I have created a support group for facebook for those of us that battle with anxiety and depression daily and feel alone or like no one understands and feel that they have no one to talk to, feel free to join find the group by searching Support Group for Anxiety and Depression
Support Group for Anxiety and Depression - British Heart Fou...
Support Group for Anxiety and Depression

Good cm I join anxiety awful
Yes you can and you are right it is very horrible
Are you qualified to run such a group ?
Sorry but I feel I have to report this post until full details are disclosed.
Excuse me what? don't need to be qualified for a support group, this group is where people just talk about their anxiety and what they go through amongst people that understand and are going through the same I made this group because I battle with anxiety and depression and I don't really have people that understand where I'm coming from I didn't make this group with any ill intentions what ill intentions could there be anyway from a freaking support group it's people like you that are always looking for something negative if you don't like it don't join or comment it's not for you, you can report it all you want it won't get deleted thank you have a nice day

I think your response is very worrying and that’s is my point. Support groups that I have been involved with in this country have always been well disciplined and have some form of professional set up.
Like this forum
Goodbye Ma'am or Sir I honestly don't care what kind of support groups ypu have been in or what kind of structure they have had obviously this one is not for you like I said this group is just for us to talk about our problems amongst people that understand that daily struggle so again you can report and do whatever you want it will not get deleted have a nice day
There already is a forum for anxiety and depression on here, join it if you haven't already 😊
Then you can maybe avoid nasty people like kelsey.. 👍
How am I being nasty?
I get moments of high,thinking i can do great things then realise i cant..total down..curl up in bed and stay.