Jaw ache tiredness : Mild heart attack... - British Heart Fou...

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Jaw ache tiredness

Loz41 profile image
41 Replies

Mild heart attack 2 weeks ago 3 stents fitted and found out I have heart desease, 41 female was smoking up to two weeks ago dad died 41 heart attack and mum has heart desease.

I'm so tired and my jaw hurts /aches like I've been talking to much lol also my gums but my friends say its from the giving up smoking anyone else jaw ache after having stents or could it be non smoking or me getting used to the meds, any replies I would be greatful still trying to get my head round it all many thanks

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Loz41 profile image
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41 Replies
Chappychap profile image

Can't help with the jaw question, but I wanted to say congratulations on quitting smoking.

I know just how difficult it can be to break the nicotine addiction, all I can say is that it does get easier...a LOT easier... as time passes!

By quitting smoking you've done the single most important thing possible to secure yourself a long, healthy future. There's no medication that can improve your risk factors anywhere near as much as packing in smoking. So, a sincere "very well done" to you!

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Chappychap

Thankyou trying my hardest and will keep it up because that was the scariest thing I've ever been through and the thought of losing my husband and girls out ways any thought of picking up a cigarette at the minute.The jaw has only just started last few days it just aches, the tiredness from doing nothing is driving me bonkers because I have a goal to be back at work and just can't see it just yet, I have many things I need to adjust like diet and increase exercise but I figured the best thing to focus on at min is to stay calm and keep off the cigs. Thankyou for responding x

LBCdance profile image
LBCdance in reply to Loz41

I wonder if without realising it you are carrying a lot of tension in your jaw - it doesn't necessarily show up by looking at yourself - while coping with the undoubted trauma of giving up smoking, and smoking of course does relax you, but not a good way to achieve that! Tension does build up. One of the many good things about giving up smoking is that you know that if you can tackle anything/ most things once you've conquered that - it is probably the hardest thing I ever did and I have to say when I'm having a crisis even now (over 40 years later) I have a recurrent dream, not frequently now, of lighting up and inhaling deeply which suggests some deep breathing is quite a good and harmless thing to try. Congratulations.

Boxroad profile image

Well done you packing up the filthy fags, I used to smoke 40 min a day then my mother got copd and my daughter asked me to stop so she don’t have to watch me go through what my mother had to, that was 20 years ago, I had an angiogram last Tuesday at Basildon hospital and found I have stable angina. I think nerves can play a big part in how you are feeling did they give you a number in case you became unwell, if possible talk to a doctor to put your mind at ease,

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Boxroad

I have medic student for a daughter who told me she would not forgive me if ident give the fags up she's home Tuesday, I have cardiac rehab number to phone but only thought about phoning them this evening with it only being my jaw and tiredness, copd is a horrible condition so think we are both doing well to stay away from that thanks boxroad

shopman profile image

With regards to your jaw do you have any tingles in your arms - if so which one? Or any chest pain even if only mild?

It is still early days after having your stents and assume you are gradually doing a little more exercise. Did you just stop smoking as in cold turkey or gradually, takes a little while to cleanse the system. It could be you still need time to adjust to the meds.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to shopman

Occasional chest discomfort which I use my spray for no more than once a day I've even contemplating if the discomfort I feel is maybe just the anxiety of it kicking off again but I'm not normally anxious person, no arm pain or pins and needles tightness pain in chest and back like when I had nstemi on mother's day, I'm pottering around house doing chores washing brush/moping letting dogs out for wee other than that not alot as I'm tired that's why think some of it is the meds, I was given nicotine patch on 2nd day of hospital admission and signed up to NHS cessation that why I'm perplexed as to why my jaw sore if open alot and achy thanks for response

shopman profile image

To be on the safe side I would think a phone call to your GP is in order & obviously if it gets any worse you should seek help to be on the safe side. It could be nothing but better safe than sorry. You should also think of going for a walk preferably on the flat - not too far to start with.

SkiMonday profile image

Hi Loz. I started getting jaw pain about a year after my heart attack. Went in to A&E to get it checked out & they kept me in for a week doing various heart checks. In my case, they didn't find anything wrong. Cardiologist said that I did the right thing getting it checked out but that, if I do have a 2nd heart attack, the symptoms are likely to be the same as those that I had ghe first time.

