I’ve been waiting for over a year for cardiology appointment! HF & AF ..then when it comes ..slap bang in middle of holidays ( in Caribbean😉) I can ring appointments ( I’m Worcester NHS) and ask to get it changed ..but will they be able to give me a date for another Clinic or will they just cancel and send back to Cardiologist…?? Where I might get lost in the system or put at back of queue..I don’t want to lose my appointment..anyone done this..ie got date from appointments bureau/ department?? Happy new Year all
Waiting for appointment then comes wh... - British Heart Fou...
Waiting for appointment then comes when on holiday?

All you can do is to ring up the hospital and ask for a new date ASAP. My hospital is very sympathetic and I've usually been offered a new date that's within a week of the one I've had to cancel. If one doesn't show up twice without an appointment, that's when one gets passed back to the person who made the referral.
At this time of years I presume there are lots of cancellations, often at short notice, because there are several nasty bugs around. So Worcester may have some vacant slots.
Why would they cancel? Contact the the appointments team and say you are unable to make the appointment and ask for another date, and if you do it over the phone they will possibly give you another appointment date there and then. That's what I do.
This is always the case for so many things we wait for something but meanwhile when we have no idea when it will come we have to get on with our lifes and then of course when you have something so lovely like a Cruise booked that is when they can see you but they will have had people have to cancel before and when you explain the reasons they will totally understand and arrange or put you back on the list
As soon as they are open give them a call let them know straight away they will appreciate that so they can offer that appointment to someone else and then they will sort something else out for you
Let us know how you get on x
On December 23 I was due to have a heart monitor fitted for 48 hours. I couldn't face going into town to mingle with all the Christmas shoppers, and the hospital would have wanted it back ASAP for the next patient, meaning another depressing trip with all the Sales shoppers, so I rang up and was offered January 13. (It helped that I don't really think anything much will be detected.)
Contact your appointments team and explain and also say you will take a cancellation? You may be seen sooner
Hi it happened to me when I was in Spain, it was a clinic appointment they were fine about it and I only had to wait a couple of weeks for a new date. Char
It depends on the department and how busy they are. They will give you the earliest available appointment but if they don't happen to be able to see any available slots you will have to wait. You don't go back to the end of the list. I always have to change my ENT appointments and they usually take about 3 weeks. Like you been waiting over a year for Cardio.
sadly I cancelled my review with cardiac consultant- who I have not seen since I got my diagnosis of heart failure & dilated cardiomyopathy.. as I had appointment same time and day with breast cancer team . I was reassured I would get another one 20 weeks later still waiting and told no appointments available. Oh hum
dont muck about cancel the holiday and look after your health you can catch up with your holidays after
When i was admitted last Christmas I was told go home and wait for a year or more for treatment or stay here for a month and have the op I was in for 28 days and it does take time to recover but ok a year later
Usually you get an appointment within a month of the one being cancelled in my experience