For all those who responded to my post ( - I thank you all for your kind comments and support - the first month out of hospital has been exceedingly draining, and this post is attempting to explain why...
During my time in hospital I was involved in a daily battle between SALT, Stroke and Cardiology Physio's fighting to get me recovered for discharge - all of who 'demanded' I undertook a series of exercises to improve various aspects of my health, physical and emotional. The trouble is their requirements were in conflict with each other, and I was the piggy in the middle. This often led to me refusing one team or the others wishes for a day because i was too physically and/ or emotionally drained - which in turn brought about accusations of not trying hard enough.
Well, a month after discharge and I have found myself still fighting the same battles but with the home/ outreach versions of those teams.
A good example of the conflicts is the raising arms above the shoulders scenario. Cardiology say no, no, no - Stroke say as high and as often as possible. Stroke say get up and be active and push yourself to the limit, Cardiology say slow and steady, this is a long long recovery i'm undertaking.
The SALT team are only interested in helping to fix my mouth, speech and eating issues - but their exercises are also physically draining - let me assure you that eating food and talking takes a large amount of energy out of the body, so you can imagine the juggling i have to do with my daily supply of energy.
Thankfully, I am at home and can call more of the shots than in hospital, but none the less, it can still be tiring having to fight mixed messages - how is it so many people want the same thing for me but have opposing views and ideas on how to achieve it according to which part of my issues they are working on?
Example? The Stroke team have disacharged me and asked for feedback - imagine my shock when they didn't realise I shouldn't be raising my arms above my shoulders if I've had heart surgry?
I think that brings me to the purpose of this post... Do NOT just take what you are told at face value, come to forums like this and research your condition and situation thoroughly, otherwise you could end up worse off than when you started - and no one wwants to go back in to get their Sternum re-wired because of flawed exercise routines.
Oh, I deliberately left my GP out of this, I think they have enough on their plates without being dragged in to something that is very little of their making or managing.
Right, time to ring my heart clinic and get some issues sorted out.
Rant over!