From today's Daily Mail:
It is known the most successful way of putting type 2 diabetes into a remission state is to lose weight, with the Mediterranean diet or a low-carb diet being encouraged by doctors.
In 2019, approximately 463million people worldwide had diabetes, including 4.7million in the UK and 34.2million in the US.
The vast majority of cases (around 90 per cent) are type 2 diabetes, which is often triggered by being overweight, not exercising, and eating an unhealthy diet.
Professor Jeremy Pearson, the BHF organisation's associate medical director, said: 'This important study of nearly half a million people shows that BMI is a more vital risk factor for type 2 diabetes than we previously realised.
'When someone's BMI goes above their personal threshold, blood sugar levels increase, triggering the onset of type 2 diabetes, which can lead to damaged blood vessels and increased risk of developing heart and circulatory diseases.
'If you are overweight, making small, long-term changes to your lifestyle such as reducing portion sizes and being more physically active can help lower your BMI, which is good for your heart and blood vessels.'