After my stent was fitted, I had occasional dull chest aches for a few months. Had that checked out in A&E the first time it happened but nothing was found. I decided that any new symptoms were worth getting checked out but that if I continued to get them, then I'd learn to live with them. Think it's down to your own judgement as to whay to do. NB that's my experience as a patient, I'm not a medic.

Good on you giving up the smoking.

QuadroVEINia profile image

As others have already said, you should make an appointment with your GP and also get some input from your Cardiac Rehab team on your jaw ache. I’ve not had this bit know others who have as a symptom ‘pre’ any treatment but in your case could be your body adjusting to stents and you also have stopped smoking (good for you). Good luck.

Hi Loz41

I gave up smoking 37 years ago and still remember the jaw ache! It could very well be a part of what your withdrawal is doing to you. I used to clench my teeth to try and relieve the strange sensation. Eating crunchy things helps apple, raw carrots and hard mints but not too many! It only lasted a short while. Maybe two weeks. If it continues then seek medical advice.

Best thing I ever did I though. Well done you. Just keep saying “ I don’t smoke!” Not - “I’m trying to give up!”

Good luck with that and your continued recovery.

Best wishes


Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to

Interesting that it maybe the no smoking I'm not convinced it's the heart as its not the same pain I had, I'm sucking on polo mints at the minute, because chewing is hard after a while thankyou

Sizzlerman profile image
Sizzlerman in reply to Loz41

Hi Loz, think you may find it's the meds maybe the statin. I noticed the same thing eating especially something like a sunday dinner constant jaw aching. Good to see you have packed in smoking I did it 14 yrs ago. Strange because you will probably still smoke in your dreams or you will think you are a casual smoker. Good luck for the future I had two stents fitted in November and still off work due to medication and Gord due to all the acid tablets. It does get better.

Tindy2 profile image

Hi Loz41, did you have jaw pain while having the attack ? If so. does this feel the same ? That was my main symptom when I was having the attack, as well as neck and back pain. A week or so after having the stent , I started having episodes of jaw pain which although not as bad, were similar to the jaw pain I had during the attack . I mentioned this to my cardiac nurse , who told me to ring my GP. They increased my isosorbide mononitrate and it did eventually settle . Hope this gets sorted for you , and you can get on with your recuperation.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Tindy2

I will phone cardiac team on Monday not the same symptoms I had on mother's day the echo and ct came back fine but because my bloods said heart attack and I was still getting pain in chest and back I had to wait 4 days for angiogram and I didn't come out till they had done angioplasty , zero point phoning my gp we have locum drs at the minute and no nurses as 1 is shielding and 1 off sick I have to go to different surgery next week just to get my b12 shot.

Very greatful for everyone's input thankyou, certainly helps put me at ease, going to go for a walk today sunny in Wales

Confused01 profile image

Hi,I have intermittent jaw pain and pressure, sometime hard to open mouth fully. The go didn’t take this seriously, considering I have been having chest pressure, they say is costochondritis but doesn’t really fit with symptoms. I also experience worsened tinnitus when jaw at worse. If it’s tension you could try the muscle relaxing gel in that area.

See if it helps, or at least as an elimination.

Massive well done on getting rid of the cigs....keep at it, it’s hard but worth it.x

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Confused01

My gp surgery is under health board at the minute so it's hit or miss, I have some ibrouphen gel in the house so will give that a go thankyou

Fethiye21 profile image

Absolutely understand this ... I had exactly the same thing following my heart attack in December. The best way I can describe it is having eaten a hundredweight of caramel toffee. It felt tired and overused. It did go away eventually and my Doc suggested that it could have been the medication.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Fethiye21

That's how it feels like I've chewed hard toffee for hrs lol thanks will phone Monday

Fethiye21 profile image
Fethiye21 in reply to Loz41

Which meds are you taking?

