So I have COVID, had it for about a week now. I was just wondering if anyone else has had it and how long it took before they felt back to normal. Because 7 days in and I still feel as awful as I did on day one.
COVID : So I have COVID, had it for... - British Heart Fou...
oh poor you james. just what you don’t need don’t have any helpful info for you but just wanted to let you know your in my prayers. hope you start to feel better soon. keep positive and you’ll be cracking jokes again. take care my friend❤️
Oh dear! I hope you begin to feel better soon and your recovery is uncomplicated!
I think it takes a different course with everyone but most of the people I know who've had it say it generally feels like a case of pneumonia and takes about as long to feel better (not recovered, just better) depending on how severe a case they've had and if they were able to stay out of hospital with it. The ones who were able to avoid hospital say from onset of symptoms to feeling 100% themselves took around 8 weeks to three months depending on how bad their case was.
Are you in hospital or at home isolating and nursing yourself? What did the medics tell you when your test came back positive?
Just recovering at home at the moment. So far my breathing has been ok apart from feeling short of breath climbing the stairs. My oxygen level did dip for a few days but has recovered now. I’m just coping with the other symptoms now like a raging temperature 🤒, headaches, loss of taste and smell and totally debilitating fatigue. Now you mention it having had pneumonia before it is very similar particularly the fatigue element. I’m due a call of the NHS soon to check if I’m ok and to see generally see how I’m getting on. I have tried getting a phone appointment with my GP but I’ve got more chance of tracking down Lord Lucan than speaking to him.

Were you prescribed any medications specific to fighting the virus or is it 'just' pain relief/anti-fever?
You have my total and complete sympathy and I will be praying you feel better and have a good recovery. Please keep us posted as to how you get on!
No just paracetamol & hot lemon and honey at the moment Sunnie, I really don’t fancy the idea of steroids, having said that if my breathing got worse then I most definitely would take them.

Sorry for. You hope u feel better plz let us know how you are but one thing I think would be best to buy is a oximeter that way you could check you 02 levels so doesn't go too low
Hi So sorry you have COVID
From what I have heard thay say if feeling no better or worse after 2 weeks call 111
however as you have been in contact and NHS aware I guess that's all you can do.
Do you have anyone to look after you?
Best Wishes

I can't add much to the great responses from everyone else.
I hope you feel better soon.
Time, rest and taking good care of yourself required.
It's a horrible illness.
Sorry to hear you've got this horrible virus. Can't offer any advice just wishing that you're soon back to normal.
Hope your health improves soon. Must be a terrible feeling Can’t offer any advice other than keep safe.
Good luck
It sounds like the NHS are in touch with you- from what I understand they are trying to monitor pts outside hospital and only bring you in if needed. Have they sent or do you have a pulse oximeter to measure your o2 levels? That should tell you/111 if you are deteriorating and need further help. Don’t try to wait it out. If you feel worse, call for help.
Beyond that, I believe that when you get into recovery you must not push it and really take things slowly. The fatigue seems to linger and pushing through doesn’t seem to help.
Hope you have a good support around you and can eat/drink good healthy food.
Wishing you a good recovery
Hi, I picked up covid around 2nd Jan and my wife got about 2 days after me. Im writing this from my bed and its 13:00hrs . The reason I'm still in bed is because the Covid has absolutely knocked the sh*t out of me. I have a very chesty cough and suffered badly from headaches. That said, I think I am now making slow progress. I now have an appetite back and I think my taste is returning. My wife is approx 2 says behind me and is still feeling exhausted and nauseous. I'd say ,if your lucky , expect to feel like shi*t for a good few weeks. Some people recover very quickly and some don't. The way I look at is , I'm very lucky to be recovering without medical intervention.
Stay strong and let it run its course, you will get there. Rest and drink loads . Good luck.
Thanks battle2020
Hi I had covid in October I would say about two weeks before you begin to feel better then maybe three to four for a full recovery but we are all different.It was the tiredness and aches and pains that got me.Found drinking loads and the paracetamol helped.Hope you feel better soon.
Hi, I had covid start of Oct. Started very mild and affected my stomach, I had strange twinges in chest almost like reflux related. I never had temp or a bad cough and my chest was clear but it felt sore somehow.
I got sinus pains and on around day 10 my sense of smell changed so things smelt nasty. I found the whole thing very anxiety provoking which probably made it 10 times worse.
I think it affected my energy levels for a good few weeks if not a month or 2. But it's hard to know if you have other health issues going on as I did.
Probably just gonna take longer but sounds like you over the worst. Drink plenty and make sure eating.
thinking of you and wishing you a good recovery. Frances
Sorry to hear you’ve got the dreaded virus. Different people are suffering different symptoms. My son in law had a cough for a couple of weeks and has been ok and back at work. My daughter has been poorly at home for three weeks with bad headaches, sore throat and bad back pains. She’s ok now but if she does too much she’s back to square one. The only treatment she has had is paracetamol and salt water mouth rinses but they’re working. She is an asthma sufferer but is coping ok. Take care.
I really hope you will feel better soon take care
My son and I are both suffering with Long Covid and now in month 10. We recovered from the initial infection after about a month. Thought we'd win the battle, but each relapsed around month 3. About 1 in 10 people, regardless of severity of initial infection are suffering Long Covid.Wearebodypolitic, LongCovidSOS are support groups for the hundreds of thousands striving to get numbers counted, medical recognition, funding and have the reality out there that it's not just life or death, but death or Long Covid or life.
Wishing you a full recovery! And suggesting you get familiar with Long Covid in order to do what's best to avoid it.