Is This normal ECG . I have just checked this today.
ECG checked today. Kindly help - British Heart Fou...
ECG checked today. Kindly help

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Hello and welcome to the forum! May I ask where this ECG was done? There seems to be diagnostics on the RHS. Where these input?
Thank you ,A lab near my home in india
Sorry my knowledge of ECGs is relatively limited. The reason I asked about where the ECG was done is that some people do their own with kit purchased off Amazon. Often the output is of limited value. The comments on the right hand side suggest some issues and I would think it best to talk the results over with your GP or other medical professional.
Normal disclaimer- the best person to ask is your Doctor.
However as milk fairy said on the right hand side their appears to be diagnostics. I have had these on my ECG previously and I know mine were accurate.
On the right side the ECG Reports:
Sinus Tachycardia:
This just means your heart rhythm is normal (the electrical activity) .However, your heart rate (beats per minute) is above the normal range (70-100bpm). This is not necessarily dangerous or abnormal. Sometimes normal everyday things such as being anxious or having viral infection can cause heart rate to rise. I could not be sure as the picture is not good enough but it appears to me your heart rate was 102bpm. That is really close to normal resting range and nothing to worry about.
Frequent Premature Ventricular Comtractions (PVC‘s);
These are a MINOR electrical disturbance and pretty much harmless. Most people have them and they are unaware of them. What they are is the heart ventricles contract before filling with blood. So add an extra „beat“. Unless they are problematic your doctor is likely to tell you this is normal. FYI I have had these for 10+ years.
The other diagnostics I would not know anything about- but the person performing the ECG would have known if more advice was necessary immeadiately

I agree with Michael you need to discuss your ECG results with a doctor.
The interpretation of an ECG is best left to an appropriately trained healthcare professional
Thank You
This ECG is a normal sinus rhythm with a heart rate of 85bpm (approx(can't see 'squares' clearly)). there is NO myocardial infarction in your lateral leads ie leads I, avl, v5 and v6. it has a normal axis. there is no ischaemia (lack of oxygen to the heart muscle).
The "interpretation' on the right is usually removed due to gross inaccuracy and scaring the pants out of patients!!!
This was interpreted by a Snr Nurse Paractioner specialising in Cardiology (also known as my brother).
Just to clarify the note on the right, this is generating by the computer, as stated they are usually removed due to there inaccuracies.
Thanks a lot
You're welcome, hopefully stop you worrying.
My brother did say you should keep this as it is normal, it is useful if you ever have another ECG for comparisons.
He also said you should tear off the comments on the right hand side.
I am really surprised that your brother who you say is a registered nurse would give advice in this way.
A healthcare professional can only interpret an ECG in the context of the whole clinical picture.
The Nursing and Midwifery Council NMC in the UK are very clear about professional responsibilities.
The community guidelines also say that we are a support group not an forum for giving medical advice or diagnosis. That's the responsibility of our doctors and nurses
He’s a an Advanced Nurse Practitioner in Cardiology who has merely interpreted an ECG, something he does on a daily basis whilst supervising/teaching Junior Drs.
There was no advice or diagnosis given as the ECG was normal.
I suggests he reads through the NMC code of conduct before offering his interpretation of an ECG on a heart support forum.
Just spoke to my brother, he did laugh.
He wonders, are you out of touch with modern day nursing in an acute hospital environment and the role of a advanced nurse practitioner in cardiology, retired or a community nurse.
This is not helping the poster so pm me if you have further comments.
Please read the BHF Healthunlocked community rules.
Yes we read the guidelines/rules, none of which appear to relate to a trained professional interpreting an ECG.
Other comments e.g. explaining the comments on the right hand side, are more worrying as these comments are normally ignored/removed as they are mostly incorrect.
Your comment "A healthcare professional can only interpret an ECG in the context of the whole clinical picture." is also totally wrong, my brother says he is frequently asked by Dr's to read an ECG, with no knowledge of the patient, he doesn't need to know as he is not making a diagnosis, simply interpreting the readings.
Thanks a lot
Everything looks good but I can't see a notch in the S wave to suggest old Myocardial Infarction. Too blurry.
Seems like fast sinus rhythm rather than tachycardia at 102 bpm.
I hope @Milkfairy approved your interpretation!
I was not giving advice but if general knowledge of ECG's is reserved for cardiologists only then he may have a point.
I agree, interpreting is not advice.
Thank You So much
I had an ECG it showed no problems but I had 3 heartery's blocked that only showed up on a stress test. you need to talk to a Doctor
If an ECG is normal then a stress ECG will not be done unless there are reasons to do so.
If only stress ECG's are useful then normal ECG's will become obsolete.
I have had a lot of 'normal' ECG's but was found to have blood supply problems in the right coronary area via a 'stress test' - waiting for another angiogram now. However, for the benefit of Sekhar441 I have had a lot of symptoms of breathlessness, chest pain, and ectopics/atrial ectopics - so I don't think this would apply to you. If the ECG is OK and you don't have worrying symptoms I'm guessing your heart is OK.
Havnt a clue mate.had loads done but don't understand them. Speak to tour doctor or email to him to.have a look ? Thats all i can suggest .Be positive mate
Hi shekhar I got a ecg at the end of June was it safe that's what worries me

A resting ECG is always done first. Depending on symptoms and the results a stress ECG may be carried out. The results of the resting ECG may preclude a stress ECG.
Hi all, please be careful when offering a diagnosis on the forum, medial advice should always come from a health professional.
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