I didn't get a letter listing me in the highest risk category. I am confused though - on the BHF site it says
How do I know if I fall into the "extremely vulnerable" group who need to stay at home for 12 weeks?
"Some heart patients are considered at extremely high risk of severe illness from coronavirus. You are classed as extremely vulnerable (most at risk) if:
...you are pregnant and have significant heart disease - defined by experts as any of the following: coronary heart disease (if you have symptoms), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (if it affects your heart function), thickening of the heart muscle (left ventricular hypertrophy) caused by high blood pressure, pulmonary arterial hypertension, a narrowed or leaking heart valve if this is moderate or severe, heart failure that affects your left ventricular function, significant congenital heart disease. "
Yet it also says on the same page
I don't fall into one of those groups: am I still at high risk from coronavirus?
Even if you are not at extremely high risk, you may still be at particularly high risk because of your heart condition if:
"Heart valve disease that is severe and associated with symptoms (such as if you regularly feel breathless, or you have symptoms from your heart valve problem despite medication, or if you are waiting for valve surgery). A heart murmur that does not cause you symptoms doesn't put you at high risk. "
I have moderate-severe aortic stenosis that will require a replacement valve. I am/was due a scan to assess for a TAVI so am I highest or higher risk??