An Odd Episode of Bradycardia, do I r... - British Heart Fou...

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An Odd Episode of Bradycardia, do I report it?

9 Replies

Hello again. So I woke up this morning not feeling the palpitations as bad as usual for the first time in 3 weeks. All morning I felt very very fatigued but assumed I hadn't had enough sleep. Then, this afternoon, I suddenly started feeling very unwell. I felt like I was going to faint, my body felt weak, my legs felt weak, my head felt fuzzy, my vision went blurry. I took my heart rate on my monitor and it said 55bpm. I sat for a while and controlled my breathing and just kept myself steady. It kept fluctuating between 54bpm and 56bpm. It would not stay consistent. At one point it went up to 60 and then dropped down straight away to 55bpm. Whenever it fluctuated I felt more unwell and uneasy. I wasn't feeling anything in my chest until suddenly it went up to 71bpm and then dropped back down to 55bpm. It felt like someone had dropped something inside my chest. It was such an uncomfortable and strange sensation and I didn't understand what was happening. It continued to stay at 55bpm and after 2 hours has managed to go above 60bpm. The feelings of uneasiness have eased a little but I still don't feel 100%. I am quite taken aback by that episode. In the past, I have had episodes of loss of vision, low blood pressure, low heart rate and never known why. A doctor once told me it's because I was "tall." So this could be another one of those episodes. My problem usually is pounding and fast heart when walking up stairs and when resting so this is bringing up a whole new area to be concerned about if this sort of thing is happening when I'm just resting doing nothing as well. Do I contact my cardiologist? I'm waiting for the exercise ECG and the last time I spoke to the secretary she wasn't very helpful but this was quite a sudden, unexplained episode?

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9 Replies
jeanjeannie50 profile image

Our heart rate never stays consistent, that's normal for it to go up and down and I wouldn't be concerned about my rate unless it went down into the 30's. Many people have a normal heart rate in the 50's.

Feeling unwell and like you were going to faint is another matter and that doesn't sound right. Do you know what your blood pressure was when you felt this way? Sometimes not drinking enough fluid can make us feel how you describe. I'd have a chat with your GP about it.

Let us know how you get on please.


lettingoffsteam profile image

What medication are you on? Since I've been on bp meds my pulse is often in the 50s.Took a bit of getting used to but I'm there now.

in reply to lettingoffsteam

I used to take propranolol but now I take bisoperolol

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to

Ah right, how long were you on propranolol for out of interest? I've heard not entirely great things about bisoprolol . A friend of mine was on it and said she felt wiped out .She had an ablation which worked and came off bisoprolol thankfully. I was put on propranolol for palpitations and a mild arrhythmia. What is your diagnosis?

in reply to lettingoffsteam

I don’t have a diagnosis yet. It’s still being investigated but my cardiologist wanted to try me on that medication to see if it helped my symptoms

lettingoffsteam profile image
lettingoffsteam in reply to

Ah I see, maybe bisoprolol isn't for you.How were you on propranolol?I find them really helpful as taking bp meds gave me terrible palpitations.

Stanley18 profile image

Hi, I suffer from sinus node bradycardia. Lightheadedness is one thing, but I began to experience a strange, uneasy sensation, best described as a sort of deja vu, which I now recognise as pre-syncope. I blacked out four times as my heart paused, suffering two head injuries, one of which was serious. Please therefore take extra care until you have a full understanding of your symptoms.

I received a pacemaker and I’m fine today.

Best wishes.

road2ruin profile image


A heart rate of 55 is perfectly acceptable for most people. Mine is sometime as low as 40, in fact this morning it has been down to 45. There may be another cause for this and I would speak to your GP, but certainly stress can make funny things happen to your body too.

Qualipop profile image

Apart from the heart rate, I've been feeling the same as you during this hot weather. I am drinking plenty but feel light headed, dizzy and I'm dragging my legs around like lumps of lead. Your heart rate sounds perfectly normal to me. It should vary all he time but for your other symptoms i think you should speak to your GP.

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