Hello all. I am a 24 year old female. I had a 72 hour ECG monitor and nothing was found. I also had an echocardiogram and nothing was found apart from slight regurgitation which apparently is normal? So still no explanation for my symptoms. Cardiologist is making me take a new beta blocker for 6 weeks, Bisoprolol. I was taking Propranolol. Been taking it almost a week and I still have palpitations every single day, even when resting. The side effects of it are becoming too much as well, such as tiredness. I went to the hospital 2 weeks ago because the palpitations were just going and going and going. They found nothing. Cardiologist has arranged an exercise ECG and if that shows nothing then I don't know. He also said if the medication doesn't work for me there will have to be a plan B, which might involve a loop recorder. I feel at a loss. These symptoms are not happening for no reason but I feel as if I must be crazy because they aren't finding anything. I have palpitations every single day, every minute of the day. When I walk upstairs (one flight of stairs) I feel out of breath and my heart is pounding. Sometimes I have to sit on the floor because I cannot take the symptoms. I am terrified to do exercise because of my heart. Surely this all means something. This journey is incredibly hard and I hope it has a happy ending. I hope there's other people out there that had a difficult journey and ended up finding answers in the end.
Never ending symptoms and the waiting... - British Heart Fou...
Never ending symptoms and the waiting game...
Did you feel like you were having odd beats when you were wearing the monitor for 72 hours or did you feel well then?
I had multiple episodes where I felt like my heart was beating strangely, pounding etc. I had so many of my usual episodes while wearing it
That's really strange then isn't it! I've decreased my odd beats greatly by taking Magnesium Glycinate and cutting out all artificial additives from my food and drinks. Artificial sweeteners were a sure trigger for my AF.
Hoping that the exercise ecg shows something
When you say the heart monitors found nothing, do you mean they didn't see anything that would cause palpitations ie no pvcs or pacs or any arrythmias? Or do you mean there was something but nothing specific that would cause your symptoms and no reason for your symptoms ?
I don’t know, the cardiologist just said there was nothing found. I’m assuming there was nothing to explain my symptoms
Buy a Kardia . It’s what I did and I gave the evidence to the GP
What is that?
It’s a device for doing an ecg . Alivecor Kardia . Google it . It’s NICE approved .
Hi, welcome. I am 27 years old now and have been experiencing constant and severe palpitations since 2014. I mean second-by-second palpitations,for years now. It was just in February,this year, after so many futile efforts, here in Nigeria, that I finally did a cardiac MRI that revealed that I had mildly dilated Cardiomyopathy. This condition has kept me indoors for years,not being able to associate with people because, though the dilated Cardiomyopathy was mild,the palpitations were heart wrenching and devastating. You've obviously tried a whole range of tests that aren't revealing anything concrete. I advise you discuss with your cardiologist as to the possibility of an urgent cardiovascular MRI. It saved me after other tests proved futile. For now, maintain a healthy lifestyle (no smoking,no drinking,eat healthy, reduce salt intake,rest more, research online for heart-harmful foods and AVOID THEM). For me, I was previously placed on Bisoprolol 2.5mg but it wasn't effective. After the MRI, the cardiologist prescribed Carvedilol 3.125mg and Lisinopril 10mg. I have been on them for almost 3 months now and I am doing really ok. Dilated Cardiomyopathy has symptoms such as oedema, shortness of breath, fatigue etc. But I have NONE of that. All I experience is constant palpitations and frequent urination, with hotness of the body. Fortunately for me,my palpitations are still constant but LESS INTENSE. In a few months,I will probably be totally ok. In essence,the cardiac MRI and my current medications did the trick. Talk with your cardiologist and expand your options. The situation is dire and traumatic but don't let worry and gloom get the better part of you. Stay safe, stay positive. Be kind to yourself and avoid things that aggravate your condition. Take care.
Check your thyroid!
Thyroid function has always come back fine. Had a blood test 2 weeks ago and all was fine
Have you ever heard of a condition called PoTS? (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) xx
Yeah I have. I was thinking it could be either that or Supraventricular Tachycardia. Because I have symptoms of both and they are both quite difficult to diagnose easily

Wasn’t sure if you’d heard of it but glad you have <3
I have Hyperadrenergic PoTS, and it took me over 8 years to get a correct diagnosis. Triggered when I was 22, it’s Coming up for 10years since it started, and still not on correct treatment. It’s a long battle, but keep at it, you know your own body best. Keep advocating for yourself. Sending love xxxx
I feel for you. I’ve had undiagnosed chest/back pain, palpitations and tiredness for a couple of years on and off. One trip to A&E (who were worse than useless) and a couple to two different GPs. All the ECGs have come back OK. No referral to a specialist, despite family history.
As I’m also menopausal, that might be some of the problem. HRT definitely made it better for a few months.
I just want to know what’s up. The worry and anxiety of not knowing doesn’t help.
Take care.