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Suggestions for heart medicine likely causing excessive wind/gas?

ajpabc profile image
18 Replies

Hi everyone. I catch up on the 'Hearties' posts daily and was hoping someone may have had similar issues with heart medicines that cause excessive gas/wind to help me narrow down the likely culprit?

I had a HA due to an Lcx blockage with a stent placed in mid-May. Since then I have been having excessive wind which feels like a painful ball of air trapped in my lower and upper chest and much burping mimicking pre-HA symptoms.

The Cardiologist I recently spoke with (there have been many in Covid times) believes the heart is functioning well after a CT chemical rest/stress at St Barts, and says it is likely a medicinal cause and referred me back to my GP. My GP says they are unsure which drug is likely. I am hoping that I may be able to return to her with suggestions from other's experiences as it causes me daily moments of anxiety and stress due to symptoms similar to events leading to my MI. I will of course keep seeking answers from the hospital.

I am on:

Aspirin 75mg

Ticagrelor x 2 90mg

Atorvastatin 80mg

Ramipril 2.5mg

Bisoprolol 2.5mg

Lansoprazole 30mg

and Nyzamac 40mg to reduce constant angina.

Thanks for any replies in advance.

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ajpabc profile image
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18 Replies
Prada47 profile image


I read a post on here not long ago and someone posted they experienced wind problems and I think they had narrowed it down to Bisoprolol.

I will look to see if I can find it again.

Hands Face Space Stay Well

ajpabc profile image

Thanks for your reply Prada47. I will also have a search on the forum and google bisoprolol side effects.

Greenfarm profile image


I don’t think I’ve had any other problems with Bisoprolol other than body extremities being very cold and an almost constant drippy nose. I’m not even sure that the cold hands, feet, nose can be attributed to Bisoprolol but I am sure the drippy nose can be. I am on Apixaban and antivorstatin too. I am hesitant to ask for a replacement drug as it could have different side effects, though I may discuss it with my doctor one day. I am 77 and have AF and three leaking heart valves otherwise I’m ‘ fit as a fiddle’. Your problem does sound quite unpleasant so if I were you I’d discuss it with your GP and ask about switching to another medication. Good luck and I’m sorry I can’t be of more help.

ajpabc profile image
ajpabc in reply to Greenfarm

Thank you Greenfarm. It seems it will take time to narrow down the cause.

Hi ajpabc

Probably a good idea to Google side effects of every item in your drugs regime.

Brilinta, for example, lists these side effects:

Plus the possibility that such a long list might possibly produce an interaction between drugs?

ajpabc profile image

Thank you notstanleykubrick. I am working my way through all the listed side effects for each drug but have not yet found the one that stands out for what I am experiencing. I guess I just need more patience.

heartsonfire profile image

Is the aspirin you take soluble, or the coated protective ones that you usually have to buy. If it’s the soluble ones they may well be upsetting your tum.

ajpabc profile image
ajpabc in reply to heartsonfire

Hi heartsonfire, I am on soluble so I’ll ask my Gp about coated aspirin. Thank you.

GonnaGetBetter profile image

I was on Atorvastatin 80 mg and my dr switched me to Rosuvastatin 20 mg for this exact reason, painful gas at night after taking it.

ajpabc profile image

Thank you GonnaGetBetter. I think the Atorvastatin has been ok as I usually take it last at night. It seems to be the others I take in the day that start the stomach rolling. I’ll let my Gp know this info too.

hutch123 profile image

Yes I get wind moving all around my chest, sometimes in my shoulders and down my arms. Twice I have gone to A & E thinking it was my heart. Never burped so much in all my life (very unlady like) . I believe the culprit is aspirin and it causes me every now and then to have an unsettled tum. You should never take aspiring on an empty stomach, even you if you have a cuppa and a plain biscuit prior to taking it, it lines your stomach.

ajpabc profile image

Thank you hutch123. That's exactly what I have been experiencing, also into my throat and I went to A and E the first week after my stent with these HA-like pains. Of course, my heart checked out okay and I was released the following day. I have been taking aspirin after breakfast and I will now try the coated one (rather than the current dispersible) to see if it makes a difference.

gsw5700 profile image

I was burping lots before my HA, I haven't burped a lot since, but have been back to hospital with chest discomfort. It was caused by acid reflux. Dr has increased PPI (esomprazole) to 40mg and told me to take peptac if I feel like I'm getting acid. This seems to have worked for me.

When you take your PPI is important...


I take my esomprazole 10-20 mins before breakfast and dinner. This will help to stop aspirin causing acid.

If you are in any doubt, dial 999 and get an ECG

ajpabc profile image
ajpabc in reply to gsw5700

Thank you gsw5700. I have been taking my lansoprazole a half hour before breakfast. However, I will ask if an increase in mg might help. If I’m getting acid reflux, I am not feeling the burn, just experiencing the wind and discomfort in my chest which you pointed out.

gsw5700 profile image
gsw5700 in reply to ajpabc

You may not feel a burn, just a feeling of discomfort. Get some peptac and take it when you next get these symptoms to see if it eases up the symptoms

Lurganspur profile image


Just seen your post & I too suffer from a lot of wind & im on pretty much the same meds as you , I had HA in oct18 & then ICD put in in feb & from March the wind started it can come anytime of the day & usually just before it feels like I’ve just went over a hump back bridge really fast then would experience what I would describe as “spasms” in my stomach that lasts a few seconds before “wind” & belching, haven’t been to docs yet, did you get yours sorted ?

Cheers Mark

ajpabc profile image

***SOLUTION*** For me!

Thank you all for your help. In my case I stopped taking lansoprazole for two weeks which has stopped all trapped gas and also eliminated the daily diarrhoea I was getting. I will be speaking with my Gp to see if I need an alternative for stomach-lining protection as I take all my other heart meds including aspirin, though I have not had any gastric reflux since halting it.

I feel like a new person and have had zero symptoms that have mimicked pre heart attack issues, which has been a massive relief. Thanks again to a great group of people.

Mallowme profile image

I’m sorry I don’t know which drug could be causing your problem, a thought though, a few years ago I learnt I had a yeast intolerance and if I have anything with yeast and too much sugar near together my stomach is awful... it can be hard to spot as can take a day to ‘ferment’ . An example I can have bread or wine but then no puddings or sweet drinks, plums, grapes, mushrooms or any over ripe fruit are also a no no. Could this possibly be diet related, especially if u are eating differently.

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