Well everybody we have got another year behind us we have had our ups and downs but we're still here so come midnight tuesday why not say out loud happy new year to us all and then think about us all as friends and remember even if we just want to moan about our health problems we have each other so we have got a few days to something to look forward to
New year : Well everybody we have got... - British Heart Fou...
New year

Yes i Agree Nanasboys. This year has seen me just from a cough. Require a Pacemaker due to slow heart rate. And also at the same time Diagnosed with C.O.P.D as well. So i am so glad to be still here. We have some great helpers and chatters in the groups here. Hope you have a Happy New Year.. Brian
I also have copd as well as other illnesses but like you we just get on with our life I laugh at my daughters sometimes if shes got a cold shes got man flu these days the young dont know what it's like to be poorly but it's good to know that we have us all to have a moan with and know that people care
So True Nanasboys. Plenty of great people in similar positions to us on here to chat and gain there experience of our ailments from . Take Care Brian
And even if none of us have never met we know there is always someone who will listen and try to help some families wont even do that and I'm talking through experience we could all say just keep talking the tablets lol
Brian this might make you laugh I think sometimes we get more help from the people who we share our worries through health unlocked then the people who are taking care of us and I don't know about you but they always seem to say I understand how the heck can they understand when their not suffering like we do and they always seem to tell us what we cant do I don't have a partner and my children only think of themselves but I do have a few really good friends and I have health unlocked my new years resolution I think will be to keep out of hospital and check health unlocked daily take care from nanasboys
We become like old fashened pen pals but txt pals we never meet but will always try and be at the end of our fingertips tip all I can say is roll on this time tomorrow night when I will be counting down to hopefully a healthy 2020 and I wish you the same
Agree with all you say Nanasboys. Sadly families are not like they used to be anymore. You usually only see them at funerals. And as you get older, The 1s you can relate to in your age group are getting fewer
Morning Brian you are right and like they say you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family if I could I would ask for a refund lol have 4 children 2 boys 2 girls daughter do see more by phone and that's her phoning me she has man flu with everything and best thing is she doesn't believe I have hf so getting a letter of heart nurse to prove a point 2mos cant come quick enough what are the best things your looking forward to in the new year apart from better health
Just following your chat together, so much I can identify with, especially missing lost friends as we get older.
But NewYear about to arrive, so I’m sending best wishes to you and everyone, let’s hope we have better health and better understanding from those close to us. Also for us to understand how our health affects them.
Sadly i think unless you have been through the illness and experienced it. It is hard to understand and Sympathise. And sadly some children forget the parents brought them up. And was always there for them always. Marigoldb
Your so right my children look at it this way I'm their mother and how ever they treat me I should just take it well I've got some good ideas for the new year that they may not like but I will lol