Anxious : Hello I had a HA in May last... - British Heart Fou...

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Sheila1950 profile image
23 Replies

Hello I had a HA in May last year near 1 Yr ago and yes I worry over every little pain I have been back to the hospital twice in the year 2nd time had to change my medication to get my blood pressure down , and second time I was worried it was my heart but it was anxiety , and today I rang 111 as 5am in the morning I didn't feel great felt clamy bit of a funny tummy my heart felt like it was pounding the no bad chest pains a few twinges no jaw or am pain, you expect as you get older with I would have brush of before the HA , I just done have that inner voice to say (your fine don't be daft) blood pressure all normal just wish I could stop worrying when the next one will be , stupid..... Sheila

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Sheila1950 profile image
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23 Replies
Nettekin profile image

Hi Sheila. Please don't feel that you are in any way stupid. Your feelings are entirely normal for anyone who has suffered a heart event. Don't feel anxious about feeling anxious! Personally I would be more concerned if there wasn't some anxiety. After my ha and 2 stents in July 2019, I went into complete denial. As a result of other major issues in my life I am arguably still there. Not an approach I would recommend. We can all help ourselves by showing ourselves a bit of kindness, taking our meds, eating well and exercising regularly.

We should remain aware of any changes and report them to the GP or 111 and of course 999 when serious.

Even though I am not quite there with coming to terms with this affront to my own mortality it is no longer the first thing I think of every morning and the last thing before I go to sleep.

I do hope you continue to improve and maybe your GP could arrange some counselling if it would help. Very best wishes x

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to Nettekin

Thank you for your kind reply and good advice , its hard to come to term's with isn't keeping positive especially this past year with covid19 been awful , yes I spoke to 111 they suggested to speak to the doctor I have an appointment tomorrow it was to late to see them this evening but yes I must admit I do need to exercise more not easy with arthritis in my foot and I eat fairly healthy apart from a bit of lockdown weight need to be firm with myself I think councilingwould be goodforme something to ask my GP about , still going to have a new grandchild in a few wks so need to stay positive and I hope you continue to recover ..Sheila

Hello :-)

It is not stupid at all

I had a heart attack in Oct and I felt just the same but for me it came true and I had another one Feb then March and now I am waiting for a double bypass

I am like you every twinge , sensation I am panicking and even when I feel nothing I am panicking but try and take reassurance you actually do seem to be doing very well seems like you had a heart attack and it is well on the mend

So many have just the one and never another try and believe that is you :-) x

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to

Thank you for your words of comfort a friend of mine in Australia had a triple bypass and is recovering well so will you heart surgery is so wonderful what they can do know , just a shock after having one mine was silent .. Sheila

in reply to Sheila1950

Hello :-)

I know the shock is really bad , I feel the bottom of my world has fallen out at the moment , I have had a cry tonight , you are not alone but all the positive stories somehow we have to try and focus on them :-)

You will always have people to talk to on here and that alone I think is a huge help and hope it has helped you today by posting :-) x

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to

That was me this morning balling my eyes out I think its a good way of releasing stress , I agree there is always help Kind positive and good advice I have found it very helpful you have certainly helped me today 😀 thank you x

Retirement65 profile image
Retirement65 in reply to Sheila1950

Hello Sheila from another Sheila I wonder if it’s our name we are born worriers although my symptoms are different it was headache that caused my bp to go high or could have been the other way round I’ve still got headache but after various tests which have turned out normal I did need extra medication but I’m still worrying- typing this at 2 in the morning yikes! But I can totally sympathise with you as I know what worry can do it can take over your life - what I have found is deep breathing has helped a lot I’ve been sleeping quite well so think tonight is exceptional but I’m going to try all the alternatives I can reflexology and acupuncture as I think if you have a certain amount of control yourself you feel a bit better that it’s not all taking over hope you feel better soon take care 🙏the people on this forum are lovely and it’s helped me a lot over last couple of weeks- Sheila x

Rose54 profile image

No not stupid my HA will be 2 years this month And I am the same as you even today having phone call with GP after doing telephone consult form last night and being to call GP or 111 immediately.

I have ended up in A&E several times not feeling 100% sometimes due to anxiety, but also with high blood presure and very low Potassium levels that needed treating .

Anxiety is horrible my heart felt as if it was beating so loud while I was dealing with it all last night but as soon as I had in no time at all I was back to normal .

