Historically I always had a resting pulse rate of 72 but since mid 2018 I've had a low pulse rate of around 50bpm when awake and 38-40 when asleep. An NSTEMI in 2019 followed by some really bad problems with tolerance to medications, mostly causing severe dizzy spells and near collapse but also frequent central radiating chest pain.
Working with my GP we've finally settled on a low dose statin and aspirin as my tolerance to everything is so low. I suffered repeated VT rhythm during a stress test in late 2019 and have since had frequent AF rhythm. I can't tell I have VT but I can feel the pulse shoot up with AF. Loop recordings show my "normal" heart rates are now 35-40 when asleep and 45-50 when awake.
I was admitted to hospital six times last year with AF and in October after a particularly bad AF episode given a beta blocker late in the evening. Heart rate dropped to 30 when asleep and barely above 40 when awake (though Covid regs were operating so no moving around). My cardiologist has all the data but wants to put me on a beta blocker which I'm not happy with. I feel my heart rate and a beta blocker are a bad combination, my history with meds is a nightmare and I live alone which probably doesn't help either.
Am I being over cautious or is it a justified concern?