I was diagnosed with CHD mid Feb and told I needed an angiogram. I got a phone call today from the hospital saying they can do it this Friday. I'm ok with it, as I would assume the hospital would not put me at unnecessary risk. My daughters on the other hand, have told me not to go ahead with it because of the current Covid 19 risk. My daughter was going to be with me overnight but she is still in work and is scared she'll put me at risk. I'm so confused as what to do. I want to get the angiogram over with, so I know how bad the problem is and I dread to think how long it would be if I cancel. But now my daughters have worried me. Any suggestions please?
Angiogram on Friday: I was diagnosed... - British Heart Fou...
Angiogram on Friday

I doubt if there was high risk your hospital would invite you to have this procedure. They and rightly so putting a priority on your procedure. Find a way to attend I think better for your long term health
The hospital would not put you at risk by having the angiogram, and as you say putting it off could move you down the list. Phone the department and explain about your daughter is still working and nervous about staying with you overnight and maybe putting you at risk from the virus. See what they think, good luck let us know how you go.
Best wishes Pauline
The hospital must think it is safe for you to attend before they offered you the appointment. In the current climate, if you postpone the appointment it's difficult to know when you might be invited to another appointment. I'd be inclined to attend
Where better place to go than a hospital?
The need fot an Angiogram sirely outwieghs the chance you 'may' meet some one with Covid 19?
Also, you may be home on the same day for the angiogram, and you pretty much spend the day in isolation anyway after the procedure.
Thanks everyone for the reassurance. Just want it over with now so I can back home and relax
Hi Just-Wanna_Run
You need to check if your daughter can't stay with you overnight they may want to cancel you. I know the last time I had an Angiogram one guy had no one to stay overnight with him, so they kept him in overnight. If I remember correctly you should not be on your own for 24 hours after the procedure.
A Cath Lab is probably one of the Cleanest Places in a Hospital so don't worry on that score. I have an Echocardiogram for tomorrow which is still going ahead. I know it's not invasive but still face to face for a couple of hours in a Hospital which I am not really concerned over.
Stay Safe People
Go for it as the hospital will keep you safe, the operation is safe and painless and you'll be out same day with immediate benefits. The way things are going these operations will become rarer as beds are required for Covid patients.
I second what people are saying. My hospital have cancelled all clinics they deem non-essential, I'm sure other hospitals have done the same so they must think it is in your best interests to have the procedure. As others have said who knows when you'd get it done if you cancel.
I would definitely go. It must be necessary or they wouldn't want to do it. You could be putting yourself at risk if you DON'T attend as they may find a problem. Your daughter could stay with you but keep a distance from you at home if at all possible; it's only for 24 hours.
Hi I was due one today .. I called them yesterday morning and was told that it was still going ahead within 2hrs I had a phone call and they cancelled it.. I would check again if it's still going ahead
I think if there was any risk they would have cancelled my cardiologist and heart failure nurse cancelled my appointments if u r worried phone them to be reassured
I understand the reason why your daughter maybe anxious but please, please go and have the procedure done. They wouldn't be carrying out routine appts if they didn't feel they were necessary.
Your hospital has weighed up the risks. Go for it.
I have what you have and didnt find out till i had the heart attack but luckily im still here thankfully. So If you dont get it done you could have a heart attack at some point then you will have to go into hospital but if you need stents on friday then its done and should lower the risk of future heart attack. as its done through your wrist not open invasive surgery again lowers the risk ultimately go with your gut, they would not put you through it if there was any heightened risks due to covid19 look at it another way they have sent for you cause you need it. The surgery is a short one your awake through it and you stay in for 6 hours afterwards to let a compression dressing go down to allow the tiny opening to to close over as its an artery. You will be back home that evening. Take care
Hi ,
i got a phone call last fri 20th march to ask me to go in for angiogram on the 24th which was my birthday . i was the same very scared of going into hospital with this virus ,fortunately my hospital has only 6 people with the virus but at the other end of the hospital, but all nurse doctors were great constantly washing hands,social distancing ect was weird to see but after 30 mins or so i was very at ease that i was safe. this virus is spreading fast maybe it would be better to get it out of the way sooner rather than later? i would ask how many cases are in your hospital and decide from there?
I agree with prada47 , Although the virus does make it more worrying in relation to your isolation. Your daughters are right to be worried! The important matter here is you and your health, how are you effected by your CHD is it causing you a lot of discomfort?Can you put off the Angio for later in the year? You have to decide whats right for you and go for it.I know it feels worrying ,i have been there myself! Your health is paramount good luck
I would be worried too if and when going into hospital it's such a crazy situation at the moment. But it is a day case procedure and there are staff there doing their best to keep everyone safe. Corona patients will be in another area away from you. Maybe it depends how symptomatic you are but you have to treat the problem you have now.
Hi All. I had my angiogram on Friday. I'm lucky the hospital was very quiet. Cleaners were disinfecting everywhere and the CCU day ward only had 3 of us in it and we had an empty bed between each of us with the curtains pulled at the sides, so I felt very safe. Thank you everyone for your reassurances. The great news is that my main arteries are clear. I've been diagnosed with microvascular dysfunction and was told if I use the GTN spray before I exercise, I can get back to running. I'm on new meds, felodipine and rosuvastatin, although the felodipine is giving me really bad headaches. I don't know much about this condition but I'll be learning as much as I can over the coming days. Again, thank you everyone
Hi Just- Wanna-Run
The BHF has this information about microvascular dysfunction which is one ppsdible cause of microvascular angina.
It is good that your Cardiologist has recognised your condition however the it can take sometime to find the best combination of medication that will work best for you.
It is important to remain under the care of a Cardiologist for this reason.
Have you got a follow up appointment?
There is a related condition vasospastic angina which effects the larger coronary blood vessels.
Most people with ischaemia no obstructive coronary artery INOCA live with just microvascular angina, a small majority just vasospastic angina and some live with both.
I haven't got my follow up yet, they said theyll send it through the post. Thanks for the links
Just had a read of the links and really surprised at 'patients with microvascular angina are at risk of being admitted to hospital and even experiencing a heart attack'. I didnt get this impression from the cardiologist doing the angiogram. He basically said I don't have the heart attack disease, which I'm now thinking has given me a false sense of security. I'll contact my cardiologist about the felodipine headaches and maybe discuss this diagnosis with him
I know your post was 6 months ago, but I am in the same position now,and having an angiogram on thursday. I will phone them because not sure I will have anyone to stay the night.
When I spoke to the cardiologist, they were ok with me being on my own as long as I took extra care, rested and kept my mobile phone on hand to call for help if the would started to bleed. I agree that you should check with your cardiologist as they may have a different opinion. The procedure was fine, in fact it was really interesting to see it on the screen. Good luck with your angiogram and let us know how you get on

Unfortunately there is a lack of knowledge and understanding of the conditions.
There is growing research that shows that MVA and vasospastic angina are non obstructive coronary artery disease NOCAD with added risks of cardiac events.
The leading researchers in the UK into MVA and Vasospastic angina are Prof Colin Berry in Glasgow and
Prof Divaka Perera in St Thomas's hospital London.
There is a trial of a new possible drug treatment run by Prof Berry.
Ask your Cardiologist to contact either Profs for further advice .