5yrs ago I was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat which happened now & again. In Jan this year it was happening more frequently & I saw a consultant who said he noticed the artery in my neck was protruding & sent me for an ultrasound scan & I buy an EKG to take my own readings. I recorded several episodes which lasted for a few hours where I had thumping heart & also thumping in my tummy & neck. He rang & suggested when it’s happening to run up & downstairs!!!! I am on thyroxine & my pharmacist said my reading were too high & suggested I decrease my thyroxine which I’ve done. I went 12 days with little episodes I’ve just gone 16 days with just the odd little episodes but it happened again last night but not to the same degree as before. It has been suggested I go on bisoprolol 1.25 mg but I’m concerned as my heartbeat is only around 45bmp. Has anyone else had this thumping in neck & tummy lasting for a few hours. I’m worried as to what effect it’s having on my heart
Irregular heartbeat : 5yrs ago I was... - British Heart Fou...
Irregular heartbeat

Hi there,
I have Hashi’s and have recently discovered being hypothyroid and hyperthyroid can play havoc with your heart rate and tachycardia episodes.
You said a pharmacist suggested a lower dose of thyroxine? Only your gp or thyroid clinic should be advising on changes to dosage after a blood test.
If it was doctor advised, you will need your levels tested again 8 weeks after the change in dose as it takes a long time for thyroxine levels to increase or decrease. Therefore you may still experience episodes whilst your levels get within normal range.
My levels are normal now but I’m still experiencing occasional episodes and have been referred for further tests. I’m on Bisoprolol meantime as my doctor says it protects my heart until a firm diagnosis can be made. It sounds like you need to have a further discussion with your doctor regarding thyroid levels and Bisoprolol and I’m sure they will be happy to discuss any concerns you may have.
Good luck! X
Thank you for your reply. Yes the doctor agreed to reduce my thyroxine which I’ve been on for 6weeks. My worry is my low pulse & taking bisoprolol but I need to discuss this with him. Have you ever had thumping in your tummy and or neck as this goes on for hours & really frightens me. Thanks again
Ah that’s good you’re being monitored by your doctor. It can take a while to get your thyroxine dose right.
Yes I have had my tummy visibly bouncing in time with my heartbeat and it can be very unnerving. Definitely ask for a consult with your doctor as soon as possible to discuss your fears. I know I became quite anxious when it was first happening and this made things worse. Once your talk over your concerns about low pulse/episodes/Bisoprolol with your doctor I’m sure he will guide you to the best way forward.
All the best!