Hi all, I am a 41yr old Mum of 2 teen boys and have been married for 21yrs. I was diagnosed with Dilated Cardiomyopathy and Myocarditis in March 2006, after a virus attacked my heart muscle 6 months previous. The scar tissue means I also have VT, AT, AF and thousands of PVCs per day. I am on several medications, have had 7 ablations and am currently on my 6th Implantable Loop Recorder. I became an Emergency Medic 2 years ago, as I cannot count the amount of times I have relied on Medics to help me out and so I felt that I wanted to give back. I do get very tired, achy muscles and TBH sometimes I feel awful, but I the feeling I get from helping others far outweighs at all.
Hello :): Hi all, I am a 41yr old Mum... - British Heart Fou...
Hello :)

Well done considering your health you have done really good and as you say you have seen both sides of the job
Proud of you
Your story is inspirational, thank you for sharing TDAC.
Well done you. The tiredness is a real downer, so next time it hits me I'll think of you. Enjoy your weekend. Jane
Well done!
Well done X
That is such an amazing thing to do. Instead of backing off from your concerns meeting them head on sounds inspirational. It would have been so easy to step back and say "poor me"
Great & inspiring
Fabulous outlook on life and very caring. You should become an inspirational speaker 👍👏😊
You are inspirational, helping others is obviously helping you and giving back to the community too. And looking fab at 41 also.
You're an inspiration xx
Wow you’re amazing!. PVC S absolutely terrify me, it’s lovely that you are helping others X
Brilliant and inspiring

Lovely to be able to read your positive story.
Thank you for sharing this with us all.
That’s amazing
Brilliant! Keep up the good work.
What an inspiring story. I needed to hear this tonight.
Wow, well done, a very positive story.
Wow! What a journey. Well done, very inspirational. Keep it up!
This link about Coensyme Q10 may be helpful as it has in my case cured my tiredness completely and reduced aching muscles and joints considerably.
What an inspiring story! I have hereditary hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, and can't imagine doing all you do with the symptoms that occur, and their effects on us!
And 6 devices, wow! I'm on my 2nd one since 2009.
When I need a boost, I'll just refer back to you!
Best wishes and wellness for you!
Well done u , hearing things like this really puts a smile on my face , your a inspiration ❤️👍⭐️Xx
Amazing! You're doing a fantastic job!! X
I've been meaning to reply to you for some weeks now, having left the tab open in my browser, and so now, belatedly, I'm coming to reply, finally! A long post to come, so please bear with me.....
First of all well done for returning the favour to others, having been a patient yourself so many times. Hat's off to you for that.......though not sure what or why you wanted to post a photo of you too?
Anyway, what I was going to say, is that the day I went in for surgery apparently, I too had some virus (unspecified, but suspected endocarditis? - a potentially fatal condition) which led to my left ventricle being 'severely' dilated. So even now, having had a mitral valve tissue replacement, the leaflets are far apart, and the valve itself was leaky. They were planning on another operation to 'plug' it, via insertion into a vein in the groin.
HOWEVER (whether or not you believe this depends on how open-minded you are) I had a group of spiritual folk doing distance healing (and it is proven by the way, with hundreds/thousands of studies to verify this....... science slowly catching up) and the next echocardiogram I had done showed it had almost healed, and was only mild. WOW! So no operation necessary; and in fact many cardiologists (in private) acknowledge 'spontaneous healing', or 'spontaneous remission' as they prefer to refer to it as. Well it's not 'spontaneous'! It doesn't just happen. The body, being a superb survivor, can heal itself, and often does, if you are positive and believe it will. The placebo effect isn't 'in the mind' but a reality and can be measured in brain scans, both when healers send healing, and the patients receive it.
My ejection fraction before surgery was 40%, and considered 'severe'. But post op it had dropped to 29%. That was worrying enough, but NOW, incredibly, it's dropped to 5-10%!!!! The doctors and senior nurses were 'astonished' that I was still upright, let alone not in cardiac arrest.
I can prove what I'm saying with the letter I had from the hospital, but I doubt I'd be able to post here. But nevertheless I'm a 'walking miracle'. They just could NOT understand how I look so healthy, with plenty of colour in my cheeks, very active, and that in addition to the 30min daily walks, that I play badminton! Yes I play badminton, and competitively to boot. I can play 4-5, or even 6 games, back to back. HOW is this possible just dumbfounds the medics.
Very fortunately I'm on a PK (Paleo-Ketogenic) diet, which I was on 6mths before my op. But now I'm sticking to the treatment protocol given from my private, integrative doctor's advice. I'm SO pleased I have her support, as otherwise I'd be on medication...........no, I'm not on ANY medication. It's all through a strict diet regime AND supplements, as given by one of the world's top cardiologists, Dr Stephen Sinatra.
I was also informed that in fact blood circulation is ONLY 60% provided by the heart, and the other 40% by the blood vessels and cells themselves. Conventional doctors are likely unaware of this, much as I appreciate they are doing their best for the patients.
Like you, I have had ablations, but they haven't helped. However, if I followed the hospital doctor's advice I'd stop playing badminton. He also said the heart ejection fraction would NOT improve without prescription drugs; but equally it wouldn't get 'worse' if I keep up the 30min daily walks. Something wholly wrong with this! If the heart muscle won't get weaker if mildly exercising, BUT won't get stronger with MORE exercise, then that's just plain hogwash. There are LOADS or articles from reputable sources on the Net giving advice of how to strengthen the heart after a heart attack or surgery. Who is he trying to kid?
I take magnesium (critical for good heart rhythm!), L-carnitine, niacinamide and D-ribose. These are what Dr Sinatra calls 'the awesome foursome', as he's had over a 90% success rate in raising ejection fraction considerably through these alone, NOT prescription drugs. There are long-term adverse reactions and consequences when taking prescription drugs, so when alternatives are available, that don't have such nasty downsides, it makes sense to take them instead.
Anyway, I'm writing a book about this incredible health journey, and miraculous outcome so far. The purpose of this is to provide hope and inspiration to others, and that you do not have to follow the conventional route. It's not a snub to the doctors and medical profession, but rather acknowledgment that there isn't only one way to good health. I shall of course keep records and tabs on actual outcomes, and how and when I did what, in order to best record things.
I wish you well, and do keep up the positive mindset. That is so crucial to staying well; and my gratitude to you for sharing your story, I hope you too find some inspiration in my wellness journey so far
Keep up the good work, and follow your heart, so to speak