So last Friday I got chest pains , they came and went all over the weekend , they did get worse when I exercised and also when I thought about it , it just right in the middle of my chest no where else , I booked a appointment with my GP for last Tuesday , but Monday night it got worse so I took myself to A&E , I had 2 ecgs and two lots of bloods , the first lot of bloods they said was high for the test for heart attack so they redone them and the second time they were happy , my ecgs and chest X-ray were all fine , so I was discharged .
My blood pressure is very high so when I spoke to my doctor on Tuesday she advised me to take a week of readings at home and then go from there .
Over the last few days it hasn’t been great , i did try to go swimming and could only manage and width before i got discomfort and i also got pain when walking the dog and had to get someone to bring me home .Also had pain yesterday when I was sitting in my hot tub .
I was hoping it might be anxiety, but I’m beginning to think it’s something more serious