Hi there all
I just found out my LCX has 80 to 90% blockage and they are not going to treat it.
I had triple bypass 2 years ago on LAD area.
My problem is my vessels are too small for stents LCX 1.5mm
I had 3 stents before bypass and they blocked within weeks
New blockages forming on RCA also
Cholesterol only 4.1
8 stone....non smoker...53yrs
I am on a cocktail of meds
I am so worried about it,
Has anyone had the same blockage and had treatment on LCX
Or would you know why they won't do another operation on it.
Or is it not a serious artery.?
Or can the heart function without it ?
My Cardiologist said only a small percentage have a problem with it ?
Thank you for any replies