Due to this Coronavirus fear and panic has hit most of us even if we don’t have symptons the constant media reminds us and makes us even fear to see anyone or go out even for a walk which personally makes my anxiety go worse and the thought of three months isolation makes it worse even my five year old granddaughter is abroad and starting to worry and cry about the virus I think it will start to affect all ages mentally and something should be done to prevent this and should try have positive attitudes to reassure people not to mk people’s situation worse
Panic : Due to this Coronavirus fear... - British Heart Fou...

I think it is a matter of staying calm using our common sense and not becoming obssessed with watching/reading about it. . If we are well we can go out for a walk? We just have to have a certain distance( 3 metres)between our selves and others as a precaution. Alot of the media is not true. We are free to move about within reason.The panic buying is so not necessary, we will not run out.
If all family members are well then we can mix as we have always done amongst ourselves for now.
Right now my youngest son is at school. My eldest looks after adults with complex needs and will be going to work as staff are self isolating and these people cannot look after themselves.
My mum is 73 with heart failure. I have 1&1/2 Lungs and a dodgy beat and I will be going to check up on her in a bit. I am at University(It is shut for now) If we are going to catch it we are going to catch it. At home, on holiday, at work. Life has to go on.. or else MH will go through the roof and there is no funding for that when it does..Fear is leading this and it is so not necessary.. Try and occupy yourself such as reading a book/baking/a bit of gardening/light exercise/Watch a film. Coping strategies are needed mine is a Jigsaw..Take care x
My grands (five of them ranging in age from 7 to 16yo) are worried - mostly for me. We Skype weekly (one set on Tuesday nights and the other set on Wednesday nights) and that has been helpful for all of us. They see Gran is 'still breathing ' (the 16yo is 'hilarious'), and I can speak with each one in turn to ease their fears for me, and for themselves and their parents.
What is 'interesting' to me is I've already been 'social distancing' for the past year owing to my acute flare of recurrent pericarditis. So, no real changes for me.
But now it's 'do this' from the Government, I woke up this morning with a nearly irresistible urge to put my 60s+bus pass to work and go for a jolly around my county! I very rarely use the bus (I am the biggest germaphobe on the planet and those buses are GermCentral).
Cabin Fever. I already have it and the only reason can be owing to the social distancing no longer really being a choice.
I'm not going to chance it, of course. I'm strong willed and can fight the urge to get out and about.
Like you have granddaughters mine in Australia, spoke to them this morning via FaceTime, they are worried about Nana and Papa here, but we are doing ok, don’t know if we will be still talking at the end of 3 months though! My son was busy giving me instructions our roles seem to have been reversed.
Eldest granddaughter hopes to start Medical School next February (as long as grades stay where they are) fingers crossed we might need all the medics in the future.
Too right we will need all the medics we can train - and all the best to your grand for great grades and a good placement!
Mine all live in the USA. The oldest is wavering between medicine (paternal grandfather - my late husband) and engineering (my side of the family, centuries long line of civil and mechanical engineers).
I want to be around to see which he decides on
Like you want to be around to see them all reach their full potential, I also have family in the States brother in St Louis an engineer or was before retirement and a nephew in Ohio, he’s a Gynaecologist, funny engineers and medicine go together. Son in Australia is a civil engineer and his daughter looking to do medicine, though her Mum is a micro biologist.
The Gynaecologist son is going to start an engineering degree this year at Cincinnati Uni. Again medicine and engineering!
I said just last night, I am utterly sick and tired and angry about the constant bombardment from the media. It just causes all this panic buying and dreadful anxiety. Just updates from the Government on advice should be all we hear not these constant lengthy discussions on what if and how bad it is in Italy. If the top health officials haven't a clue what to do, how can we decide? Just use common sense like you would with a bad flu outbreak and wash wash wash and avoid close contact and crowded places.