Sternum Healing!!: Hello Everyone... - British Heart Fou...

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Sternum Healing!!

β€’21 Replies

Hello Everyone. Haven't been on here in a long time and this is only my second Post. Anyway, was just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this - When I move, my Sternum Bone moves with me, it's as simple as that!! This seems to be happening more lately and I am getting a bit concerned about it. It also protrudes and sometimes seems to 'stick' in me. I had the Surgery September last year. Surely, I shouldn't be getting this now?? I really don't want to phone my Doctor just in case I may be over-reacting!! Any thoughts or input would be very much appreciated. Many thanks 😊

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21 Replies

How can you be over reacting?

If it is not shown as the norm on this site, or your cardiiogists/ surgeons have not given you warning to expect such behaviour- then a call to them is surely the right thing to do?

I had my op last July and i still get what i call painful shoulders if i have pushed myself physically with my arms or activity where my body has provided the brunt of the force. If i take a deep breath my sternum kicks off a bit - but it is not as bad as it was, same as laying on my side in bed.

Just today i had a post surgery follow up call where we discussed breathing, breathlessness, pain in sternum/ chest or shoulders and medication. All appears to be working in a positive direcion - except for the lack fo walking courtesy of lockdown requirements in the UK.

We are all different, and what may be good for me may not be good for you. I understand it can 'click' for quite some time with some people - but what you describe is nothing i've read about on here, nor heard in discussion whilst on the recovery ward with other patients or nurses - and lets be honest, we had nothing better to do did we?

Give them a call, my surgical team have been nothing but helpful post surgery...

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Hi and thanks so much for your reply. To be quite honest, I phoned the Doctor couple of months ago about the 'Reflux Acid and Heartburn' I was getting after the Op. He really didn't take much notice to be honest and gave me Gaviscon which didn't work. Phoned him again and he prescribed me Lansoprazole which has helped, thankfully. I'm just thinking I can't phone him again lol!! I tried to get hold of the Cardiac Nurse I was under and she, and a lot of other Nurses have been transferred to other Wards e.g. Covid so no joy there!! Think I will try and give the Surgeon's Secretary tomorrow and see what she says. Surgeon did say I would be transferred back to the Cardiologist at my local Hospital but haven't heard a thing, expect that's due to Covid as well!! I've put it down to everything, like sleeping on my side, maybe over-doing things, sure you know what I mean. Anyway, that's all I know it just doesn't seem right!! Have also put it off a bit because I was in Hospital for 6 weeks, I had complications, and really can't face another stay if they have to re-operate or anything. I DO feel so much better for getting that lot off my Chest though so thanks a lot. More than appreciated 😊

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Have you tried the British Heart Foundation Cardiac Nurses line.

Their number is on the website.

I know I harp on about these nurses but quite honestly I don’t know what I’d have done without them. If unsure of anything just ring them for advice.

I find them honest, patient and full of information. They give you the confidence to go to the right place and ask the right questions.

Good luck and you are not over reacting.

You just need answers.



in reply to

Thank you so much Maisie. I have been worrying about this quite a bit. Decided to try the Cardiac Nurse again and, guess what, she is off with Covid!! Anyway, I explained everything to the Receptionist and she is going to get another Cardiac Nurse to give me a call. If they don't ring, I will definitely try the BHF Helpline. At the moment, I just feel I want 're-assurance so ALL of these replies are really helping 😊

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I’d phone BHF anyway to get some advice straight away. Good luck


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I've had a Phone Call now Maisie so, hopefully, it will now get sorted!! 😊

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I will keep the BHF Nurses in mind though - always nice to know that you can phone someone if there's anything bothering us.

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I've been rather fortunate in that i had to keep returning to the hospital to get dressings changed - my leg and chest wounds suffered infection post surgery so i had to be monitored - but whenever i returned i had more questions to ask. You've made a couple of calls - i made about 10 visits, made 2 phone calls and sent 3 e-mails, along with a selection of phone calls and e-mails sent by my GP and Cardio NP. For me, answering your questions puts your minda t rest or gets something fixed, which in turn inproves your mental well being, which in turn can improve your physical well being and recovery.

All those little things can make a big difference in the long run - so give them a call. Covid is starting to recede - so staff should be returning to their designated roles soon. Good luck with the chasing up.

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Blimey, you've really gone through it as well haven't you? Hope you are feeling a lot better now. I have just made a Call so will just have to wait and see now...! Thanks again 😊

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I thought the box i ticked on the Consent Form said "can experience complications" - i think what it actually said was "would love complications" πŸ˜‚

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LOL - I know exactly what you mean ha ha. You've made my day lol with that!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Chappychap profile image

It took about six months for my sternum to fully heal following open heart surgery, I exercise a lot, including weights, and have no issues at all with my sternum.