Have you tried meditation ?

it works for me

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to Rose54

Not for anxiety it makes me feel horrible but I'm going to have counciling I think but I feel better this morning back to Normal, still ring the doctor and talk to him as yes it's awful worrying about every ache and pain , I'm also going to ask if rehab is open as I didn't get that properly because of covid , only to exercise program at home not the same as meeting like minded people though , not for me anyway ,hope you feel better soon , x

Rose54 profile image
Rose54 in reply to Sheila1950


We start back at BHF classes om Monday but we have been doing them on Zoom during lockdown

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to Rose54

Yes I spoke to the doctor yesterday and he is going to put me back in touch with rehab to join classes and to have some counselling x

It's more than understandable and better to be safe. Had HA myself a few weeks ago and get this nagging pain and enhanced heart beats. Almost feels like blood trying to squeeze through the heart. It goes away when I rest. Seem to have different symptoms every few days. You would not be human if you were not anxious. I think its healthy. Keep a log of all symptoms, however small. The symptoms you describe would alert anyone , (or should), to seek help, so you are being sensible

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to

Thank you i am feeling better today , I felt like you after the first few wks still had chest and pains where I felt the HA its all part of healing. I had an angiorgram twice one at the hospital to put a stent in a few months later to open it a bit more and they found I had an irregular heart beat but nothing to worry about I am told and put me on tablets for it , I wish you a speedy recovery x

Chrissydoll profile image

Hi Sheila I too had a severe ha in April 2019 3 stents in it was shock of my life as I d always been so fit working 13 hrs a day in a nursing home and it came on so sudden however like u I m a very anxious person over the smallest of things I worry and get so anxious I ve ended up in Hospital 3 times since then and it's been anxiety each time I got referred to the nurse at my GPS who's been so supportive by just talking n giving me breathing excersises to do and I m now learning to control it it's taken time but I m getting their I excersises each day walking gardening etc taking the dog out anything really n feeling much better I think. It's definatly a natural thing to worry after such a big event in ure life but u re not alone talk about it it is good to do and I would nt at first but I do now n feel better for it I hope u feel better soon and continue to improve xxx

Baz51 profile image

Hi SheilaYes like most people on here, I was the same as you, as in March 2020, I had a massive heart attack, which resulted in a triple bypass and a stent, and to top it all had pneumonia as well, and like you I was worrying about every small twinge after the operation.

I did find that cardiology with their 10 week physio course helped, and speaking to the cardiology nurses.

In time it does get better, and like everyone is saying eat well, exercise where you can, we have all been given a second chance so let’s concentrate on the future

Ask Cardiology if you can join the my health programme, it’s online and lots of good info

Good luck

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to Baz51

I do hope you are recovering well too I do find this chat forum very helpful makes me feel I'm not alone thank you x

Kazzie68 profile image

Hi Sheila, I can see so many similarities in your post to how I felt after my HA. Mine was in April 2017, without warning or any obvious health issues leading up to it. (I had one stent fitted at the time and had a further two stents in January 2019). I was completely overwhelmed initially and having to face my own mortality so up close and personal was something I found quite difficult to deal with at 48. It did take time, but I can honestly say the anxiety does fade with time - I’ll always be mindful of how I’m feeling now but it’s not the centre of everything every day. I was very lucky to have access to a specially trained counsellor at the hospital where I was treated, this proved invaluable in my road to recovery. Perhaps you have access to something similar? Be kind to yourself, follow the medical advice, take your meds and stay well. Take care x

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to Kazzie68

Thank you you too x

ph5019 profile image

Hi Sheila, I had my HA a year ago tomorrow.

The big one, 5 stents in the LAD.

Diagnosed with PTSD, terrible anxiety and sleep problems.

Some great replies you've already had.

I am now very much relaxed, I have also been in hospital several times for )complications.

A few weeks ago had an ICD fitted.

Have you had any counselling?.

I have had counselling via the NHS (Talk Works) and I felt so distressed I went private and had EMDR.

EMDR therapy proved to be a turning point for me.

If you require further information, please let me know.

Good luck with your recovery.


ph5019 profile image

Hi Sheila, my therapy was via Zoom, some EMDR practitioners do this, most are face to face, which was not possible at the time.Good luck,


JoMoFlo profile image

Hi Sheila, I had a heart attack last August, out of the blue, only 49, don’t drink or smoke, eat well, no family history, was actually exercising at the time. It’s been a massive shock and like you I fear every twinge , still get lots of arm pain but apparently that’s very common in women. I’ve been back to hospital several times in last few months but always find. I’m on lots meds abs having counselling. At the beginning of my counselling I cried all the time but it is slowly getting easier and life is gradually returning to normal. I have 3 teenage kids do worry about them too. My point is that you are going through a really normal process. Don’t be too hard on yourself for being anxious, Ive been the same, feeling like I’m being a nuisance to my family and nhs staff too but it’s natural to worry. If will get better I believe. Good luck.

Hoocher profile image

I felt exactly the same after my HA in Oct 2019. I had counselling via IAPT which the cardio rehab team organised and was diagnosed with PTSD. its common with HA survivors apparently. I had 2 more stays in hospital not long after my HA because I was getting pains in my chest etc. Turns out it was anxiety causing them. It does get better, trust me but don't feel silly as it's quite normal to worry about every little pain. Good luck with your recovery Sheila

Sheila1950 profile image
Sheila1950 in reply to Hoocher

Thank you I spoke to the doctor he agreed it was anxiety , so I'm going to have extra rehab and counselling.. I hope you stay well too..

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