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Fethiye21

Clopidogel, Asprin, Atovastatin, Bisoprolol

Fethiye21 profile image
Fethiye21 in reply to Loz41

Atorvastatin has popped up several times as the culprit for this issue. It does go away x

Flummoxedlou profile image

Hi Loz, Can I throw in a curve ball here... see your dentist. 40% of the population either grind their teeth or suffer from jaw clamping - many women when peri or post menopausal - this can be brought on by stress or can be a compulsive habit. Mine started when I went through the menopause and then I managed stop clamping until my heart attack. Two months after my heart attack, it came back and I have suffered constant pain in my jaw and wake up with my jaw clamped most mornings. I went to the dentist and mentioned it and she did several tests on my jaw, informing me that one side has a definite click. I am now having two fillings, one replacing an ill fitted previous filling which is too proud of my tooth line, and she she feels this may help me with the clamping along with a mouth guard for night time so that I don't wake up with so much pain. Our health is such a complex and individual thing that its difficult to get to the nub of what is going on sometimes. Good luck with it, I hope yours eases. Well done for giving up the fags too, that's a massive milestone you can be really proud of.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Flummoxedlou

I've woke this morning to think maybe it is tention possilbly from grinding my teeth only been 10 days since stents but chest feels ok still tired but think that's me getting used to meds I have had a good couple weeks of bad news so maybe it's showing in my body sticking to the no fags definitely!

Confused01 profile image
Confused01 in reply to Flummoxedlou

Yes, definitely...TMJ it’s called, suffered that a lot. Can also be caused by cervical spine issues (which I have tut). This is always the problem...defining the cause of something.

Flummoxedlou profile image
Flummoxedlou in reply to Confused01

I had no idea it was called TMJ, glad to know I'm not the only one. I was suffering badly yesterday and would have killed for a tablet that stopped me clenching my jaw all morning. Sadly there isn't one, I have to be mindful and keep stopping myself.

Shoshov profile image

good morning loz. i get terrible jaw and gum pain when angina kicks off. it’s like a precursor for me. every time. my sympathies. having said that it’s only 3 weeks since stenting so i’d have a word with gp or phone cardio rehab team. they give wonderful advice. hope you feel better soon❤️shiona

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Shoshov

Only 10 days since stents but lots people tell me that I should be bouncing back now so think maybe Ive got myself all tense without realising x

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Loz41

NO way should you be "!bouncing back" yet. Your system has had a tremendous shock and it takes time and time too to get used to our tablets. I had one that made me so ired I couldn't function at all. Take it steady, short gentle walks to start with and don't try to do to. o much; build it up gradually. The smoking cessation nurse told me to concentrate on one thing at a time; smoking then exercise then diet. You can make small changes to your diet now but well done on cracking smoking- it took me a year. No try a 10 minute walk. The jaw pain does sound like tension but get it checked out even if you have to go to an urgent care centre.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Qualipop

Seems others have bounced back after stent but I seem to be tired, I do think some of it is medication, I'm by no means lazy but I'm no fitness guru either Im self employed and clean houses and holiday homes for a living, have two dogs to walk every day but my diet will need to change a little as I do like my bread and sausages, cessation and cardiac nurse said focus on not smoking 1st then the rest will come and cardiac rehab will be in touch, I'm just trying to help myself because covid restrictions means rehab is over phone at min, I think the jaw maybe tention thanks for reply

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Loz41

IT was bisopralol that completely knocked me out. It dropped my BP so low I couldn't even get out of the chair. It was stopped and within 3 days I was fine so do speak to your GP about your medication. It is extremely early yet to even think of being back to normal. Don't underestimate what's happened. They say 6 weeks recovery for an operation which sounds a lot. I moved house 3 weeks after a major abdominal op and although I coped at the time, it put my recovery back a good 2 months.

