Good morning, I would be so grateful for your comments, help and advise. I care for my 87 year old dad who has been diagnosed with Cardiac Insufficiency, he is currently in hospital recovering from a respiratory infection, he also on diuretics to get rid of excess fluid. My dad never wanted to go into hospital, he went because we put pressure on him. He was heavily sedated for a few days, and sent to intensive care due to respiratory decompensation. I am unable to get any proper information as to his current condition. I find him sedated and confused which is unlike my dad as he is a man with a sane mind. They told me that he is agitated and keeps leaving the bed side, and give lorazepam 2.5mg to keep him calm. Because his respiration decompensates when he takes lorazepam they are now giving him clozapine, anti psychotic drug. Help please I am so lost as this does not feel right. I just wanted my dad to get the necessary treatment for his heart condition and now I feel they are experimenting. Help please
Cardiac Insufficiency: Good morning, I... - British Heart Fou...
Cardiac Insufficiency

Hospital delirium is quite common, particularly in the elderly and in ICU
It's common to use medication to help control it, but if you feel your father is being over-medicated I suggest you ask for a meeting with the matron or his consultant to discuss your concerns. It's important to remember that they are doing their best to help - that you are partners, not antagonists, but you know your father best and you need to feel properly in the loop and have your concerns heard. If you don't get anywhere you can ask for help from the hospital PALS service.
It is possible that his agitation and leaving the bed is because he didn't want to go to hospital and is trying to go home!
As he gets better and hopefully returns to familiar surroundings the confusion should improve too.
It is very distressing for you to have this on top of your father's severe illness, and I do sympathise.