Hi everyone I ve been up most of the nite suffering from wot I think is very bad heartburn but in my head wondering if its heart related it's hard to tell and I m not one for bothering doctors silly I know but I m constantly belching and have a burning feeling in my chest up to my throat?? Anyone else suffer this
Heartburn or heart related? - British Heart Fou...
Heartburn or heart related?

Yes I have this a lot. Checked on here and with GP and all agreed that it was the medication. In my case most likely the aspirin. I changed how I take I now take after breakfast and I have a drink of milk
Thank u for replying it is worrying though is nt it after wot we ve all gone through I had a ha 15 mths ago 2 stents fitted and been feeling fab out walking etc all the time so I d be surprised if it was heart related as I ve done everything they told me too do and went to cardiac rehab which was great I may ri g and speak to doc about it thank u x
Hi Chrissydoll, I sympathise with you.
I had similar symptoms some time ago. Whilst heart problems can disguise themselves as heartburn etc, it doesn't necessarily mean you have heart problems.
Mine turned out to be a hiatus hernia, which does cause acid reflux and constant belching. However, I have since been diagnosed with heart disease, and I'm waiting for further tests to assess the extent.
I'm not saying you should dismiss the issue as heart related, but you do need to get it checked out. Sooner rather than later.
Good luck and keep us posted. 👍
Thank u ye I had a ha 15 mths ago 2 stents in so I get worked up wen I get Any sort of pain which is uderstandable I think but god its horrible wot did u take to relie e it x
My doctor gave me some meds for pain and reflux. It's still a problem, but I've learned to live with it. I also worry about it being my hernia or my heart now. I get all sorts of pains and sensations. I'm newly diagnosed, so I'm still coming to terms with it, trying to recognise different sensations. HD runs in my family, but unfortunately, no-one left alive to talk to about it.
If you've already had stents, have you spoken to your doctor yet?
In your case, I don't want to assume anything, or tell you something that it might not be.
I would certainly be getting it checked out,just to be sure.
Hi no I ve not spoken to the doctor yet regarding this but I m going to it s awful I m on omeprazole every day aspirin bisoprolol ramipril statins so not sure if any of these have an effect!!!
Hi there. I'm 9 weeks post HA and stent and few weeks back started getting the burning pain in my chest which was concerning as I had this for several weeks before my HA. My GP said she couldn't help me and I called my cardiologists Secretary even though my follow up appointment is the end of October. My cardiologist called me back and believes it to be heartburn. He's doubled my lansoprazole to 30mg and changing my tricagrelor to coplidogrel. I've not switched my blood thinners though yet as a query with the loading dose that I've been waiting for 2 weeks for an answer to, that's another story.
Hope you get yours sorted soon it's a horrible worrying feeling after what we've been through.