The Lancet Women and Cardiovascular D... - British Heart Fou...

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The Lancet Women and Cardiovascular Disease Commission Report

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star
17 Replies

The Lancet Women and Cardiovascular Disease Commission report was published yesterday.

It has been written by leading Cardiologists from all over the world.

Lancet Commission reports influence governments, policymakers and healthcare professionals.

"The Lancet women and cardiovascular disease Commission: reducing the global burden by 2030 - The Lancet"

To see an interactive page with patient stories and highlighted projects see the link below.

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Milkfairy profile image
Heart Star
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17 Replies
Healthyheart1 profile image

I will have a look tomorrow when I have time or bed time reading 😀 Sheena x xx

francesw47 profile image

Thanks Milkfairy. Of real interest to many here who have struggled to get a diagnosis. I'll have a good read later. Frances

cowparsley profile image

Thank you Milkfairy.Will after dog walk.xx

Sunnie2day profile image

Spent yesterday feeling as though I'd been dragged down the motorway by an HGV. Spending today feeling much the same.

And that said, I have bookmarked these links and will be making my way through every one of them whilst lying on the sofa moaning about the wretched weather (which makes me feel ten times worse) and sipping chicken soup:)

You really ARE our HeartStar, Milkfairy, you post the best links!

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Sunnie2day

Sorry to read your still struggling, hopefully once this tooth is removed you will start to feel on the up. Have I got it right and it’s out this week? Might have lost a week! Sorry your weather isn’t helping we are doing ok at the moment, might have spoken to soon! Hope not just planted the tomato plants.Youngest son as bought John a thing called a Vegepod for his 80th birthday next month it means he can garden sitting down! He is trying a few different veg just to see how they go, the lettuce look amazing already.

Enjoy your chicken soup very comforting I always think.


Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to 080311

Between the seemingly never ending rain, rising temperatures and humidity, and the high dose antibiotics, I am not doing as well as I'd like - I think a big part of not feeling so great, though, is mostly down to the high dose antibiotics which thankfully end Friday - the day after the extraction. The soup is going a long way towards keeping something down, and the tooth comes out this week - I will not moan. I will not moan. I will not moan...

OOOOOH, a Vegepod, how completely wonderful is that?! I've been eyeing those up for a while now, they're so handy owing to being somewhat portable in addition to the raised height and the drop-down cloche function, wow wow wow!

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to Sunnie2day

Must admit never heard of one until it was delivered! I am a real convert. John can sit in a garden chair and get his hands in the soil again 😂 it’s got it’s own watering system so he is fine no watering cans for him to carry! It’s a bit of a trial this year just to see what does well or not. All the herbs are seem to be enjoying it as well as the shallots.Don’t know if you remember my nephew the surgeon in Ohio? Well it’s been a very worrying year he had an op back in February for some cancer on his chest, well they didn’t get it all and he went back under the knife last week, we are waiting for results of biopsies from his nymph nodes under both arms and his left clavicle. Spoke to him last week and he said that the radio isotope injection before the op was the worse pain he had ever endured. Problem is they are not sure where it’s come from, they even gave him a mammogram in case it was from the breast. So the family are on pins waiting to hear the results.

Now if you need to moan you moan! Just think this time next week you will be feeling so much better, isn’t it amazing how a tooth can cause so much trouble. They are a nuisance when we first get them and can cause us real problems down the road.


Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to 080311

I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew - hopefully the biopsies will return cheering results. We say the waiting is the hardest part but sometimes hearing results is the really hardest part:(

Built-in watering system, I didn't know that about Vegepods, so that's another WOW.

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to Sunnie2day

Thanks Sunnie.

I hope you feel better soon!

Sunnie2day profile image
Sunnie2day in reply to Milkfairy


JoanyB profile image

Thanks for posting this here Milkfairy.

It had already been posted on the Facebook support group page for SCAD (Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection). I haven't read it yet (!) but the lady who posted it said this:

"A 54 page read, but worth it. Good section on SCAD and importantly…

“This Commission supports further research and education on the diagnosis and treatment of spontaneous coronary artery dissection”."

Good to know. I am part of the research and am going to Glenfield Hospital in Leicester (the UK SCAD research centre) for a further MRI next week. Quite an adventure as I don't drive and have gone practically nowhere for 14 months


Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to JoanyB

Good to hear that it's been widely posted. It's also been posted on the PA/ CAS and Heart whisperers & Cohorts the Facebook support groups for microvascular and vasospastic angina.

I posted it on twitter tagging in a member of Beat SCAD UK.

The International Heart Spasms Alliance which is listed on the commission's website was only established in March and it's an amazing feat to see the importance of their advocacy recognised.

It just wonderful to see SCAD and INOCA are finally being recognised!

Good luck with taking part in the research study and your MRI. I hope the journey isn't too challenging!

Saved. I haven't got enough time now!! 😊

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to

I know it's a big read.

Here's a short summary by a medical journalist

in reply to Milkfairy

Thank you Milkfairy. Will definitely try and have a look later tonight. Had a hard couple of days to be quite honest with you so, when I have 'Unwound' a bit, will let you know. A Woman's Work is never done!! :)

marypw profile image

Have you seen this survey asking for opinions on women's health? I'm not too sure how well it's been publicised?

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply to marypw

Yes I have and I completed the survey.Thanks for sharing.

Do you want to post it on the forum? Perhaps that way more people will see it?

Not what you're looking for?

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