Medication or no medication - British Heart Fou...

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Medication or no medication

Fedupofmedication profile image

I have just taken my medication back to the chemist as I do t want to take it anymore as it makes me feel so poorly has anyone else stopped taking their meds and how do they feel now. I had a heart attack and 3 stents fitted back in 2015 and was give so much medication which I took without question. But when I got pregnant with twins in 2020 the doctor stopped most of my meds and I was fine without it. But as soon as I had the babies they put me back on it all. If my body cam cope for 9 months carrying twins why cant it cope now with out it. So many questions but never get any answers. Fed up of everything

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Fedupofmedication profile image
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15 Replies

Yes, against the advice I was given. Heart attack and stent April 2020. 2 weeks later I stopped the statins, blood pressure pills, beta blockers and PPI inhibitors. I stayed on both anti-platelets for 6 months. Now I'm just on aspirin.

I react very badly to most medications. I wouldn't recommend stopping anything without talking to your GP, although mine told me I need to keep taking them all, which wasn't much help. Do as much research as you can so at least you understand what each medicine does and what the effects of stopping it might be.

bantam12 profile image

You should talk to your GP or Consultant before stopping everything, some meds need to be reduced slowly. I'm sure with small people to care for you don't want to make yourself poorly or worse still have another heart attack.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

It is very unusual to have a heart attack so young. Do you know the cause ? Was it a spontaneous coronary artery dissection?

Your medication was probably stopped to protect your twins as it is not known how many heart medications can effect unborn babies or the progress of your pregnancy.

Were you under the joint care of an Obstetrician and Cardiologist during your pregnancy?

I suggest you ask to have your medication reviewed by a Cardiologist who understands how heart disease effects women.

We're different!

Good luck.

Hello :-)

I agree with some medications can harm the babies so no doubt that is why they will have weighed up would you be safe to stop them for 9 months but then go back on them which is what they obviously thought was safe

I totally understand that meds can make you feel rubbish but again weighing up that they are keeping your heart healthy against what could happen without them to me is a no brainer

Also when coming of some meds Doctors like to wean you of some of them

I really would speak with your Doctor tell them what you have done and why , they could say they are happy for you to not take them but want to monitor you or if they want you on them then you could ask for a different kind as the ones that you were taking made you feel so ill

You have to stay healthy and look after yourself and your heart for those twins so make that call as soon as you can and check in with your Doctor that this will be ok , I know this is what I would do and hope you will to :-)

Let us know how you get on :-) x

I am just so thankfull of all the amazing scientists that have helped develop all these brilliant medicines of us, they have made a massive difference to me and have enabled me to live a normal life. I've learned that they dont all suite me straight away and there are some side effects, but these, in my experience disappear in a month or two, a small price to pay in my book.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

What if there is no 'natural ' alternative.

Just because a treatment is natural doesn't necessarily make it safe or effective.

Very few herbal treatments or supplements go though the same safety testing and quality control of medications and other treatments.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Are you saying you do not wish or cannot provide evidence to support your views?

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Nor I am.Please help me understand what is unpleasant about asking to provide evidence for a statement?

We are all entitled to our beliefs and views however none of us would wish our beliefs to cause others potential harm.

I have been on all my medication since 2015 and the side effect are still as bad now as when i first started taking them, within an hour i have a headache dizziness feeling sick palpitations and more ofter than not i get the shakes only now i have started to lose my hair aswell, the last time i was seen by a doctor was February 2020 when i was fully discharged from the maternity hospital after having the twins with the heart specialist saying they would be following up with me as had 2 "episodes " while in surgery, but still have not heard from anyone. And yes of course i have tried to contact them with no replies from anyone even my gp doesn't review my so called care plan ( dont actually think i have one). So yes i am fed up of it all. I was asking for advice not for people to start bickering in the replys

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Fedupofmedication

Have you contacted the Patient Advisory Liaison Service PALS of the hospital to ask why you haven't had a proper review by a Cardiologist?

I appreciate you are fed up as it sounds as though you have not had the Cardiology input that you should have had. You need your medication reviewed by a Cardiologist experienced in caring for women and heart disease. Just stopping your medication abruptly may well not be good for you.

Is it possible for you to see a different GP or change GP practices?

The Practice Manager is someone else you can raise your concerns with about your GP's approach too.

Perhaps give the BHF helpline and speak to one of the Cardiac nurses who can advise you further.

Your local Healthwatch can help you too.

Also the Patients Association

MichaelJH profile image
MichaelJHHeart Star

This Guardian article about Australian research into the side effects of herbal remedies makes an interesting read:

Jack2019 profile image

I share your approach and thinking behind this issue. I believe lifestyle changes are the best medicine. My thinking is my lifestyle pre stenting needed changing because I believe that artery disease is a lifestyle disease, just like type 2 diabetes. Medications do not cure artery disease or Type 2 diabetes. The root of the problem is lifestyle factors causing the disease . The body is going to repair itself whether you take a statin or not, for example. so we don't need a statin we need to not have the disease. We all make our own decisions going forward after a heart attack, what makes one feel secure and empowered should be supported either way, take all the meds. , take some meds., take no meds., and not to mention lifestyle changes and the many many opinions on that. If you have had an informed conversation with your doc. and you think you have been given truthful statistics and explanations for you as an individual why you will benefit from a medication, then the decision is yours. I personally refused all the meds. except one, this decision has taken me many years of stressful conversations with the medical experts and my personal quest to understand what led to myself having the disease and what lifestyle things I can adopt to prevent the disease from progressing.

Helen_BHF profile image

Hi Fedupofmedication , I'm so sorry to hear you're feeling this way. Please make sure you speak to your doctor if you have concerns about your medication - anything you may read on HealthUnlocked doesn't replace guidance from a health professional. Our heart helpline is also here if you'd like a chat with one of our cardiac nurses, they'll be happy to listen: Really hope this helps :)

funnyfennel profile image

A really feel for you because I feel just the same. had my mitral valve replaced and a cabbage over three months ago now but now have AF. I seem to have a bag full of pills and have complained loudly to everyone nearby about them. But some of them are not necessary . I think you need a review and perhaps if you can reduce the number of pills and also change perhaps your diet you may find life better. I do hope so.

Well after months and months of phone calls i finally have been referred back to the heart failure clinic with an appointment later this month, only because the young new doctor at my surgery happened to over hear his receptionist talking to me on the phone and took over the call, other wise i would be no further on,back on all my medication even tho i felt so much better with out it but hopefully i can get some reduced, the doctor said there is a deterioration but was not overly concerned so now waiting on a heart scan to see how bad the LVSD and MR is, its been a very long hard battle to get to this point, butbin still here and fighting.

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