Shoshov profile image
Shoshov in reply to Loz41

10 days is very early to bounce back. baby steps. build things up slowly. i really struggled for first month after HA. it was only when i began rehab that i started to feel better. hang in there it’ll get better. but i’d still chase up the jaw pain as it’s defo connected to my angina. a year after my HA i was getting bad pain and angio picked up a restenosis of my first stent which they fixed. roll on 2 weeks i was back in cath lab where i had another stent put in another artery so the moral of that story is that you can still get pains after stents going in. i wish you all the best on your journey. let me know how you go❤️

I had 2 stents fitted and prior to that I never had any jaw pain at all during Angina bouts. Shortly after I got a really bad toothache in my lower jaw. Doctor said best thing was to consult Dentist first, I was convinced they were going to say I had infection or worse and the tooth would be coming out, but they could not find anything. I had this for maybe 2 months and it was never diagnosed and finally subsided. I am now convinced it was probably from grinding my teeth together in my sleep from stress. I would think in your case this will probably be the same, it is unlikely that you still have Angina following the stenting. Well done on packing in the fags keep it up!

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to

I suspect it could be tension hence why going to leave it till Monday to speak to cardiac nurse, I've lost my nan this week, my father in law has got incurable cancer newly diagnosed and my aunt has had heart attack couple that with pandemic not earning and giving up the cigs, think it's pretty tense thanks for replies everyone

in reply to Loz41

Just to say also, I have had sporadic tingling in my hands and occasionally a sort of tight feeling down the centre of my chest for nearly 2 1/2 years now. everything else is fine and I regularly run at a decent pace with no problems. I think for some reason your body is never quite the same but you have to just accept it and just get on with living, it doesn't really bother me and as it has been so long it is obviously nothing serious.

Peajaya profile image

I have had odd spasms of jaw pain. No arm pains but some tingling in one hand and fingers but I didn't do anything about it and it went away after about 3 months and now I have not had and it for quite a while. Try not to worry about it too much but if it persists as others have said be on the safe side go see your Doctor. Good luck.

Flummoxedlou profile image

Blimey Loz, you have been in the wars, so sorry to hear about your nan and your father in law. Don't get to involved in trying to bounce back. Qualipop is right, you have been in a physically gruelling place and it takes time to get back to any normality. I am five months after an SCA and very intensive CPR with broken ribs and sternum - I am still in agony and the tablets are making me so weak too. I can't walk more than to the village shop and back! We all take time, our own time to settle back into our new lives. Lots of love, I hope father in law gets his treatment and does well. Its been a hell of a year for everyone.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to Flummoxedlou

Hasn't it for everyone I just keep saying there are alot worse off people like yourself who have had it very hard just, frustrating, I know it's still early days just the tiredness and the jaw was driving me crazy especially when it put me of my food and I like my food haha, Ive just hooverd the house and was knackered after, I do feel alittle anxious that the pain will come back but it soon passes its mainly if I'm on my own, cardiac rehab said this was normal for many people after ht, father in law is paletive chemo only but is cracking on as I knew he would, just everything seems to come at once, thanks

SpiritoftheFloyd profile image

Sorry I can't help with the jaw ache beyond saying that it's early days and I suspect most of us had strange aches and pains at that point in the recovery.Just like to say well done in stopping smoking - I stopped in December 2018 after my heart attack, as the consultant in hospital said that the most important thing to ensure that I don't have another trip back to the heart hospital in an ambulance with the blue lights on, was to pack in smoking - that worked for me! You might have some hard days without the cigs, but stick with it, it will be worth it.

Loz41 profile image
Loz41 in reply to SpiritoftheFloyd

Thankyou definitely my main focus right now and the rest will come with time

Mountwood profile image

Hello Loz41, well done about the smoking and your sensible attitude about diet etc. Take your time and decide on your own pace.Did you have any jaw pain before your heart attack? I learned I had angina thanks to my dentist. I mentioned to her that I sometimes had pain in my lower jaw, usually on exercise and in cold weather, so I wondered if my teeth were to blame. She said my teeth were fine, but I should tell my doctor so I did.

I was surprised when my GP mentioned angina as I always thought heart problems caused chest pain, but an angiogram showed blockage of 2 small branches of my left coronary artery. Nothing bad enough to warrant surgery of any kind, so after about 10 years I am still just taking Bisoprolol and Monomil with a GTN spray which I don't use often. I think it would be worth mentioning the jaw pain to your GP just to be safe.

It's a pity more people don't know that heart problems can cause pain in lots of places, not just the chest or arm

Good luck, you've taken a big step by quitting the fags.

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