Blood pressure query: Hello 😊. I’ve... - British Heart Fou...

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Blood pressure query

Bakinggirl profile image
•34 Replies

Hello 😊. I’ve always had great blood pressure but recently due to enormous stress in my life it’s risen to 141/100 at the worst 155/101. When the stress is taken away my average is 117/82. My doctor says I should start a ‘nanna’ dose of blood pressure meds and also to put me on blood thinners. My dad had an early heart attack at 68 I’m now 57. I am a healthy weight, I don’t drink or smoke , I eat healthily but the only category I don’t fit is the stress. Has anyone else had similar experiences or if not any words of advice. Many thanks.

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Bakinggirl profile image
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34 Replies

Hello.Can your genes be the cause of it?

Bakinggirl profile image
Bakinggirl in reply to

I don’t know because dads heart attack was out of the blue so don’t know if he had blood pressure issues.

in reply to Bakinggirl

Thats tricky then for you. Probably no way of finding out either.

Ageingfast profile image

My dubious claim to fame is that i am recovering from a stroke and recovering from AVR.I read this forum and the stroke forum.

Why me often comes up.

Im only 35. Only eat carrots, run a marathon every week and so on.

What is fairly clear is that those of us who are average fit, dont smoke and restrain weight then we survive and we eventually recover.

Stress is a problem. You will get stressed because you are stressed. Taking my own BP stresses me !

But when i was going to relaxation classes and gentle yoga classes, my BP eased plenty.

Covid has stopped my classes. But they helped a lot.

The other thing is to smile. Sit and grin to yourself. It is amazingly successful.

Another bit of trivia:

I lived in Harrow and the doctors said 130/80 was the trigger point. Moved to Tendring, deepest rural Essex , and they moved the goal posts to 140/80.

So if your bad readings are a155/101 then please get relaxing whilst it is all under control.

Good luck


Bakinggirl profile image
Bakinggirl in reply to Ageingfast

Thank you Colin for your reply. I will keep smiling and will try to relax. Im going to give tai chi a go on you tube, that’s supposed to be good for relaxation. I’m currently on respite at my daughters house. But it’s interesting about what you wrote regarding different blood pressures in different areas. I’m taking my blood pressure twice a day at the moment and yes taking it causes me a problem waiting for the wrong numbers. But it’s perfect if I’m relaxing. But thanks again for your reply. 😊

Ageingfast profile image
Ageingfast in reply to Bakinggirl

Tai chi is an excellent idea. I wanted to do it bur there were no beginners classes her, so i went for beginners yoga, which was wonderful beyond belief.

Surreychica_1 profile image
Surreychica_1 in reply to Bakinggirl

Before taking your blood pressure. Breath in and out deeply about 10 times it will bring your BP down. If it doesnt do it again, slow breathing in and out you will be surprised it can bring your BP down by about 10 points.

valspia profile image
valspia in reply to Surreychica_1

I totally agree! It works for me also.

Hi bakingirl! Well readings are really high and a cause of concern. You know your problem that u need to reduce stress. How u do it depends on your choice it's different for everyone some might find sleeping a good way to relax others choose listening to music or going for a long walk. Nonetheless listen to your doctor and start the medicines required. While slowly and gradually controlling your tension. Once you are sure you can manage without medication taper off. But at this time you need to listen what doctors say.

Bassman65 profile image

Hi bakinggirl,

those readings are a bit high but your doctor can advise you best on how to manage bp, however there are some things you can try like using an app such as headspace, calm, or insight timer. There are many more, my personal favourite is insight timer and there are plenty of free guided meditations in it for all kinds of things including anxiety and help with relaxation and sleep.

Try to take your blood pressure when you have sat still for 5 minutes and before starting, close your eyes and just picture your heart beating at it’s current rate then imagine it slowing to a more sedate rate. This might take a bit of practice (used to use it between judo sessions to recover quickly)

Gela64 profile image

Hi there- like you I am 65 and quite fit and normal weight and historically low blood pressure but over the last year I shot up to lunchtime readings anything up to 150/ 100 doc says after various tests -totally stress related (well - my husband had a couple of strokes during our lockdown in NZ and had a previous brain injury from cardiac arrests 5 years ago... so I get the stress thing...) I am now on propranolol 40 mg and thankfully my bp has stabilised and I dont get that buzzy feeling in my head when it shoots up... but none of my ancestors had heart conditions -lived to their 90s - so please take this with a grain of salt. But I have a truly great GP who said that in my case it was totally stress- related. Best of luck x

SteveSeddon profile image

When I was in my 30s my blood pressure was borderline and I also smoked. I refused the beta blockers and had a heart attack at 45 and an SCA in June this year that required 5 shocks and was clinically dead for 35 minutes caused by the scarring in my heart 12 years before.

Your readings are high. Take the beta blockers, take up running and come off them when running (c25k to start?) brings the BP down - which it will if the issue isn’t genetic. It’s much harder to control stress levels in my experience.

