Weight loss after surgery: Hello... - British Heart Fou...

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Weight loss after surgery

Pruedy profile image
31 Replies

Hello everyone, I'm new here so please bear with me... I was lucky enough to get my double heart bypass done in between covid surges - it was third time lucky mind you, and the second time was because a last minute emergency patient needed my ICU bed, I was all ready, gowned up etc. That was a disappointment. Anyway, my issue currently is that, 2 months after the op, I seem to be losing weight. I lost a few pounds immediately afterwards, but now my weight still seems to be going down. Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how long did it continue? Thanks for reading!

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Pruedy profile image
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31 Replies
Chappychap profile image

A lot of people report quite large weight loss in the months following major surgery. Lots of reasons, ranging from hospital food, drugs suppressing appetite, body burning up energy a sit repairs itself, etc.

Unless you're below the healthy BMI range I wouldn't worry.

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Chappychap

Thank you so much! That's a great relief to me. I was imagining I had some other major health problem! I can afford to lose a bit of weight but not much. Thanks again.

Telboi profile image

Hi Pruedy, congratulation on getting through your surgery, you are a Champion 👏👏

Did you change your diet after the surgery? I lost a stone after the op (12st to 11st) but it was because I got all healthy and curtailed my drinking. Three months in and I’ve put half stone back on, fallen into old habits), most in the last month.

I think you should maybe give it a little more time - another month, and eat more to build your body and strength up - your body has been through a huge trauma to get here.

If you still losing weight after that, def speak to the Doc.

Best Terry

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Telboi

Thanks Terry, that's very good of you to reply. I haven't changed my diet - have always been quite a healthy eater, that's why I was alarmed to see the weight loss. I'll wait for a while and hope it'll settle.

Baz51 profile image


I had my triple bypass end of march, and up to end of March I lost 10 kg, so it must me as others have said re the stress, food, drugs etc, now 8 months down the line now back on normal weight, so hang on in there, good luck

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Baz51

Thanks Baz, it's obviously quite common - funny how it doesn't get mentioned in the list of things that might follow a heart operation. I'm hoping to end up more or less the same weight, as you have.

Pollypuss profile image

I had big issues after my triple bypass because the medicines upset my stomach so much and I lost quite a bit of weight. In order to eat I had to take anti sickness pills and pills to stop me running to the loo. It was only when I went for my 3 month cardio check up that the cardiologist took me off everything apart from aspirin that I started to live again. A year later my stomach is still sensitive and I cannot eat yogurt or tea or have a glass of wine. On the good side I can’t tolerate junk food. I am very careful what I eat because I can’t tolerate statins and am now pretty fit

Thanksnhs profile image
Thanksnhs in reply to Pollypuss

Hi I am the opposite! I never ate junk food or anything sweet, now I am only eating it, sausages, fry ups cake ice cream, I can't taste proper food it's awful, trying to force myself and stop the rubbish, but being under 8 stone I can't afford to lose weight, it's the side effects from the meds hospital said, surgery was in July, I am hoping they can cut them down soon char

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Pollypuss

Thanks Pollypuss, sounds like you have had a hard time! I too had problems with the drugs - two kinds of diuretic totally disagreed with me, I couldn't keep any food down, had no appetite. I gave them up and was much better. I hope your system will gradually get back to normal so at least you can have a cuppa!

Wooodsie profile image

Hi Pruedy,

I had the same op at the same time as you (Sept 17th), more or less. I haven't lost any extra weight, I wish I had/could.

Call the Dr or rehab team and ask them, you don't have to see anybody these days. It's all done over the phone.


Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Wooodsie

Thanks for your reply - as you can see losing weight isn't that uncommon so I'll hang in there for a bit longer!

MountainGoat52 profile image

Hi Pruedy,

I had a heart attack rectified by stents in 2017. It changed my metabolic rate so much that I lost 1st in a week. A year later I had a triple bypass and a little more weight came off and it has remained stable for the past couple of years. I don't think that these occurrences are unusual.

As has been said, just monitor your weight and see where you are on the BMI scale. If you have concerns, then obviously refer the matter to your medical team.

All the best for your continued recovery.


Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to MountainGoat52

Thanks Gerald, that's reassuring. It's partly because it was unexpected that I was concerned, but I'm not so worried now, having heard from you and others.

Quintuplebypass profile image

Hello, like you i had my bypass between the lockdowns. I lost a stone but as i started at 12.5 stone I'm happy with that I have cut out alcohol and don't have taste for so much fried food, but i suspect the meds have some impact too. Am hoping to lose another stone to get to a healthy BMI by next summer. Wishing you all the best.


Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Quintuplebypass

Thanks for your message and good luck for the future.

cabbagex4 profile image


I lost 25 lbs after my quad bypass, 18 months ago and I have to fight to keep weight on. By that I mean I eat a lot and I’m constantly eating. I did change up my diet. Cut out most meat, fried foods and sugar. My cardiologist said “you look fine and feel good don’t worry about it”. I’m used to being heavier but I’m not worried about it so much anymore.

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to cabbagex4

Gosh, like you I feel a bit odd being so slim, and am hoping my appetite will come back fully so I can enjoy food and keep a healthy weight. Thanks for message.

Handel profile image

Hi Pruedy. I can only speak for my husband who lost one and a half stone following his quad bypass in November 2018.

I just remember him not fancying the foods he loved pre op! However, he still ate well. After 10 months, he started to put weight back on slowly. Our GP reckoned the stress on the body due to a major operation caused weight loss. He was on Furosemide (a water tablet) for quite a while and that too was blamed for weight loss.

Take care xxxxx

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Handel

Thank you Handel, I must say all these messages are very helpful and reassuring. Recovering from this op obviously takes longer than I was hoping!

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to Pruedy

I think it's early days yet as you're only a couple of months post op. I would guess you'll be feeling more like yourself around Christmas. A good excuse to binge on low fat mince pies!! (I doubt there's such a thing!!).

Take good care of yourself. I think you can see by the comments of other lovely folk on this forum that weight loss is a common feature. xxxx

Trog1 profile image

Hi there, so pleased do hear you finally got the surgery you needed and hope you feel much better. I was rushed into hospital on 27th April 2019 where it was discovered I had had an Nstemi heart attack due to a genetic disorder (which I had no idea I had) which meant I needed emergency heart bypass surgery. I had to wait in hospital for almost three weeks for my triple CABG and was in hospital for 27 days, during which time I lost 19 pounds in weight as I didn’t want to eat due I think to the condition and the shock and anxiety. I was told that once back on my feet I mustn’t put on weight in order to help my condition overall and I must make sure to exercise regularly and take my regular meds as advised. I thought that I would maintain my weight in that manner but over the next few months I continued to lose another stone in weight. The weight loss did gradually even out and I have kept most of it off but vary up and down by around 4lbs. I was a little concerned so mentioned it to my GP who wasn’t worried as I had carried too much weight before being ill. I’m still not sure why the weight continued to fall. However, I do now eat a much healthier, low sugar diet and take several medications so it could be something to do with that. However, I do think that if you’re concerned it might be worth speaking with your GP just to put your mind at rest. All the best and please keep us informed as to your progress.

Bev H

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to Trog1

Thanks Bev, gosh you did have a hard time, mine was nothing compared to yours. Glad things are going ok now!

Trog1 profile image
Trog1 in reply to Pruedy

I’m just happy to have found the problem and got it sorted. It was a total shock and very frightening at the time and we have since discovered that some of my family may have died from not knowing they had the condition. Also, as it doesn’t miss a generation we have also found that my niece has it and is now being treated so I just feel very lucky we have found out and got treated by our wonderful NHS. I do hope you are sorted out and feel happier soon.

Very best wishes

Bev H

rbaker0960 profile image

Hey there, yes I lost weight and was afraid to weigh myself every morning for the first couple of months, but that will go away in time!

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to rbaker0960

That's just how I was feeling but I'm comforted by all these lovely replies and have stopped worrying! Thank you for your message.

isobelhannah18 profile image

I lost weight after my heart attack. Initially it was the awful hospital food, but when I came home I'm fairly sure it was the anxiety. The main thing is that you eat healthy food.

Pruedy profile image
Pruedy in reply to isobelhannah18

Yes the food was awful, I was glad to get home and have a change from baked potatoes with cheese, which was the only meal I could face from the selection offered. Thanks to you also, along with all the others, it's great to know I'm in god company!

isobelhannah18 profile image
isobelhannah18 in reply to Pruedy

I was on the cardiology ward and nearly every meal contained cholesterol heavy cheese!!

Qualipop profile image

Not had surgery but after my HA I lost 2 stones over 18 months. Yes I did change my diet and I Know I ate less but when I developed gut problems the weight loss panicked my GP who sent me for scans thinking MI may have cancer. Completely clear of course but her panic didn't help my mental health at all. Sitting ere now with skirt falling off. I don't weigh myself so I didn't realise until I got my summer skirts out and they fell off.

Ianc2 profile image

Have a chat with a BANT registered nutritionist. You may find a new source of information useful.

cakesandbakes profile image

I had heart attack and stents in july since then I have lost 10 kg which has alarmed me.I eat like a horse but still canot put it back on .GP has done ct scan, bowel screen ,to rule things out but still can't put any on.Awful when people say gosh you have lost wgt! Dr thinks it's anxiety but it's a circle of worry especially living alone during covid.I can't seem to look at a set of scales.No rehab hasn't helped. Clutching at straws wondering if it's one of the tablets.

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