Hi all , just been put on a statin by GP, been feeling nauseous and abit lightheaded , is this normal ? And will it pass when my body gets used to them?? Thank you in advance
Statin: Hi all , just been put on a... - British Heart Fou...

I don't think those symptoms are common side effects of Statins, have you asked your GP why you have been put on them?

I’ve been put on them due to having mini strokes TIA, s
Ah yes, seems they can be quite effective. If that is the case, I would persevere with them, as someone else said the symptoms you have are not typical side effects. I fell into the trap of reading all the ad press about them but quite often the side effects are in your mind or have other causes (like getting older!)

You are probably right , it’s rubbish getting older , I’m going to persevere
Hi, I dont know which statin you are on, but for example drugs.com/sfx/atorvastatin-.... So it is possible. For me, they do make me feel sicky, but the muscle aches are the worst for me. because of this I take mine at night, with the other tablets that have this effect. HTH
I don’t think that is a known side effect of statins. Do you think you may have a bug ?
Maybe I think I will call GP, thanks x
Statins interrupt a normal pathway in your body chemistry to reduce cholesterol which all cells need to live and reproduce, at the same time ubiquinol and dolichols are also reduced which is bad news and makes your muscles ache and will give you brain fog.. ask your doctor if he has ever heard of the mavelonate pathway and why the hell is he prescribing statins... you need to do more research and while blood thinners will help a good mediterranean diet, exercise and maybe a healthy weight will work wonders and help manage your condition until you find a proper doctor
There are different statins,ask to try others until something works.