Heart Failure : Hi I have recently... - British Heart Fou...

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Heart Failure

Kize profile image
24 Replies


I have recently been diagnosed with heart failure which has come as a complete shock to me, I feel really scared and didn’t ask the right questions at the Appointment due to shock.

I have been put on medication and MRI requested. I’m trying not to get stresssed but I feel so panicky


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Kize profile image
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24 Replies

Hello & Welcome :-)

Of course this will have come as a shock none of us want to hear that we have anything wrong with our hearts and the words Heart Failure make us instantly feel fear

Once they have done all the tests there are some wonderful medications and things they can do and you can lead a normal life but I understand why you would feel anxious , I am still anxious having had a triple Bypass done 12 weeks ago now

But I am not as knowledgeable as a lot of lovely members on here and when they see your post they will give you great advice

I just wanted to let you know if you felt lost now you have found this Community you are among so many people that will help you find your way through this and will always be here to support you :-) x

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to

Thank you for your reassuring reply , I hope you are doing well ,? This site looks full of sound advice and kindness xx

in reply to Kize

It is and as people log on and see your reply they will reassure you more as I said so many have some really good insight into heart conditions and experience I am just a novice but wanted to let you know to hang in there you are going to be ok and I look forward to seeing all the great support you will start getting as I learn from their replies to about different heart conditions :-) x

080311 profile image

Hello Kize

Welcome to the forum, being given any diagnosis of something is wrong with our hearts is devastating, the term heart failure is such a dramatic term, when what it is our heart needs a bit of help with its plumbing.

Once you have your MRI done and your cardiologist can see where things have gone a bit off, and how he/she can help improve matters. And improve things they will.

The thing with being told we have a problem it’s like the life we had flies out of the window and this new life flies in. That is very much what happens.We have medication to take our diet we have to watch and make sure we take some exercise. We can help ourselves, if you smoke stop follow a healthy diet lots of us here on the forum follow the Mediterranean diet recommended by BHF if you go onto the website you will find lots of suggestions. Remember to take your medication.

You are now a member of the Hearties family and we are here to lend a ear to listen and to offer you a shoulder to lean on if that’s what you need.

Best wishes Pauline

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to 080311

Hi Pauline Thank you so much for your reply I have felt so Anxious till I joined this group and you have put it into words exactly how I feel . What a lovely group

Lynne x

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Kize

Hello again Lynne,

We are a merry band of Hearties trying to help each other through. I am 5 years on from open heart surgery but can still call on the support of members here if I need to. As for being anxious it would be strange if you weren’t, we have all sorts of new things to learn, let alone new words that we have never heard before 😂

Things will sort themselves out just take it a day at a time.

Pauline x

Hi Kize,

I'm something of old pro, to me surgeries come and go and I just get on with it. Or so I thought, until I was diagnosed with Heart Failure a few months ago and even I got a bit spooked.

If I can be spooked, it's no wonder someone like yourself is scared. The main thing now is that you're in the system and been started on medication. The meds will settle down in the coming weeks, where you should be put under the care of a Heart Failure Nurse. For me, it's been a learning curve with the meds and some tinkering, but, I think we're getting there.

Hopefully, they'll be able to determine why you've been diagnosed with HF, possibly Lifestyle or other reasons as I was.

Best Wishes

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to

Hi Thank you for your reply it’s so reassuring to be in a group like this where you can voice your innermost fears ,

All the best wishes

Tarricos77 profile image

Hi , I was diagnosed heart failure too , found my left ventricle dialted lover FE 20% ,my blood pressure was very high and I had over several years without taking any medication . Cardiologist put on tables to low down my blood pressure and change my life style completely health food no alcohol no salt .My heart has improved up to 34% but will need to go higher than that .I had MRI and also da engiogram to check if my artery were blocked.Likely enough were clear .What caused to have DCM dialted Cardiomyopathy is bloood pressure .It is very scaring but you got to fight and change you life style .

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Tarricos77

Thank you for your reply , it’s very inspiring to read other people’s stories and information , Thank you and best wishes

Breesha profile image

Kize,worst thing you can do is panic, I have had heart failure for 15 yrs , you can help yourself , lose weight , I was retaining fluid ( Ihad no idea) lost over 3 stone , BP now normal , no salt , check all tinned soups and processed food you will be amazed at the salt content , throw some lentils and chopped fresh veg in a pan of water for a healthy tasty soup., and make a note of things you want to ask the heart failure nurse ( most hospitals have one ) just t enjoy life , a glass of wine , nice food and try not to worry

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Breesha

Bless you Breesha that is lovely to read and inspiring , I am going to change my lifestyle and do everything I can to help myself . Best wishes

Babsben profile image

Hi kize, and welcome to the group 😊. The words 'heart failure' are pretty scary when you first hear them but like other posts mention it just means our hearts plumbing needs a little help. I was told last August I have lvsd and put on medication then sent for further tests. I felt really low and didn't know who or where to turn to. This August I finally got to see my cardiologist and from all the tests they don't know the cause but I've made a significant improvement. What I did get over the past year and still do is support from my heart failure nurses, gp, rehabilitation for exercise and also this fabulous group. I changed my lifestyle. My diet now is a Mediterranean way, cutting out processed foods, (sometimes I fall off the wagon 😂bit I get back on💪). I don't drink alcohol like I used to just the odd glass of red wine. I walk more now and hoping to rejoin the gym shortly. I was extremely stressed before all of this and now I walk away from it all and for once I think of me.

