Hello Hearties. For those of you who recall I was awaiting to see my consultant, I did but she couldn't figure out why my symptoms persisted even after using the GNT spray. So it was decided That I go for repeated tests and specifically a echocardiogram stress echo and then possibly a further angiogram within the next following days . . Great OK.
The day before my tests were due to start, DISASTER struck.
Whilst I was having an angina attack, I became dizzy and just fell, Slap, bang and flat on the floor !!
Immediately I knew this was bad news, indicated by the amount of pain that I had - it was excruciatingly painful.
It was 6am, still dark outside and I was stuck on the floor unable to move for over an an hour, my anxiety along with the damn angina and the pain of the fall just overwhelmed me - I thought I was going to die. I live alone in a pretty isolated area, I was really, genuinely scared.
Eventually and God only knows how, I managed to agonizingly slither myself along the floor to get my mobile, which thankfully was on a low coffee table, rather than a regular table that I wouldn't have been able to reach.
I called emergency services, and within 40 minutes or so, I was in A&E. X- Rayed and found shoulder broken in 2 places and 3 fractured ribs
As for the heart issues, they were checked after the X Rays ?? Yes, I know,I know . . But this is Malta remember π¦πππ
And yes, as i was still breathing they "assumed" I was OK, Maltese logic I guess . . . All I wanted was to get some pain relief, was this forthcoming ? - of course not, unless you call 2 paracetamols "pain relief" Hell no.
I spent the next 8 hours on a stretcher type gurney, in abject pain, basically pushed to the side and ignored, waiting to be seen by a orthopaedic surgeon. Finally I was seen and told told that I wasn't going to be put in plaster and the breaks would fuse back together with a sling and over the next 10 weeks - I'm like WHAT ???? 10 weeks ??
I was discharged with not a proper sling but with a narrow width piece of cheap foam. They call it the collar and cuff - I call it a disgrace . . .
So there i was discharged, with a prescription of paracetamol for one week . . . . I have no word's
So to suffice, all my booked cardio tests for the following day were cancelled. So heart wise I am no further ahead and until I significantly heal up, there is nothing else to be done.
I can bearly walk and the pain is off the chart - thank God I had some Tramadol squirreled away at home. It's not a 100% pain resolution but it helps a bit, I'm equalling out my hoard to last as long as possible.
On the bright side, all damage was on the left hand side, so I'm just about able to use my right hand to finger type.
I'm having some government help for personal care needs and a diabetic nurse twice a day. It's not great but I'll get by and time will pass, eventually . . .
So dear readers, the Cardio saga goes on . . .
N.B I just can't wait to be called back for my PHYSIOTHERAPY !!