Different numbers seem to be commonly suggested by different doctors as ‘acceptable’. What I find ‘laughable’ about blood pressure monitoring is that when you are in hospital for pretty much anything they take readings every half hour / hour. Once you get out they seem happy with ‘once a month’ if they show any interest at all. And the NHS website suggests every 5 years.Back to your situation you are pretty sure stress is the trigger and you are taking steps to reduce it. That’s great. And tbh it is probably more useful than anything you ‘d get from the NHS.

Ally2019 profile image

Hi. I was also put on blood pressure medication because I have a slightly enlarged aorta. I am 49 and that came out of the blue. I am now on losartan 25mg so a low dose. And everything is going well. Before taking it, I did put myself under so much anxiety that it really contributed to making me stressed. Which now in hindsight I realised that i was just damaging myself. Taking a small dose every day is the best course of action. Hope you find a solution

Tay99 profile image

Hi there Bakinggirl yes l had exactly the same always had good blood pressure the came along massive stress lost mom then dad sibling unrest,blah blahblood pressure shot up from 120/70 to 150/100 so put on 5mg rampril and every time now l get stress it goes up for a short time l eat healthy dont smoke or drink drives me made because l hate being on meds specially these some days they make me feel you,although l do need to exercise more maybe that's the key l dont know.

monotone profile image

Hi Bakinggirl, in the past, (around your age) whenever my blood pressure was taken it was always over 145/96. Like you it was due to stress. However, I wasn't put on any medication and I didn't pay much attention to it. Because I neglected it, ten years on I've developed angina and have been put on Amlopidine. Hypertension is dangerous and you're lucky that your GP has suggested a medication to lower your BP. Again, I have a family history of heart problem-my father died of a heart attack at the age of 49 and therefore, I have a higher risk of heart problems. Your GP is doing the right thing-I wish I had your GP!

SJ1000 profile image

Hey there! My situation is similar although I was diagnosed with high blood pressure at 50. I was 168/124. I worked a very physical active job, no smoking, ate a pretty ok diet, no smoking and not much alcohol. So now I take lisinopril and low dose aspirin and I’m about 110/90, (but even now I can still get into the 145/125 range). I feel much better in myself now my no is lower but stress is the thing that pushes my numbers up even now. I get anxious about all sorts of things, always have done, and it’s hard to change that, but for me, walking with my headphone on really helps focus on something else and reduce my stress. As we get older our blood vessels naturally harden and become less elastic, increasing our bp and for some like you and me that happens earlier than for others. The bp meds are a good way to get your numbers down in conjunction with more exercise (whatever works for you) and less salt in your diet. It’s a real shock when you find out but it will be ok. Just listen to the docs advice on how to reduce it and get a home bp monitor so you can track your improvement in bp over time. It’s great to see your numbers go down.

Fethiye21 profile image

Mine went through the roof each time I was in a stressful situation, ESPECÄ°ALLY at the Dr.s surgery but they concluded that I had labile blood pressure & White Coat Syndrome. Ä°f Ä° happened to see a new Dr., they would always be alarmed at my high reading ... often in excess of 150/110. I was encouraged to take a small dose of BP medication but, reassured that it reduced outside of the stressful situation, I declined. I wish that I had not refused because last December, I suffered a 100% Lad blockage Heart Attack. My Father had a stress/blood pressure related heart attack at 47. You're in good hands and being monitored but, do as is advised. I wish that I had.

Muso20 profile image

I had the same 'stress' experience and now take Losartan to keep my high blood pressure under control. Like you I don't drink or smoke and am pretty fit. I looked around but apart from breathing exercises and meditation there's no way around controlling high BP. That said taking a low dose of a drug isn't the end of the world.. I just don't like the idea but I'm stuck. I regret the stress period pushing my BP up but it was really my own fault for accepting it. So I do breathing exercises and meditation and my BP (with my tablets) is perfect.

CraftyGirl72 profile image

Having suffered unexpected Stress Related Heart Failure in 2018 at 45 I was poked, prodded and BP checked so much I thought I was a goner... readings at home were highish, at clinics/GP really high but I got so ill on so many of the heart drugs or BP meds I chose to stop and felt fine.Near end of 2019 I needed it checking to get kept on other meds, it rocketed every time it was taken... another foray in to checks and medication left me ill again. My GP ordered 24 hour monitor came back dead on 130/80 to amusement of nurse at clinic. A second 5 weeks later from a clinical trial (yes, I offered to have a surgical procedure to lower it as the drugs make me ill) came back pretty much perfect too, so much so that I failed the requirements for the High BP trial!

Concensus is I have White Coat Syndrome... no one disputes I have a stress issue which sets it high when triggered but its perfect when not, giving me lowering meds makes it too low which in turn is why I feel ill.

My suggestion is realise it is stress causing high readings, try and chill knowing this and you may find you get less scary readings. I actually talk to myself, cajole myself even laugh at what I do to myself but its just me, ultimately I have no power over it.

Stay strong and take care and try baking some cakes.... one of my relaxation tricks is heading to kitchen to lose myself.

