Hi all, just wanted some advice regarding driving. I had a HA a nearly 2 weeks ago and now have 1 stent in my right artery. I haven’t had a rehab appointment through as yet so still taking it easy. I would like any advice on when can I drive, do I need to tell my insurance and/or the DVLA before I get behind the wheel. If so, will this dramatically affect my premium. Thanks
Driving : Hi all, just wanted some... - British Heart Fou...

Hi. I remember leaving it 4 weeks after discharge from hospital before driving. I had 3 stents and subsequent heart failure diagnosis after my heart attack. No need to inform DVLA or your vehicle insurers. Only insurance implication now is your travel insurance once we can all travel again.
There is a lot of info on this subject out there, one of the best being bhf.org.uk/informationsuppo...

Hello and welcome to the forum! As said you do not have to inform the DVLA. The rules are that you cannot drive for at least four weeks and only after getting the OK from your GP or cardiologist. You do need to your insurance company so it is on record. Your premium should be unchanged.
I would personally speak with your consultant before driving and seeing what they recommend, I would not have thought that DVLA would suspend licence but insurance could be another issue if you didn't declare it, heaven forbid you have an accident you don't want added stress of insurance company not covering you has they hadn't been made aware of any changed in circumstance . In long run it is better to be up front now rather than getting stung later. Insurance company's don't like paying out best of time don't give them a reason not to
Hi all, many thanks for the advice, much appreciated
Hi I remember had stop driving for a month after having stents put in I personally told my insurance company and asked them to make a note of it on my record Didn’t cost me anymore premium
Different rules if you drive HGV's?
I remember my cardio nurse told me no driving for six weeks. It didn’t cost any extra insurance wise but they need to know. If you don’t tell them it can invalidate your insurance if there is an accident.
The DVLA website is the authoritative source on this, but it also needs reading carefully As there are subtle differences between medical conditions and between not driving, have to advise DVLA, having to give up your licence, etc
My husband had 4 stents and the surgeon told him he was ok to drive after a week.
I was advised no need to notify DVLA, but inform insurers. Phoned multiple insurers for vehicles I’m insured to drive and none were interested if DVLA weren’t notified. Was driving after 4 weeks.
Same as above, told my car insurer about my heart bypass and they didn't care nor did it effect the cost.
For your own peace of mind , inform the insurance company as a matter of course, because if you were to have an accident and have not declared a condition they might use it as an excuse not to fulfil their obligations , pretty much with everything related to this keep notes and copies for future reference.