I want to get back to swimming again to increase my fitness & stamina , has anyone had any advice on swimming underwater as to your heart slowing due to holding your breath ?? Should it be avoided & will my pacing be affected?
Swimming: I want to get back to... - British Heart Fou...

The advice we were given at cardio rehab was to avoid swimming immediately after our incidents and to work up to it when we felt really confident. Something to do with exercising in a prone position putting more stress on the heart and the fact that the sensation of water over the body can mask a heart attack. We weren’t given any advice on under water swimming.
This is a leaflet I was given at cardio rehab today re swimming after heart attacks etc.
Hope this helps
acpicr.com › data › Page_Downloads › swimming
I discussed swimming too at my cardio rehab @stumpy47. The other problems was that the usual signs of exertion, sweat & body heat are masked by a relatively cool pool. Often we work harder than we realise when swimming. Take care.
Hi Stumpy47
Question is
Why would you want to Swim Underwater ?? The only Stroke you can do is Breaststroke and it is the same in Muscular Use on the Surface as it is Underwater !! You could try Freestyle but it's a little difficult Underwater as is Butterfly.
I've swam for years doing Breast Stroke, Front Crawl, Back stroke, including Diving & holding my Breath for a considerable time JUST FOR FUN!
Why would I not want to swim underwater & know how my Heart & PM will react, it's not the norm to hold your breath in any other circumstances! Thanks anyway.
Hi, I had an ablation for svt and I went swimming after about 2 weeks. I only swim breaststroke, reasonably leisurely (and not underwater). I didn't ask about swimming but I now go about 3 times a week, 30 mins a time. I see it as a way to get some exercise.
Admittedly your heart issues are worse than mine. I'd just say take it easy and don't push too hard.
I suppose it could be difficult to just start swimming if you’ve never done it regularly. It is known for a good all over cardiovascular exercise. I’ve had SVT fir few years an had AF end of May, I’ve always swum and have done since AF. I don’t race and do breast stroke but not the frog leg as have bad knee and back stroke, crawl. The important thing is to check with your cardiologist AND take it slow and easy.