I am due to have 2 fillings next week but the prospect of having to lie almost flat is worrying me. This is because I feel dizzy when lying flat or turning over in bed. I thought it was because of my AF or BP. However, I read that it could be caused by an inner ear condition . I am OK when standing, walking etc. Does anyone else have experience of this and have any advice?
Dental treatment: I am due to have... - British Heart Fou...
Dental treatment

Yes I do, I have an inner ear problem which causes vertigo, every time I go to my dentist I tell her I can't go to flat yet she still puts the chair right back so my head is lower than the rest of me ! Having been a dental assistant myself for many years I know this isn't necessary, we used to treat patients sitting up if needs be ! I'll give her one more chance and if she still ignores me I'm walking 😕
Explain the situation to your dentist as soon as you get in there, they should be able to put the chair in a position you are comfortable with and the dentist can do the dental work. It’s not like the dentists can’t do the work with you sat up more, that used to be the normal position, so I suspect that having the patients lying flat is because it is easier for the dentist.
Yes I have the same problem but my dentist doesn’t put me back so far.
I have problems with breathing while lying flat.The last time I went to the dentist she said "If any problems raise your hand and I'll stop", I was made to feel very relaxed and fortunately didn't have any problems. Just tell the Dentist and I'm sure you'll be fine.
Good luck.
I don't have what you have but I have severe spinal issues and can't lay flat at all. My dentist always managed with he chair tilted half way. I'm sure they would adjust it to suit you. I have never laid flat.
Yes, tell your doctor, what you describe is not dissimilar to a tilt table test which is used to diagnose autonomic nervous system issues. The fact that you have AF is another indicator, since there is always some involvement in AF of the ANS