New start: Hi I recently had a heart... - British Heart Fou...

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Balchy76 profile image
24 Replies

Hi I recently had a heart attack and am struggling to come to terms with it and how it is going to effect my life. It was a huge shock and I still can't quite believe it happened.

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Balchy76 profile image
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24 Replies
gibbo66 profile image

I felt exactly the same. It was a huge shock. But 8 weeks later and things seem better. I feel pretty fit and well. I can walk 3 miles non stop. Psychologically I feel ready to get on with the next stage of my life.

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to gibbo66

Thanks that makes me feel better i am sure ill get better soon but it only happened Friday so at the moment its all a bit unreal

Squash1961 profile image
Squash1961 in reply to Balchy76

Hi Balchy76

I had my HA 3 weeks ago and it will take time to come to terms with what happened, particularly if you were fit and it was totally unexpected, as was the case with me. You will probably go through all the stages of denial, anger (why me!) depression, anxiety, acceptance. I'm still pretty anxious (any slight twinge or ache worries me) but there is a lot of help out, this site is great! good luck

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to Squash1961

Thanks yes I am going through all of those things I don't want to talk to my family or girlfriend as they are understandably stressed enough already and I want to keep a positive outlook for them. It was completely unexpected and has knocked me a bit but I'm 4 days into recovery so small steps. Thanks for responding itsmuch appreciated

in reply to Balchy76

Hi Balchy, you don't look that old, so that must be you head is spinning. When I was 30 I had a stroke right down my right side, I thought why me, could not speak to my family as like you they where worried all the time. I thought my life was over, so a friend said what do you want to do, I said ride his motorbike, he got me on his bike and drove at 5 miles a hour, I felt alive. My family went made, but I felt alive again. And started to recover. I'm not go and do something mad like that, but do something that makes you feel back to you. My brother had a ha, he was like you and most people. I wont say what we did to get him out of his low, but the bhf helpline, they are great that you can chat to them. And it's great to be alive.

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to

Hi thanks so much its early yet but I'm gonna draw up a list of things I want to do and hopefully some of them I can raise some money for bhf.

Ps yes I have baby face for 44

in reply to Balchy76

Just remember to laugh. I always remember when I went to rehabilitation everyone was all over 70, they said your catch up and it's its true, I didn't think at the time. First thing on you list is laugh every morning. 🤣🤣

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to

Yes trying to keep brave face on it if only fir my family. But I'm gonna get there its just early yet I guess

in reply to Balchy76

You need to let them in especially your girlfriend, so when you feel sad or angry. You are the one that had the ha, yes there are wanting to wrap you in cotton wool, but letting them know so you don't have to put a brave face on. Pretend your a woman we wear our lifes on our sleeves 🤗

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to

Ha ha ha I did read a cosmopolitan mag in hospital

in reply to Balchy76

That is funny have a great day. Always here for one liners,

stillaboveground profile image
stillaboveground in reply to gibbo66

After the virus is over

Yorkie0 profile image

I’m 10 months on after my HA, I learnt to take things day by day early on, it can feel

slower than we’d like but looking back for me, progress has been made.

Things are different now, this is the new normal and I’m still able to work, exercise and enjoy life...

Do use this community and talk to others and be kind to yourself

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to Yorkie0

Thanks nice to hear there is light at end of the tunnel.

Yorkie0 profile image
Yorkie0 in reply to Balchy76

I had my HA when I was 44, actually on my birthday! I put on a brave face for my family at first, then was conscious that I wanted to understand how they felt and encourage them to talk to me about it all and me be more open with them. All in good time though...

Frenchbulldogsx profile image

Sorry to hear that, you are so young I was 51 when I had my first heart attack like you it came out of the blue.. I was fit healthy don't smoke, gluten free diet and not even a little tipple and to top it all I work with the community reablement team so rehabilitation was a bus man's holiday!

I was quite stressed at work which contributed but after an angiogram it turns out I take after my dad and have hereditary heart disease. So advanced that I needed a quadruple bypass.

