Normal Reactions After Recent Stent - British Heart Fou...

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Normal Reactions After Recent Stent

Carrob-123 profile image
31 Replies

Hi All

Two weeks ago I had a stent fitted after a heart attack two days prior, I’m getting myself into a bit of a state over something which I can only describe as pressure / mild discomfort in the middle of my chest

Is this normal ???? Or am I causing this with my “am I going to die” scaremongering 🤦‍♀️😆

Not seeing my GP till the end of the month for follow up



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Carrob-123 profile image
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31 Replies

Hi, I had a stent fitted last August, I felt pressure immediately afterwards which subsided. If you are concerned I would get it checked out. If only for your own peace of mind.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Notalotleftinthetank

Thank You I may try to bring my GP appointment forward as I’m definitely getting anxious which is not helping I’m sure 👍

EmmyLaury12 profile image

I had HA last April

One stent like you . I had exactly same symptoms as you and thought I was having another HA.

Very anxious time and had two

post HA A &E admissions so I’ll with the anxiety. Everything was normal when went to A and E so honestly thinkmthe stent was just setting into

My heart and I was suffering discomfort while this process was going on . Well that’s my take on it everyone is different really.

I learned to control my anxiety now and nearly a year on since my HA feel so much better. Hope you do too soon .🤞

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to EmmyLaury12

Hi thanks so much for getting in touch, jeez that must have been a nightmare!! but so good to know you are well now, it’s hard though and it will take time plus if I take the steps to get info from the right sources ie Cardiac Rehab instead of Dr Google ( usually 3am when I can’t sleep 😴 🤦‍♀️😆) thats got to help plus doing this too Best


Lee180 profile image


I was exactly the same as you, every little pain worried me so much and anyone you I spoke to about it just said dial 999 which I did and there a lovely a&e doctor told me nothing was wrong and I could go home and had a chat with me about my worries which helped massively with helping understand different pains in my chest.

Good luck x

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Lee180

Hi thanks for replying much appreciated it’s been v good to get feedback and advice from folks here so that has eased things, but I know I have to get in touch and set myself up with the rehab as feeling like “am I doing enough ?”“Am I doing too much?” “Is this normal to have this pain?” will drive me bonkers 😆



yeah me too, welcome to the club.

Anxiety seems to be a major side effect for many people who have just had a HA/CA, with every little niggle and twinge sends us into a panic. I've only just learned that some cardiac departments have dedicated psychology teams, maybe ask your rehab team if you have access to one.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to

Hi yeah that seems a good way to go as it just feels as though the docs have sorted the problem but the anxiety needs to be sorted too !👍


Hello carrob-123, I had a stent done aug 2019 and had the same feeling afterwards. Some of it was aches from the procedure and some was worry that I was going to die. When you think of what your body has just been thru it's ok if it aches a bit as it starts to recover. Have you been contacted by a cardiac nurse? They will be able to answer any questions you have and put your mind at rest. My nurse was fab, I would never have got thru those early months without her support. I checked every twinge and ache with her, she never made me feel silly and if she thought I was being silly she never showed it. It does get easier be patient with yourself x

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to fedupoffeelingtired

Hi yeah trying to be rational but a 3am when I cant sleep it all goes out the window 🤦‍♀️😆No contact from cardiac nurse but maybe still early I’ve tried the chat thing on here but haven’t managed to get a reply from a nurse will try Monday again meeting with GP end of the month

Thanks so much for your help



DCIHarry profile image


As many others have commented here I also had a similar experience in that I felt some discomfort for several months after my stent procedure.

It was part physical - your body has just been through quite a physical trauma, may have caused some internal bruising, and it may take time for your stent to settle and your body to accept it - and it also part mental.

After my procedure, I became hypersensitive to any pain, twinge or strange sensation in my chest area, to the point where and my brain pushed me mentally into "catastrophe mode" (or flight: fight mode) and it convinced me that I was having another heart attack. I wasn't but it was severe anxiety that resulted in a panic attack.

