is very prominent. I checked with the Pacemaker Clinic and my answer was 'you're too thin' lol but it is working perfectly 😀. Best check with your own Pacemaker Clinic!
Mine is also prominent and can sometimes be quite uncomfortable. I’m always aware it’s there even though the technicians say I’ll eventually be totally unaware of it. I can’t bring myself to touch it and if I ever get an itch there I always scratch to one side. Crap - isn’t it but I guess that’s just how it is now 🤨.
Yes, my ICD stands to attention when I lie on my right side. After more than 3 years, I now automatically put my hand on it and lay it back down when I turn over. I am still very aware of it, but you do get used to it. Do mention it to the physiologists and any one else, though. They can put your mind at rest. xx