These are the results:
Left main coronary artery - 0.
Left anterior descending coronary artery(LAD) - 102.
Left circumflex coronary artery (RCA) - 2.
Posterior descending artery (PDA) - 0.
Posterior Left ventricular branch artery (PLVB) - 0.
TOTAL 124 (moderate risk identified for coronary artery disease).
No cardiomegaly noted. Cardio-thoracic ratio is 12.6/26.
IMPRESSION: Coronary calcium score of 124 indicates moderate risk for atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.
How am I to read these results and what remedial steps do I need to take? I am 70, Indian, and taking oral meds for T2D, high BP and statins for cholesterol. I do little exercise, am retired, live alone with hardly any social life.