There’s a new heart support group started up in my area and I’ve got permission from the moderators to pass on some information to any of you who might be interested. Keighley Healthy Living are working in collaboration with the Cardiac Rehab Team from Airedale NHS Foundation Trust to provide a welcoming space for people living with a heart condition and their family/carers to share experiences, connect with others with similar conditions and access further health and wellbeing support. Meetings are monthly in person in Keighley and Skipton and are principally for people living in the Airedale, Wharfedale and Craven areas, though they wouldn’t want to exclude anyone if they felt the group would support them. You can ring Keighley Healthy Living on 01535 677177 or see their website for more information.
Heart Support Group in West Yorkshire - British Heart Fou...
Heart Support Group in West Yorkshire

I live in clayton BD14 6QE. I have completed the cardiac rehabilitation course. This is now finished. My heart attack was silent. Have had two stents and a loop device fitted. Would I fit the criteria for this group Marie
Hi Marie, the group is definitely open to anyone with any type of heart issue but I think I saw mentioned that one part of its aim is to support people after their rehab, though I have never done any rehab myself! They did say that people from out of our local area are able to come too and Clayton isn’t that far away anyway. I hope this helps but if you want more specific info please contact Keighley Healthy Living. Your story is very different to mine, I have a pacemaker and heart failure but all are welcome at the group. Helen
Oh I wish I was just that bit closer. I'd love to be under Airedale hospital. I took my son there when he was young but it's just that bit t oo far for me to t ravel now.
The FB group looks amazing. Our area has nothing like that. I didn't even get rehab because i'm in a wheelchair.
I’m sorry you aren’t near enough to come to the group and didn’t get rehab, and I hope something similar opens up in your area. You don’t seem to get rehab in our area unless you’ve had a heart attack. I was much more well last summer and got offered an activity programme at the leisure centre aimed at people with health problems. I joined and was really enjoying it but after about 3 weeks had to drop out due to my heart failure getting worse. Hoping to be able to rejoin when I’m a bit more improved. I wish provision of care was better spread out across the country!
I was point blank refused rehab because of the wheelchair and several different spinal conditions. Found out 3 years later from the head of department I should have been allowed to at least try. The nurse who refused it went for retraining. If I lived around 6 miles north I'd be in Airedale's area but it' s just too far now as my spine's got much worse
That’s a shame and very unfair, and I’m sorry your condition has worsened. As regards being out of area, they seemed ok about having people come, you wouldn’t have to be exactly in Airedale’s area, but I understand the difficulty you’d have making the journey.
Yes, afraid a 40 minute journey is beyond me plus I've been waiting 2 years to get cataracts done so I can't get to anything that means driving home when it's getting dark.
My partner had the same problem and even though he’d had the cataracts fixed, he still prefers not to drive at night. I have never driven so if he’s not around I use my bus pass. That’s a long waiting list at 2 years!