I was absolutely devastated, scared, I felt alone and like I don't want to die I love my life and family. That was in 2017 I worked bloody hard but I managed to get back to work within 5 months, progress was slow but I got back to full fitness. Prescribed medication obviously, and then came the psychological damage.... I was now scarred from my sternum and left leg from top to bottom. And the what if it happens again and worry and memories of my hospital stay kept flooding back. But things evened out and I got back to normality then I had another in August last year had walked with the dogs a few miles from home when I just didn't feel right, I was thirsty and a sudden exhaustion hit me. Turns out one of the grafts had collapsed but I was managed on medication I now take Ticagrelor which is a blood thinner which took some getting used to. And back to rehabilitation I went... This time I thought it is only a mild heart attack and I can get back to it 🤔 oh no remember your heart is a muscle and mine just became damaged so I gradually built back my strength and stamina and I am back to full fitness although I now have angina on occasions and was given a nitrate spray just in case! Which sent my insecurity through the roof.

Did they say why that this happened? Did you have a angiogram? As there is usually an underlying problem.

Early days, rest but also do a little bit of exercise and build it gradually... Talk to your family and this forum. And go to rehab as is fantastic for building confidence and stamina even if you will be the youngest one there 😉. Always here for reassurance ❤️

Balchy76 profile image
Balchy76 in reply to Frenchbulldogsx

Thanks so much. Cholesterol and BP high i had clot flushed and had seen put in collapse artery. I am going to try and get to some counselling type sessions as at moment feeling bit down. But that will all take a while I guess due to this covid 19. But baby steps I'm sure ill get there.

Frenchbulldogsx profile image
Frenchbulldogsx in reply to Balchy76

Yes early days to be honest I have only just started counciling myself but over the phone so I'm not finding it helpful at all. This forum is very good

russino1 profile image

I’m nearly 6 weeks on from my HA. I’m 45 and it was totally out of the blue. 2 stents fitted

The first 3 weeks were mentally very tough. every ache or twinge caused me to panic and worry but things are improving and i don’t think about it as much now.

i now go for a decent walk every day and am upto about 4miles every other day. 2miles on other days. up some decent slopes to get heart rate up a little bit. !! :)

i still get the odd discomfort - usually if i’ve pushed mySelf too much.

My Dad has a HA at 56. hes 73 now and fitter than most 50 year olds! he does everything a non HA patient would do.

If in any doubt with aches and pains then call A&E. they are there to help. i did this twice in first 10 days after release from hospital.

good luck and all the best.

Frenchbulldogsx profile image
Frenchbulldogsx in reply to russino1

I'm following in my father's footsteps he was 54 when he had his heart attack and quadruple bypass I was 51.He is now 73 and fitter than most he does more than youngsters. I have inherited heart disease but look at my dad for inspiration ❤️

stillaboveground profile image

You are not understanding why you at the moment, mine was last May and I feel great now, it gets better every day. Take care good luck.

Nathan53 profile image

Hi Balchy - very early days for you and you sound very positive. Although rehab sessions probably won't happen for some time they maybe available for phone support. In meantime I found the attached info

Keep posting if you have any questions.

Kentborn profile image

I have always said that the emotional effects were harder to deal with than the physical. I had a heart attack 3 years ago and am really fit and healthy. You are obviously young, I was 58 which felt young to me! It is hard and tough emotionally and certainly life is not fair. But you will get there, it’s very early days now. Do share how you feel with close family and friends. Share on this forum, many have had similar experiences.

ali161 profile image

That must be quite a stressful time for you. I hope you feel better. What makes me feel a bit calmer when thinking of these things is that everyone is going to face health challenges at some point. It's inevitable. Some are less lucky regarding timing, but there is only so much we can do. My own diagnosis is under progress, it may be mild or very serious. It's ok to cry and it's ok feeling it's unfair. A twisted positive side is that you very quickly realize what things are important to you. I do know where I want to be in the next few years and my goal is to do these things. Trying to be good to myself in the meanwhile.

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