Hello , I have had a triple heart bypass 5 weeks ago , and I'm still not eating hardly anything, is this anything to worry about ? , Thank you
Appetite: Hello , I have had a triple... - British Heart Fou...

Why is that? Are you in pain? Depressed? Upset stomach?
5 weeks sounds a long time to me, but others who have had a bypass will be more use to you, I think!
I barely ate anything for the first couple of weeks after my bypass but after that my appitite slowly started to return.
Is it that your not hungry or that eating is making you feel sick or is painful? Might be worth talking to your GP or your cardio physio team (if you have contact given the Covid situation) as your body will be burning a lot of calories to repair the surgery damage.
Hi, following my HA 8 weeks ago l have been the same, my appetite has completely gone, l just had some porridge and couldn't finish it.What has happened to us is a great shock to the body, so l am hopeful it will return sometime soon, if your really concerned speak to cardiac nurse. I am not to concerned as I could do with losing a few more pounds to bring my weight down. Regards Paul
I was not eating much after my bypass surgery but when I started rehab and became more active my appetite slowly came back. Also I was on lanzoprazol which I stopped after talking to my GP it did not agree with me and I felt nauseous when taking. Stopping help maybe worth a chat with your GP
I had a triple bypass 2 years ago & I was the same, couldn’t eat.
Eventually after about 4 or 5 weeks I collapsed at home & was rushed by ambulance to hospital & was admitted to ICU. I had a very serious electrolyte imbalance.
Please speak ASAP to your GP & ask for a blood test to check your potassium, magnesium ect. That could be what the problem is.
I’m trying not to alarm you but I wouldn’t want anyone else to go through what I went through, I was in ICU for 2 weeks.
Electrolyte imbalance is one of the complications of Heart Bypass operations & it can be not too bad or very serious. My potassium levels were very low & the magnesium was low.
Hope you can sort it out.
Hello Roy, I had a quadruple bypass one year ago tomorrow as I write this reply. It took me a couple of months to regain an appetite. Apart from my sedate daily walk I wasn’t burning off calories like pre -operation. As my daily walks lengthened and I picked up pace so my appetite started to return. After 2 months I started my rehab classes which consisted of two sessions a week for eight weeks plus I started cycling again and my appetite was back to normal. One benefit of the loss of appetite was the loss of 10kg. Be patient it will return.