Had a really thorough Conversation today with the Surgeon who operated on me last September. He was absolutely brilliant I'm happy to say. (Was very anxious before he called), it went really well though and feel very relieved. He is now sending for me to have an X-Ray and Scan and marking it as Urgent!! So, just have to prepare myself for the next round when it comes!!
Surgeon's Phone Call today - 'Re last... - British Heart Fou...
Surgeon's Phone Call today - 'Re last Post - Sternum Healing'!!
Isn't it a lovely feeling when you actually get somewhere with the medics? I'm pleased for you that something is now being set in motion
Aww thank you Alison. It's very nice of you to say that. Agree too, it's a great feeling!! 😊😊
That's good news for you! Let's hope it be soon your X-ray and scan 🙏🤗❤️
It is Snowdrops and thank you so much for replying. He did say though that although he is putting it as 'Urgent', it depends on the Emergencies they have. Just grateful for his Call though!! 😊😊 x

I bet you are! It's good you had that call, it puts you more at ease, doesn't it and you know that your doctor cares! I know from reliable source, friend, the NHS is under immense pressure and stress during this Pandemic! But any emergency, if life threatening, needs to be dealt with medically, immediately!
I am thankful that my heart attack was February 2019 and no Pandemic!
Could have been a different story!
You hang in there Snowflake 🤗❤️🙏
Exactly Snowdrops especially being 'Overwhelmed' like they are. Thank God for the NHS. We really are 'SO' lucky. Have nothing but praise for them all. Also hope you are ok now too x

Yes I am not too bad still struggling with walking fast as developed pheripheral vascular disease! But I think I had this a year before my heart attack, noticed pain in calf summer 2018, especially going uphill! Legs felt heavy! Then I needed another stent in my right coronary artery! Altogether have 3 stents, 2 left 1 right 😁! Well after my 2nd Angioplasty, I developed pain in my left lower leg, foot was ice cold and I couldn't stand on my foot! Doppler Test showed bad circulation, 0.4 BPM left leg and 0.7 BPM in right leg! Back to hospital MRI scan - showed 13 cm blockage in my left femoral artery! Vascular Consultant wasn't going to offer me treatment, but I wished they had! It's inhibiting me quite a bit! Also when I carry heavy it pulls in my left leg! Used to walk very fast, now more steady! Makes me more tired as well! I don't get younger! So wished they had stented this artery now! Feel sad about that Snowflake! Now it would be more difficult for them to treat me! Backlog and Pandemic! Just have to bat on somehow 🙏❤️
Aww I am so sorry to hear all that Snowdrops. I used to get terrible pain in my left leg as well but the Doctor gave me 'Amitriptyline' for it and, touch wood, don't get it now. Whether that is through the Operation as well though, I don't know. You are certainly not on your own with the walking side of it though, I'm not that great now, not like I want to be anyway. I used to be very quick but not so much now. I think we have to put that down to getting older as well though!! Try getting yourself referred back to the Hospital if you can and tell them exactly how you feeling. Hopefully, things are starting to ease a little bit now with the Pandemic. Maybe it's different here mind, I am in Wales and everywhere is different. You are more than welcome to Message me anytime if you want. I really don't mind. Take Care. X

Thank you Snowflake 🤗❤️I know that I need to exercise more!
Its been quite miserable this 3rd Lockdown, rain, snow etc so not much chance in January and February! Hopefully weather is getting a little warmer as well now! I used to take Bisoprolol but it made my legs worse!
So I decided I had enough feeling like a Zombie, and my hands and feet got do cold when I was outside! Not pleasant that! My doctor knows, told her! She increased my Ramipril! Feel better now!
I just have to get back into a routine! Lockdown routine, well debatable 🤣
Was relaxing earlier and reading, then one parcel for my daughter's birthday arrived, then 30 mins later, got a call from Amazon, parcel for me from my third youngest for Mother's Day!
Right spoilt with that! Need my brain relaxing for a bit now! Then make tea!
God bless Snowflake! Let me know when you get your scan and x-ray okay 🤗💕
Nice to have another friend on here 😘
Oh I will let you know Snowdrops most definitely. It's right with what you say about the Weather, it's been so miserable. Let's hope it gets better soon. Sorry it's only now I'm getting back to you too but my Son called in after he finished Work, he does everyday, he's in my 'Bubble' lol!! He stayed for a bit. He does that everyday in all fairness to him to see how I am and phones everyday like clockwork 😊. I did us some Food, washed up, had a Bath and then watched 'Corrie'. I love 'Corrie' ha ha!! I've got to admit I can't wait for this Lockdown to go to be able to go out and about properly again. Sick to death with staying in. Really looking forward to the Hairdressers 're-opening' here on Monday. I just can't wait to go to her....!! As for the Tablets, what can you say??? I really don't feel like taking any of them if I'm honest but, If that what it takes, so be it! Glad you've been spoilt with your Mother's Day Present, at least you know you're loved 💘. I'm going to make a Cuppa now and then go to Bed. Quite tired tonight! Don't forget what I said about Messaging, I meant it. Hope to talk to you soon. Goodnight x

Had my gas man out, but he does plumbing as well, he's my Landlady's brother! Discovered a leak under my toilet water tank! I rung him, he came and thank God he fixed it all! So glad for people like this!!! But have to dry carpet and floor underneath now! All good!And your Son..... Well 1 in a Million, is great that he cares about you so much!
Mine don't live near me! But think they would check up on me too for sure Snowflake!
Lunch and chill for a minute! Been busy tidying paperwork etc, filing and all sorts! Getting there slowly!!!❤️🙏
Oh no, what a Nightmare?? I hate it when things like that happen. Hope your Carpet and everything dries out properly, at least it's fixed though! 😊 Yes, my Son is coming over later after the Rugby, Wales v Italy. I don't know where I would be without him 😀. I know what you mean about Paperwork too - Census Forms, loads to Shred and the List goes on ha ha!! Catch up with you soon x
That is good news Snowflake. It is always good to hear from the surgeon who operated on you as they will know from the xray what to do next. I was told that you address a male surgeon not as Doctor but as Mr. (name). I don't know the correct term for addressing a female surgeon would it Miss, Ms or Mrs?
Anyway I am glad your surgeon has eased your mind if not the pain mate.
I will be interested to know, as I'm sure many will be, what fix they will use to solve the problem. Keep yer chin up Snowflake.
Hi Cruger. Well the Surgeon is a Mr but I always call him Doctor and he doesn't seem to mind. He also remembered me well. I said aww do you Doctor? He answered, How could I forget you and that I'd stuck in his Mind. Was afraid to ask anymore lol!! I'm not sure either what the difference is between a Mr and a Doctor, maybe higher, I really don't know. I asked him about that Vest as well but he said he wants to do these Tests first!! Will definitely keep you updated. 👍👍
Keep us updated Snowflake, I'm interested to hear about sternum movement and healing.
My op was September last year, I haven't had any problems till recently when I started increasing the weights I use on exercise. Just hoping its the muscle round the scar more than the bones 😂
Hiya Wooodsie. I am sorry to hear that, I really am. I'm hoping mine isn't too much either but who knows?? I have been on and off sleeping all night because of it!! So irritating and quite painful too