However, "fully" healed isn't the same as "perfectly" healed, and I have a clearly defined "ridge" close to my collar bone. I saw an x-ray that had been taken following the operation, and one of the steel staples used to hold the sternum together was clearly visible. So this ridge may be that, or it may just be that the bone has fused together that way. Whatever the reason it's definitely there, but at the same time it's not a problem.

I understand this is very common, so if you find something similar don't worry unduly. If you need more re-assurance try your GP or calling the BHF nurses, but it's really no big deal.

in reply to Chappychap

Phew that's a relief! I never have anything straight forward and been thinking the worse lol 😊

in reply to Chappychap

PS: I have just read that again, and you have really made me feel better and have certainly put things into perspective. Thank you 😊

080311 profile image

Afternoon Snowflake20

When I saw my surgeon for my post op check he told me that the sternum would be stronger than his 18 months after surgery. New bone grows over the wires and makes it incredibly strong. I am 4 years on and when I look straight on at my sternum it looks fine, but when I run my hand over the join! One side is a little higher than the otherπŸ˜‚ it’s been like that from the beginning.

If you feel something isn’t quite right give your GP a call, just for your piece of mind. If it’s bothering you, you are not over reacting.

Take care Pauline

in reply to 080311

Hi Pauline. Thanks very much for your reply. I did phone the Cardiac Nursing Team at the Hospital where I always go today and they have just phoned back. She seems to think that it may need Surgery again to put it right. She wasn't sure whether it could have been caused by the Pacemaker I had fitted and developed a huge Haematoma or a Surgical problem. She is going to get on to the Surgeon where I had the Op and come back to me as soon as she can, saves me from doing it lol. She was absolutely brilliant and didn't think I was over-reacting so I am glad that I have done it now. Been bottling it up for weeks!! I am so glad that you are ok now too 😊

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to

So pleased you have made contact with your cardio team, it’s better to get a proper answer than worrying yourself with not knowing.Let us know how you go will be thinking about you.


in reply to 080311

Aww that's so kind of you Pauline. I've had another Phone Call today from Cardiac Rehab to say that they have been in touch with the Surgeon's Secretary already and I just have to wait now for either a Call or Letter from one of the Hospital Team where I had the Op. So, fingers crossed, it will get sorted one way or the other!! x

Cruger profile image
Cruger in reply to

Hi Snowy, I had CABGX4 back in September and about 3 days after surgery I placed a portable handheld monitor that I could carry around the ward on the edge of the toilet sink while I brushed my teeth. The monitor fell and my immediate reaction was to catch it before it hit the floor. Big mistake. I caught the monitor but felt a click in the sternum as I stretched. I waited a couple of hours to see if things would settle down, but it didn't, so I explained to the nurse what happened, and she got the surgeon who had operated on me. He gave me a Posthorax Support Vest and told me to wear it every day for 3 months. He also prescribed me Laxido to take every day, so I didn't strain going to the toilet. Being a good boy I done as I was told and wore that bloody contraption every day for 3 months and not only did the clicks go away but apart from a slight ridge where it meets at the windpipe that vest sorted me out. I sleep on my stomach and after 3 months and no vest I was very apprehensive the first time I tried sleeping that way as it means pushing on my arms to move, but so far so good and no clicks. To be honest I have had more healing complications with my lower leg where the vein was taken from and that still isn't right than I have had from my chest area.

I hope you get the care you need and deserve after what you are going through. And don't worry about bothering your doctor or nurse, there are no limits to the amount of times you can call if you think something is wrong. You know your own body better than anyone.

Well thank you so much for telling me that. Sorry it's only now I' m getting back to you too!! I didn't get up till late today. Couldn't sleep much at all last night. It was sticking in me and moving about when I turned over and, quite honestly, was getting on my Nerves!! I have just written down the Name of that Vest and might pop over the Chemist in a bit to see if they can maybe order one for me. It's worth a try anyway! No-one from the Hospital Team have rung me yet so I'm hoping I will get a Letter or something soon. If the Chemist can get me one, they are really helpful there, I will definitely give it a go in the meantime while I am waiting. Sorry that you have had trouble with your Leg and hope that it will soon be mended. I haven't had any trouble with my Leg though, Thank God lol!! Take Care and thanks again πŸ˜ƒ

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Hi again Cruger. If the Chemist can 't get one, I'll look Online for one because I really don't know whether I can face any Surgery again if that's what it needs!! :(!!

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