Happy New Year everyone, does anyone take Feroglobin capsules they are Iron and folic acid vitamin B12, was wondering if they help fatigue.
B12: Happy New Year everyone, does... - British Heart Fou...
I am taking Ferrous Fumerate for iron replacement. Many foods contain Folic acid ( Greens etc) and B12 ( meat sea food dairy etc) so if you eat a balanced diet you should be OK for Folic acid and B12. Iron is a hard thing to absorb by mouth but it can work if you are iron deficient. If you are iron level is low your blood can't carry as much O2 so you will feel tired. Ferritin levels are also important and play a role in blood oxygen carrying capabilities. It's quite complex and worth a bit of study!
EDIT: I forgot to say Feroglobin contains amongst others, Ferrous Fumerate and Ferrous Fumerate pills are very cheap.
Be sure to check with your cardiologist on the iron intake. Some heart conditions aren’t favorable to iron supplements.
Also be cautious of the purity of what the content of your tablets contain. Many are just made of fillers and very little of the B vitamin.
My husband has been taking folic acid and B12 for 20 years and it has helped greatly-he takes medical grade tablets
Do you take omeprazole (or one of the other PPIs) or metformin? Both of these can inhibit your body’s ability to extract B12 from food and absorb it. If you are on either of the medications then your doctor should be monitoring your b12 levels regularly.
Hello Janma123 I was taking esomeprazole the GP I am now seeing has taken me off them he said they interact with clopidogrel. Thanks for your help.
As well as HF, I also have pernicious anaemia. This means I can't absorb B12 either from food or tablets. I have a B12 injection every 4 weeks. So far I don't seem to have had the effect diminished by the other medications I am on.
Thanks for your reply happy new year