I'm posting this to ask if anyone has had to have a second angiogram because the first may have overlooked something or something needs to be clarified? Hopefully the following will make what I mean clear. Apologies for the lengthy post though.
In March this year I had a heart attack and after an angiogram had a stent implanted as there was a 95% to 99% narrowing in my left anterior descending (LAD) artery. The discharge letter I was given showed that all other artieries had 0% narrowing as such:
Left Main: 0%
LAD Prox: 0% (95%-99% pre-PCI)
LAD Other: 0%
LCX: 0%
RCA: 0%
Other than the LAD Prox all are showing as 0% both pre- and post- PCI.
However I have had a feeling of slight tightness around my chest ever since I left hospital. Tightness, soreness, a slight feeling of breathlessness at times and excessive tiredness. I would best describe this as being "very mild angina" if such a thing exists. There's no pain other than the above discomfort. I mentioned this to the cardiac nurse at my post-hospital follow up appointment and she tried to reassure me that it was most likely not cardiac related given the above post-PCI report. I do suffer from anxiety and she suggested that it could possibly be due to that.
I did have a heart attack back in 2010 and still have the discharge letter from back then. The pre- and post-PCI report paints a picture of another heart altogether.
Left Main: 0%
LAD Prox: mild atheroma (both pre- and post-PCI)
LAD Other: 50% to 74% (again both pre- and post-PCI)*
LCX: mild atheroma (again both pre-and post-PCI) in the LCX Prox
RCA: 95%-99% pre-PCI, 0% post-PCI (this is the artery that was stented back in 2010, hence why it went to 0% after the procedure).
* the cardiologist at the time explained - and it is on the discharge letter - that there was very distal 70% stenosis in the artery that would be difficult to stent due to where it was. He did explain more than that, but over time I've forgotten most of it.
As can be seen there is a massive difference between the two discharge letters. As atheroma can't vanish I'm left worried by what has happened here. I had a phone appointment with my GP yesterday and mentioned this. He was able to see both letters and was taken aback. He said he will write to the Lead Clinician (a Professor) listed on the letter, asking that they review my records and will also ask the Professor (in practice, one of the cariac nurses I would imagine) to contact me. My GP also said he will enclose a copy of both my 2021 and 2010 discharge summary letters.
I do feel like I have some mild angina (though it doesn't get any worse if I walk, exercise, do housework ect) and on top of that am worried by what I am seeing here. Has anyone encountered something similar? If so, what was the outcome? I do hope one of the cardiologists from the hospital that performed the angioplasty does contact me but what if they don't? The problem here is that my initial hospitalisation and subsequent outpatient follow ups are with another hospital. Only one hospital in the region performs stenting and I was sent to that hospital from the other hospital purely for the angiogram / angioplasty before I went home. My "home" hospital won't have the details of the actual procedure, they appear to only have the same information as myself and my GP has.
Any advice that anyone can give me is appreciated.