Chicken26 profile image
Chicken26 in reply to CraftyGirl72

i experienced same to where i passed out driving cuz meds lowered bp too i tale metopolol as needed....hypothyroidism is reason for high bp..not always just stress....remember every cell in your body is affected by this disease...i had great health b4 hypo and not so much now plusci see best endo there is and my numbers ..all of them...are perfect..hes all natural and i take np to you

isobelhannah18 profile image

My B.P. was the same as yours for several years and my cholesterol was raised. Have you had your cholesterol done? I had eaten a Mediterranean diet, exercised daily and drank moderately for 30 years plus I had never smoked. No family history of heart disease. Because of this my G.P. didn't put me on medication and 2 years ago I had a heart attack. I would definitely take the medication.

Chicken26 profile image

i am 69..hypo at63...weigh 100 lbs..dont drink or smoke..walk dog every day BUT thyroid affects every cell in your the 300 things it affects and causes..i never had high blood pressure til hypo..i take metopolol as needed like if stressed...helps but dont need to take these dangerous drugs every day....good luck

Serendipidy3 profile image

Hi 😊I do all the right things diet etc, but have a raised BP 140-50/80, it’s only my systolic that rises, put on amlodipine the side effects were so bad after a month I stopped, my mother had stroke at 67 so I’m anxious, I’m trying omega 3 high dose apparently it helps lower the BP, crossing my fingers :)

Frootbat profile image

I find the 4 7 8 breathing technique helpful with lowering blood pressure and also with my arrhythmia. However I would advise not hesitating to take medication if it is advised. You must have a 24 ambulatory blood pressure measurement before such a decision is taken. I wish I had been put on meds sooner as I have recently learnt just how damaging hypertension is. I am now on Amodipine and have no side effects that I am aware of. Yes stress, genetics all take their toll but if it is consistently above normal, it has to be knocked on the head. I am now nagging my 46 year old son as he has my awful genes !!!

celtical profile image

Hi, I have had readings of say 140 over 100. I sit there and do some deep breathing and take it again a few minutes later. 120 over 90 and if I take it a third time even lower. So try at least two readings with deep breathing.

Bakinggirl profile image

Thank you every one for your kind replies. I’m having a 24 hour blood pressure reading which will arrive probably tomorrow or Saturday and will get results soon after. I’m going to do that before I start meds then the numbers can’t be questioned. Cholesterol was high last year but completely changed my diet and got it down to 3.7 so I didn’t have to go on statins. I don’t have salt either. I’ve been given 5mg amplodine but I’m worried because doc said that I have lowing blood pressure when relaxing so might make me dizzy or faint. I will start to take them and I think I try and convince myself that I’m the one whose going to escape , probs because mam is border line diabetic has very high cholesterol and has blood pressure with tablets 171/90 at present and this has been the case for years. She’s 87. I’m hoping to of inherited her longevity genes rather than my dads. I really appreciate all of your replies , thank you xx

etnas profile image

Hi My story is the same as yours, Good genes and a healthy lifestyle. However after spending time with my daughter following the sudden death of her husband and a routine GP visit it was discovered that my BP was raised and I was put on a 10mg pill. A few days later during the night I thought I'd had a minor heart attack. Visited GP the following day and my BP was 220/? Was in A&E for 11 hours every test imaginable. I have never had any symptoms chest pains and the like since . Doing lots of reading on the internet I came to the conclusion that my high BP was caused by elevated levels of Cortisol resulting from the stressful time I'd spent with my daughter. 4 years on and a frustrating time with lots of pills I've finally convinced our GP of this and I'm awaiting an appointment to see an Endocrinologist. I have an article entitled, ' If your BP meds don't work it could be hormonal' Do take the prescribed meds it's better to be safe than sorry!

Bakinggirl profile image
Bakinggirl in reply to etnas

That’s interesting about your cortisol levels. I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks through my life so maybe that’s playing a part for me too. Hope you get answers at your appointment. 😊

etnas profile image
etnas in reply to Bakinggirl

Hope that you get answers soon. I'll let you know what happens but earliest appointment mid June unless the get a cancelation.

Bakinggirl profile image
Bakinggirl in reply to etnas

Yes please etnas 😊

ledanee profile image

Sorry to hear about the stress you are dealing with. For no apparent reason that I know of, my blood pressure started increasing. I found a breathing exercise helpful in reducing it back to its normal levels. I use it throughout the day whenever I remember. At first, it took me 2-3 days before I started seeing results, and it's the same case now whenever I forget it for a few weeks and find the blood pressure inching up. I hope you can get similar results.

The exercise:

At your normal breathing intensity/speed (maybe difficult at the start, but you would relax to normal intensity once you get the hang of it), breath in for a count of 4 (1-4), and out for a count of 1-8. So your out-breath is double the length of your in-breath. I do it while cooking, reading, watching tv, and waiting to fall asleep. Ensure that you count evenly.

Bakinggirl profile image
Bakinggirl in reply to ledanee

Thank you so much I’ll give that a go. X

Bakinggirl profile image

Morning everyone. Thank you for all your replies from my post. I have the results for my 24 hour blood pressure check and I don’t have to take the meds. My average was 117/77. There were peaks but the consultant told me that this was normal for everyone depending on what they were doing during the day but it always goes back to the normal for me , so I’m relieved 😅. All your support about my worries at the time was greatly appreciated. X

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