Hopefully you will get all your questions answered which must me playing on your mind. Like others say your in the system, and your on medication.

We are all here for you, and I wish you well. ❤️

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Babsben

Thank you very much for your sound advice , I am learning a lot from this group , I Appreciate the diet advice as well Best wishes

I was 74 when I was told that I had heart failure. I sat there stunned as anyone would. Nearly two years on and I am back to `normal` for an old girl. I found lots of rest in the beginning, a good diet, medication, and time helped me. Best wishes to you on your road to recovery. x

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Danceawaytheblues

Thank you very much Danceaway the bluesLove the name and advice

Best wishes

Echo6 profile image

Hi Kize,I was in a similar situation to you earlier this year, at the age of 43 my GP said I had heart failure. I was absolutely devastated. The anxiety that set in was horrendous and made me feel far worse than anything my heart was doing! My advice to you is don’t use Google for advice or information - I did at first and it made me feel a lot worse. This site is amazing and the people on here offer great advice, reassurance and support. My cardiologist was fantastic and helped ease my anxiety too - there’s so much they can do to help your heart - you’d be amazed. Try not to worry too much, I know that’s easier said than done and like I said earlier I couldn’t stop worrying but with hindsight it really didn’t help. Once you’ve had your MRI scan you will know so much more about what is going on and your cardiologist can work out what is best for you. I was very lucky, my MRI showed that my heart had improved and I was taken off my medication! The human body is a wonderful thing and the experts will look after you. I wish you all the best during this difficult time.

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Echo6

Hi Thank you for your reply , I was in a complete panic until I joined this group, it’s good to hear that yours improved & you aren’t on any medication . Best wishes

Heartinthehills profile image

Hi Kize. Looks like you have had plenty of advice already but a bit more reassurance from me. My diagnosis of heart failure 8 years ago also came as a big shock even after a fairly dramatic set of events that led up to it and I should have been expecting some bad news. It is scary terminology when you hear it aimed at you but it covers a multitude of different conditions and once yours is properly diagnosed there will be medication and health advice to help you manage it. This forum also helps and there will be someone on here with very similar circumstances or experiences to yours to share their story. Like some others I changed diet exercised more and followed all the other advice available on the Bhf website which I think is the most reliable place to look. I was back to a normal lifestyle fairly quickly, still taking all the tablets and know what I can and can't do within the limits of the condition I have. I found that it helps to talk about it so find a sympathetic ear and keep posting any worries on this forum and you'll have plenty of support. Best wishes from me.

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Heartinthehills

Hi Thank you for your reply , I’m finding this forum so useful with advise from people who have experience with living with the heart problem , I am doing all that’s advised .& much calmer

Best wishes

Fredxxx profile image

Heart Failure is a terribly confusing description of an extremely common problem. I live in Spain and eventually worked out that my symptoms were basically, what in the UK, they call heart failure. I asked my cardiologist if I had heart failure. She was shocked and said of course not, if your heart failed you would be dead! They call it “Cardiac Insufficiency” which is a much better description. It means that your heart is not pumping as well as it could be.

There are lots of organs that don’t always work as well as they should do for various reasons, kidney and liver problems for example. Lungs don’t always work too well if you are a smoker or have other respiratory problems. They don’t call that lung failure do they?

You can live with as surprisingly low level of heart insufficiency, in fact the heart is only 60% to 80% efficient normally so if your efficiency (EF) is only 40% it’s over half what a perfect heart would be.

Sadly it is an incurable disease but it can be controlled by medication and lifestyle changes. Sometimes it is aggravated by other conditions such as dodgy heart valves which can be surgically treated, but it’s not going to go away entirely. Often, a bit like prostate problems, you don’t die from it but you do die with it (from something else).

So, don’t panic, just keep taking the pills!

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to Fredxxx

Hi Fred Thank you for your reply , you have helped me to feel much more positive , I can think a bit more positively now. What a lovely group of people .

Best wishes xx

GracieOS profile image

Hi, I was diagnosed with heart failure 3 years ago, aged 55. It was terrible at the time. Shocking and scary. With medication and some minor life style changes I’m doing well now. The first 18 months were the worst by far as i waited for tests and had medication adjusted to get it right for me. That all takes time. But my EF went from low to mid 30’s to low 50s, just below normal. I live a pretty normal life now. I walk, cycle do yoga and I recently opted for early retirement and am travelling around Europe in a camper van. Hang in there, things can get better, the drugs really do help.

Kize profile image
Kize in reply to GracieOS

Hi Gracie Thank you for your reply , i feel reassured and inspired by the reply’s I’ve had enjoy your travels and best wishes x

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