After thyroid removal I had heart failure and ended up on life support for two days. How will this affect my heart long term?
Long term effect of heart failure? - British Heart Fou...
Long term effect of heart failure?

Hi Maggie
Heart Failure is a very emotive term so what's your Ejection Fraction which is an indication of degree of Heart Failure.
Long term effects are difficult it all depends the degree of HF your Age and your Medication. Sorry can't help further
Hi Maggie, just make sure you have follow up monitoring of thyroid tests to make sure your levels are optimal. Sometimes people are left hypothyroid without adequate testing of TSH, ft3 and ft4 as well as vitamins and minerals, such as b12, vitamin D , magnesium , selenium.
As Prada says a lot depends on your circumstances. Heart failure isn't a helpful term, it's very alarmist. I was diagnosed with severe heart failure in October 2018. By December 2019 it had improved significantly with medication and a few fairly minor life style changes. My heart failure is now mild, with heart functioning just below the normal range. I hope it will get back within normal range in time, but who knows. So, it can improve with the right interventions.
Thank you both for your replies. All I was told was my heart failed when they were bringing me round after the operation and my lungs filled with fluid. I was put on life support for two days until my lungs cleared. I have no more information than that. I’m having more problems and wondered if there was a connection..
Hi MaggieRBM, I think a ring to the BHF nurses would help and as GracieOS and Prada47 say it's your ejection fraction that you need to know. The nhs is good at looking after us but they should give more information. It seems like a scary time for you ,with the correct information I'm sure you will feel better informed. X Sheena