Just had an email from Sainsburys saying the first hour in store on Thursday is for over 70s only and t hey will be prioritising their elderly customers to get online shopping slots. I'm sure others will soon follow suit. I couldn't get potatoes from Tesco- ludicrous
Supermarkets: Just had an email from... - British Heart Fou...

A number of our local shops are now having early opening hrs for the elderly & vulnerable. The sad thing is they can't police it, one of the stores said it was like a stampede yesterday and it's very likely the worst of shoppers were neither elderly or vulnerable!
I've been shopping online with Sainsbury's for about 20 years without any issues. Now just as I'm being told I should Social Distance, I'll have to start going to the shops as there are no delivery slots available thanks to the selfish people who are probably not old or vulnerable grabbing all the slots!
I have a slot for Saturday, beyond that there are currently no slots at all for the 3 weeks up to 7th April
Phonethem. They are going to prioritise slots for elderly and sick
Do they offer 'click and collect'? What a service that is - we talked to the ASDA near us (six miles, the nearest Sainsbury is over 30miles out) and were told to order and pay online, arrive to the drive-thru and a staffer will load it straight into the boot, bagged so we will have to pay for the bags but that seems a small price, considering.
I Justt ried to get a delivery from Morrisons- totally booked up for weeks. Managed one from Tesco for APril and that's the ONLY place I can get dog food from. NO one else stocks it so when I am forced to buy a month'[s worth I will be accused of hoardingf
Morrisons and Tesco both offer click and collect - not sure if you have to go in-store.
ASDA click and collect is drive-thru.
I order mine online from Zooplus,always a months supply at a time.Have a look.They deliver within 2 days usually.
It's one specific brand of canned food. I can get kibble anywhere just not Chappie. Really don't want to change it or she'll get a stomach upset
I don't know how to thank you. I just ordered 2 months worth. I was absolutely worried sick. I have enough for two weeks . We can manage for food and such but I didn't have a grocery delivery until into April. I discovered I even had an account with them. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
Not at all Qualipop,so glad you got sorted.It`s a good site isn`t it.
10 and 30 miles away, plus having retired I got the P45, my employer got the car back!
My husband had to watch his 'company car' be winched onto the transport when he retired. He was happy to see it go although he loved driving it - lol, the man didn't realise within two years he'd be a married man wanting a motor on the driveway.
I wasn't keen on driving when I retired home from the USA to the UK so not having a motor didn't seem a problem - bus, train, and the occasional hire car worked for us for a few years. But we bought a car (ok, don't laugh - a 2005 Citroen Picasso Xara) and so far it's been a real help. I only use the bus when he doesn't feel like an outing.
Well, I should say only used - it's going to be a long time before I get back on any public transport voluntarily.
I live in a suburban area with good train and excellent bus service (bus every 10 mins from down the road into Liverpool city centre) so have never really missed the a car. It's only just become problematic now that I can't get a food delivery! 😤
I've seen there are some people volunteering to do shops - do you know anyone with a car who might be willing to pick-up your click and collect? Click and collect means anyone picking up for you doesn't have to pay, they simply pick up your shop and bring it to you, and if the supermarket has drive-thru collection, they don't have to get out of the car until they're unloading at your home.
We live in a semi-detached. The couple in the other semi are also 'vulnerable' as he has MD - but we're both couples doing click and collect for neighbours without cars.
My husband is doing the first pick-up for a motorless neighbour tomorrow and yes, it's a request for help from the couple in the other semi.
He rang my husband yesterday and asked could we do the pick-up his wife accidentally agreed to do at a conflicting time at a different supermarket they're picking up for yet another neighbour (I hope that made sense!).
There are ways to cope, we just have to put our giant brains to work
Click and collect is probably the answer, but the click and collect (as does deliveries) comes from a store 10 miles away. There's actually a large Sainsbury's a mile away but doesn't do c and c. I can get someone to run me down there, but I'm trying not to go to these places! Catch22!!
Edit - just seen something saying they're going to significantly increase the number of stores with c and c from next Monday - here's hoping!
I read yesterday that the arriva buses on Merseyside are going to a Sunday service from next week, Russell so if you have to go out just check the times.
Hi Jean
Yes, and the trains I think are going to Sunday service as well.
Hope you're well. I managed 2 trips to CardioFit in the Concourse before all sessions were postponed!
That's what I'm finding everywhere. Sainsburys did say that next week they woudl be prioretising deliveries for elderly and disabled; still working out how to do it but since people have already booked I can't see that happening for a month. They need to shit down orders completely then just accept from their customer list.
That's true, but a lot of elderly and/or vulnerable people don't use the Internet and this may be the only option for them.