Without belittling how you are feeling at all, this could be what is happening in your case, but if you are really concerned, then you do need to at least talk to someone about this and even get it checked out.

So in my experience, you really need to talk to your cardiac team (either the cardiologist who dealt with you if you can get through to him/her, or your community cardiac rehab team - assuming you have been assigned one, or even the BHF nurses). They are in a far better position than your GP to advise you in this as they are specialists in this filed, as opposed to your GP who (by definition) is a medical generalist.

The cardiac team members are brilliant and are there to help you through this next phase in your recovery. They will never, ever think you are wasting their time. So don't hesitate to contact them.

I hope this helps.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to DCIHarry

Thanks it helps enormously!I’ve tried to contact the cardiac nurse chat on this site twice but no luck !

Will try again on Monday, I was visited by a Cardiac rehab nurse in hospital but nothing since

You are right though to put my mind at ease I need to hear it all good from an expert



DCIHarry profile image
DCIHarry in reply to Carrob-123

Not a problem at all. I'm no expert, just another "Hearty", but feel free to reach out any time

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to DCIHarry

Much appreciated 👍

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to Carrob-123

Cardiac rehab as in supervised exercise is obviously not happening now but the nurse should get in touch; usually 3 to 4 weeks after the event so don't panic; they will get in touch. You will be sent a book on how to change your lifestyle, diet and exercise but not much more. However don't forget, you can still phone your rehab nurse at any time. The BHF does have rehab exercises online but make sure they are the correct level for you. I never got rehab because I use a wheelchair and the nurse decided I wouldn't be capable and our area doesn't do disabled rehab. It would really have boosted my confidence to try to do things with someone keeping an eye on me.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Qualipop

Hi thanks for getting in touch !I’m so sorry you didn’t get the help you needed I totally agree that it would have been an enormous benefit to you, just doing this and getting advice from others has helped me !

Hopefully I can make contact with Cardiac folk v soon I have the booklet with the numbers so no excuse 👍

Many Thanks


Walking_Cycling profile image

HiI had two stents fitted in Dec 2020 and I have odd pains in my chest since then and I have been very anxious about my heart and the plumbing.

I did call an ambulance a few weeks ago and went to hospital for checks. Good news is that I wasn't having another heart attack. The doctors told me that the body takes time to adjust to the operation and all the new medicines. You can always go back to hospital for further tests if you are worried.

I can recommend the cardio rehab course, it was really good.

I have changed my diet and reduced my cholesterol level to 1.7 ml from 5.5 ml.

No Biscuits, cakes, crisps chocolate, alcohol and bread and reading the labels for saturated fat content and trying to eat fruit and veg every day.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Walking_Cycling

Thanks so much for getting back to, I haven’t been contacted by any Cardiac Rehab folk tried to call the BHF cardiac nurse twice but no one was available, I just feel a bit set adrift to deal with things!!I’m a sensible person and know it’s all probably normal !!

Superb stuff getting your cholesterol down



Walking_Cycling profile image
Walking_Cycling in reply to Carrob-123

The cardio rehab was organised by my hospital at Bournemouth. Maybe your hospital can arrange similar?

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Walking_Cycling

Hi I’m going to check the booklets etc given on my discharge and try contacting the rehab team lot of folks here saying it’s the best way forward It’s so hard though but to stress but doing this has helped

Thanks 🙏


Pussacat profile image

Hi there, I had my aren't fitted 5 weeks ago. I felt similar pressure for some time after but was reassured this is normal due to the irritation caused to the heart during the procedure. It does seem to have eased now.

If you are worried, contact your Cardiac Rehab Nurse for a chat and talk it through, I did and was immediately reassured this is normal. The heart is a muscle and needs to heal like any other muscle that has been damaged in any way.

You have experienced a serious event but are on the recovery side now and things will get better.


Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Pussacat

Thanks for taking the time to reply, just doing this has made me feel a bit better and less worried Best


Pussacat profile image
Pussacat in reply to Carrob-123

No worries. Take care and take it slow. If you haven't got an allocated rehab nurse yet, call the coronary care unit you were in and get the number. You should have been given a booklet from them with the numbers in that you need. ?

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Pussacat

Hi will check through the paperwork and make a conscious effort to get in touch with the cardiac rehab !Sounds from a few folk the best route and advice

Many thanks again


Qualipop profile image

HA and 2 stents in 2018. Massive anxiety afterwards but mainly caused by the meds. I had no discomfort but that seems to depend on which artery was blocked and stented. Discomfort is very common until the stents settle in. What hit me hardest and still does ( Had to see GP just yesterday about it) was being told I have 2 more blockages at around 63% but blood was flowing ok so they didn't need stents. In my mind they do. Anxiety is completely normal. You have just been hit with the fact that you are not immortal. It's massive and the doctors do absolutely nothing to help with that. Fix the plumbing then chuck you out. Phone the nurses on the BHF on MOnday; they are lovely and helpful but bring forward your GP appointment and insist that it's face to face because, for your own peace of mind, you need everything checking. My GP struggled to find a nurse to do an ECG because they are all doing covid clinics but he succeeded just 15 minutes before my appt with him so I could have a thorough check up. Remember too that you will probably get side effects from the huge bag of tablets you were given. They don't all suit everyone. It's a standard list they give to everyone after a HA then leave it to your GP to sort out any problems. There are plenty of alternatives. I had all except aspirin changed.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Qualipop

Hi thanks for replying much appreciated👍Thats extremely good advice re the meds as I think it may be related, I’m defo going to call GP and bring forward the appointment plus try again with the BHF nurse, hopefully this will calm my over anxiousness 🤦‍♀️

Believe it or not I was hit by a bus last year too so talk about “ someone out to get me “




Sap1405 profile image

Carob-123, I am sorry to read of your anxiety and concerns about your heart health.I had 4 stents fitted in January and suffered similar sensations as you. Once I started the rehab my confidence soared and the “ symptoms” disappeared.

Have you started the cardiac rehab program yet? If you haven’t contact them immediately and get registered.

When you were discharged you should have been given details of your local rehab team.

The question I learnt to ask myself daily was “ how do I actually feel?” Rather than listening to the imaginary fears in my head. The worst thing for your heart health is the stress that the anxiety brings with it. When the fears hit you try to go for a short gentle walk, it will help.

Good luck with everything and reach out at any time.

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Sap1405

Hi you are so right !!!Plus staying clear of GOOGLE will help !

I haven’t been contacted yet but have some booklets etc will read through again for a contact, just doing this and hearing from other folk has definitely been a great help

Thanks v much for getting in touch 👍😊



Sap1405 profile image
Sap1405 in reply to Carrob-123

Carolyn, the invasive thoughts are like clouds passing through try to let them continue their journey and replace them with sunshine ☀️

Carrob-123 profile image
Carrob-123 in reply to Sap1405

Hello I will do .....I need to

Thanks 🙏


Sap1405 profile image
Sap1405 in reply to Carrob-123

Carolyn, I know how easy it is for people to dish out home spun philosophy and advice. I also know that as an anxiety sufferer it is incredibly hard to shift fears of ill health. After all we are hard wired to respond to perceived dangers. All my adult life, despite evidence to the contrary, I have suffered from health anxiety. Bizarrely when faced with a real illness ( I have bowel cancer) my response has been entirely positive. Reality is much less scary than the fear of the unknown that is conjured by our imagination. I totally empathise with your current feelings but can assure you that they are in all likelihood just baseless fears. Unpleasant but not life threatening. To be on the safe side get checked out and then concentrate on making every day special filled with any activity you can manage.Good luck, you will be fine. X

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