Hi all as you know I am at home recovering from my transplant, which is going well at the moment, I had been trying to get my prescription sorted out at my gp as we all know how important the immunosuppressant drugs are, well I have just found out my gp has basically dumped me, they told my hospital they will not prescribe my lifesaving meds because they won't monitor them, even though the hospital assured them they would, so now after 54 years I have to find a sympathetic surgery that is willing to take me on, I imagine cost has a lot to do with it as well, I am so angry this is stress I can do without, has this happened to anyone else, or was I just unlucky char x
GP : Hi all as you know I am at home... - British Heart Fou...
Omg that’s absolutely awful. My GP’s the same, it’s like getting blood out of a stone getting them to prescribe anything on repeat.
I am so angry about it, and stressed having to phone round to see who will take me on, we only have another four practices in the town char
Oh my goodness that’s appalling, you couldn’t make it up. I realise your up here in Scotland, as you were in the Jubilee. There as got to be some recourse, you most certainly don’t need this stress, what’s your medical team saying?
To be honest I think they are a bit disgusted about the whole thing, but it has happened before she said,and there is nothing they can do if the gp refuses, apart from changing practice, I am enraged about the whole thing and stressed at trying to find somewhere that will take me char
I wonder if it’s something Nicola Sturgeon should be made aware of? How can you have a heart transplant then be unable to obtain the drugs you need to keep that new heart healthy, it just doesn’t make any sense to me. As you say the monitoring will be done by the Jubilee,
I am shocked beyond words.
What an awful situation to be in.
Can you get in contact with your MP and MSP?
The way NHS services are organised in Scotland are I gather different to the rest of the UK.
Meanwhile, is there any way the Jubilee can keep you in medications until you find a new surgery? Can they suggest a local to you cardiologist?
I'm beyond shocked your GP has taken this decision, it seems to me they have a duty of care. I would report them:
Hi I have the transplant clinic on Tuesday they will give me a prescription for all my meds until things get sorted out, which will hopefully be soon, char
What about a email to Jeane Freeman? She’s the minister of health, and the buck stops with her.
I might look into that once I have got everything sorted char
Personally and when you feel up to it I would get in touch will MP's but also the media. Things are changing fast and our health alas is no longer important to politicians. I'm in Scotland too and appalled at what I see and hear. Hope you get things sorted soon.
Shocking beyond words. You are so vulnerable at the moment. All I can do is repeatedly shake my head, which is no use you you at all!
Look after yourself x
Hi Thanksnhs,
I’m absolutely horrified by your situation. I really feel for you. I get my immunosuppressant drugs direct from my transplant centre via Alcura (home delivery service) and all other drugs are dictated by my transplant team but prescribed (on repeat, etc) by my GP.
Hopefully you’ll be able to talk to someone on your transplant care team about this on Tuesday & ask for their help or at least advice? Do you have anything like Healthwatch in Scotland?
Once you’ve found an alternative GP, and once you’re feeling up to it, it would be good to expose the uncaring treatment you’ve received from this practice! Perhaps the local press might be interested?
So sorry you’re having to go through this.
Take care
I would make a complaint. To dump you at this point is appalling. Here is a link if you decide to complain.
Thanks, I will look into it in the future, I don't quite feel up to it at the moment, mabe once everything is sorted out I will go into it char
Surely this cannot be right in a so called civilised society. I would be tempted to go straight to the National press myself. This is scandalous. I hope somehow things work out for you.
I am still upset about the whole thing, even if the doctor had taken time to give me a courtesy call to explain that they would not prescribe would have helped a bit, but to leave me keep phoning trying to sort things out was awful, my transplant nurse said it has happened before, some GP's just won't do it and there is nothing they can do about it, I am well rid of them with an attitude like that char
Just can’t believe it !!!
Lost for words to leave you without lifesaving meds and not caring its not real . When your feeling stronger please report them as they should be struck off !!!as they are not giving the care to patients that they have a duty to !!!
So sorry but feel so cross ,
Please take care xx
This sound shocking . I wonder what Prof Christian Barnard , who pioneered heart transplants would think of your situation
As others have said this is a shocking situation. I can understand you not wanting the stress at the moment to make a complaint. I hope you can sort out an alternative GP quickly. I hope when you are stronger that you will pursue the matter. It surely cannot be right in this day and age. You will have lots of support from this forum.
Time to kick arse, look forward to hearing it on First Ministers Questions !! Don't let them get away with it They are Public Servants Paid by us All
Contact - Richard Leonard
Contact. The Scottish Parliament. Edinburgh EH99 1SP. Telephone: 0131 348 6465. richard.leonard.msp@parliament.scot. Coatbridge Business Centre. 204 Main Street. Coatbridge. ML5 3RB Telephone: 01236 423555.
Contact Details - MSPs : Scottish Parliament
Ruth Davidson; Personal Information; Contact Details; Register of Interests; Search; Contact Details. M2.04 The Scottish Parliament Edinburgh EH99 1SP Telephone: 0131 348 6370. Email Ruth Davidson's Parliament Office. BSL calls welcome through: contactSCOTLAND-BSL. Please note fields marked with '*' are mandatory ; Name: * Address: * Postcode: * Email address: * Telephone number: Message .
Hands Face Space to Stay safe