So, during the 8th week I have completed 3 of the BHF cardio rehab video classes (level 3) as well as walking for an 1hr + most days.
I've ended up getting a BP monitor but intend to only take readings once a week (unless I start to 'feel funny')
I've arranged a meeting with my boss and HR manager next week, after which I expect to be working, building the hours per week up from 50% over time.
Chest still feels like there's a sticking plaster on it most mornings, but that usually quickly wears off - in recent hot weather I did feel completely knackered after walking for 1.25 hours so that seems to be limit at moment.
This will be last regular update on here - two months post I can't be sure that I'm 'better than before' but I'm definitely not worse and on upward curve.
Some thoughts that you can take or leave (everyone's different:
- final week or so before op: If you read these boards and BHF site you're probably prepared enough. leave internet heart stuff alone as much as you can
- COVID procedure in hospital is 'just the way it is' now and any time you have to yourself that you'd otherwise be able to share with visitors is minimal. Surgery team will contact named person shortly after you/they leave theatre with update. Take long (3m) charger for phone tablet and you're sorted
- breathe as deep as you can and sit in chair/ walk as much as you feel can in 1st few days
- It is far preferable to use toilet than a commode once catheter is removed - the capacity of the commode was not enough! Luckily, at this point anything exiting is pretty much water.
- there is no pride/embarrassment in ITU/HDU - if you think you need help for even the smallest thing shout (it's what they do - the care staff will have seen it before and probably worse) and don't take much in the way of clothes/stuff. hospital gown and non-slip socks did me for all except last 36 hours.
- if not in private room, take earplugs. all patients are wired/tuned up to monitors that sound alarm if any of standard observations of Blood p ressure, Pulse, oxygenation and temperature fall or rise outside set limits. Unsurprisingly, since everyone on your ward is there because of some kind of serious heart condition these alarms go off seemingly all the time!!
- Make sure any music you listen too is not of the C&W/ballad nature - you will be very emotional and subject to mood swings. Anything other than upbeat positive music is likely to set you off!
Wishing you all well and enormous thanks to those who've helped me through messaging